Dear Congregant,
We are excited to announce that we are bringing you a brand new course (that’s been receive rave reviews around the country!) entitled The Prosperity Plus Program.
This 10-week interactive program, taught by best-selling author Mary Morrissey and Karen Joyce, will teach you how to unlock and harness the Universal Laws of Prosperity to create more abundance in all areas of your life – especially financially.
I’m consistently impressed by the results that happen for congregants as a result of taking this course and putting these principles to use in their life.
It’s incredibly powerful!
The Prosperity Plus Program is a catalyst for greater self-awareness, deeper spiritual practice, more meaningful relationships, financial increase, and a stronger self-esteem.
During This 10-Week Prosperity Plus Course You Will Learn…
- What wealthy people have always known, and how to embed it in your own life
- The dangerous mindsets that silently sabotages most people's success
- The principles prosperous people use that secures their ongoing and increasing success
- A proven method for dissolving any resistance you may have to prosperity so you can attract higher levels of results and abundance
- Simple, actionable steps that will bring you financial results immediately
- The one thing you must give up in order to realize your dream
- The laws that govern the Law of Compensation and how to put them to work for you
- And much, much more!
If you’d like to amplify your ability to receive more “good” in your life, then this course is definitely for you.
The program will be starting soon, so simply click here to learn more and get registered.
Here’s To More Abundance & Prosperity in Your Life,
P.S. Here’s what others are saying that have already taken the course:
I felt so inspired! I learned so much for this program that as soon as it ended, I immediately signed up again. I had a huge breakthrough. I’ve been working on a project for over 20 years. This course gave me what I needed to finally finished the project and bring my dream to the world.
Jay Gaysee
Ojai, CA
I want to take this opportunity to share with you how I have changed my life since I took the Prosperity Plus course.
One month after taking the course I created and received a promotion at work that gives me challenging responsibilities in a different department. Plus an increase of salary $12,000.00 plus!That gives me peace of mind to do what I really love doing with my skills and talents with out concern for my basic financial needs.
And, most important! My relationships with my children are now HARMONIOUS and I am so very grateful! When I began Prosperity Plus our relationships were difficult.....And I am so very grateful.
Thank you! This course has made a huge difference in my life and it is only the beginning!!!! I have my whole life to look forward to.
~Anna Rubio
Click here to learn more: [LINK]