47 Pine Hill
Centreville, AL 35042
MINISTER: Leonard Chance
(205) 926-7706
(205) 717-1960
Buy the Truth and Sell it Not
Buy the Truth and sell it not. The Truth is not given! You have to buy it! The Truth doesn’t just fall out of Heaven on you; you have to buy the Truth! Buy the Truth and sell it not! When you buy the truth you must also buy Wisdom, Understanding and Instructions. These are all things, which must be bought.
PROVERBS 23:23—Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.
“Also Wisdom,” sounds to me like you have to buy Wisdom too, and Instruction, and Understanding. Did you not know it is going to cost you to get to Heaven? It’s going to cost you to get to Heaven! The Truth is not just handed to you without effort. Sometimes you’ll see in your Work with God that you have to take Instructions but it must be the right Instructions: You also need Wisdom with the Holy Ghost. In revealing the Word of God you’ll learn to be Wise in the Lord. To learn this Wisdom you have to also buy Instruction and Understanding.
A Born Again person who does not grow in the Grace of God through Wisdom, Instructions, and Understanding is Spiritually retarded. Buy the Truth! Also Wisdom, take Instructions, the right ones! If you got Wisdom you’ll know the right one from the wrong one. The Understanding, that means you do that you understand and hold firmly to the hand of a God that is Wise, give Instructions, teaches Understanding, and you got to sell off the world to obtain the Wisdom of God, you got to buy the Truth.
A lot of people going to Church today do not have the Truth, the Wisdom, or the Understanding because they don’t like instructions! That’s the key to disappointment. I don’t like anybody telling me what I got to do to go to Heaven. Did you not know your road to Hell is wide open and Free!
You have to buy the Truth! You have to learn what’s Wise and what’s foolish! You have to take Instructions from the right source! The Holy Ghost is sent into this world to feed The Church of God of Prophecy, which Christ purchased with His own blood! He is not just somebody, He is a God to teach you His Word and His Instructions, we must learn to follow and then we will gain Understanding!
The Church of God of Prophecy is the Wall of the Lord! The Church of God of Prophecy IS the Wall of the Lord! Ole Amos got a look at the Wall he could see the Wall.
AMOS 7:7—Thus he shewed me: and, behold, the Lord stood upon a wall made by a plumbline, with a plumbline in his hand.
“Thus He showed me,” here is a man wise enough to see more than just the Wall. Here is a man that’s given instructions and here is a man that has understanding. “And behold, the Lord stood upon a Wall,” but Ole Amos saw more than the Wall and the Lord. His eyes were upon a plumbline. “The Lord stood upon a Wall made by a plumbline.” He saw that the Wall wasn’t crooked, wasn’t twisted, didn’t wander here, didn’t wander there, and didn’t forget what it was or who built it and who laid the Foundation! This isn’t the House of Israel; this is The Church of God of the Bible! There is but one Wall and there is but one Plumbline and there is but one Christ, that’s Wisdom!
AMOS 7:8—And the Lord said unto me, Amos, what seest thou? And I said, A plumbline. Then said the Lord, Behold, I will set a plumbline in the midst of my people Israel: I will not again pass by them any more:
“And the Lord said; Amos, what seest thou?” I see a Wall, I see you and you have something in your hand. Ole Amos didn’t strut. He saw what he saw and he called it as he saw it. “What seeth thou?” One day we will all have to answer that same question. If you buy the Truth then don’t sell it! Don’t sell Salvation out for a little bit of flesh! “Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding!” Get grounded and rooted! “Then said the Lord, Behold, I will set a plumbline in the midst of my people Israel,” He’s talking about Israel. I’m going to set this plumbline in the midst of my people Israel and “I will not again pass by them any more.” I’m going to lay down the law! They walk by this plumbline and if you fail to walk by this same plumbline then will I say, “Give me my price. Sell me then!” They sold the King of Glory. But He still stands on the Wall and that Wall is The Church of the living God! They paid no heed to His warning.
He laid down the plumbline before the feet of Israel. He spent thirty-three years in this old world and money-exchanged hands. You can buy and you can sell Salvation and you can also come up as Judas did! Never able to enjoy your wealth that’s not what I want you to see here at the moment.
I want you to see that Jesus was born in Israel, the King of the Jews. He set that plumbline at their feet! They failed to walk by that plumbline! They didn’t want anything He had to offer! They paid no heed to the Words He had to say! Praise God! He turned and He built The Church of God! He laid this plumbline. That Wall is straight. That Wall is the House of God! It is the Temple of God! It was the Early Church and now it is the Latter Day Reign. It is the same Wall that He laid by a plumbline!
There is no deviation away from the Holy Word of God given to the Body of Christ to Preach and Teach and to keep the Commandments of the Lord! Keep the right Spirit of God, not just some spirit but keep the True Spirit of God! “Amos, what seeth thou? And I said, I see a plumbline.” I see Him standing on a Wall all right but his primary concern was the plumbline. That should be our concern, walk by this plumbline, Israel failed.
If you sell out this Truth, this Vision of the Body of Christ, The Church of God of Prophecy, what will it cost you? What will you get for your soul’s Salvation? Ole Ezekiel, he saw the Lord. He also had to deal with the Wall.
EZEKIEL 8:2—Then I beheld, and lo a likeness as the appearance of fire: from the appearance of his loins even downward, fire; and from his lions even upward, as the appearance of brightness, as the colour of amber.
Ole Ezekiel is talking about the Lord, the Almighty, the Saviour. From the loins down with fire and from the loins up with brightness, one side of Him was bright and the other side amber. The Lord took him to the Wall, same Wall but this time it isn’t Amos it’s ole Ezekiel. One day it isn’t going to be somebody else; it’s going to be you!
EZEKIEL 8:8-16—Then he said unto me, Son of man, dig now in the wall: and when I had digged in the wall, behold a door. And he said unto me, Go in, and behold the wicked abominations that they do here. So I went in and saw; and behold every form of creeping things, and abominable beasts, and all the idols of the house of Israel, pourtrayed upon the wall round about.
And there stood before them seventy men of the ancients of the house of Israel, and in the midst of them stood Jaazaniah the son of Shaphan, with every man his censer in his hand; and a thick cloud of incense went up. Then he said unto me, Son of man, hast thou seen what the ancients of the house of Israel do in the dark, every man in the chambers of his imagery?
For they say, The Lord seeth us not; the Lord hath forsaken the earth. He said also unto me, Turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations that they do. Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the Lord’s house which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz. Then he said unto me, Hast thou seen this, O son of man?
Turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations than these. And he brought me into the inner court of the Lord’s house, and, behold, at the door of the temple of the Lord, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the temple of the Lord, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east.
This God, this Saviour, this Truth, it will cost us. You pay a price for it. You have to give up all the flesh. You have to turn away from every sin! You may have to leave your extra wife or husband! You must sell out to the flesh and buy this Truth! BUY THE TRUTH! It’s going to cost you.
Jesus Christ is the man that is talking to ole Ezekiel here and He said; “Son of man, dig now in the wall.” That’s right dig into this Doctrine! Find out what’s on the inside! What is the Truth? You have to dig into this thing! After all it is your Eternal Soul. I’ve heard some say, “But I know the way, I’ve always been raised,” BUY THE TRUTH!
Somebody asked me recently, “Whom are you preaching against?” Nobody. I’m preaching for God and The Church of God of Prophecy! I’m not preaching against anybody. Anybody can go to Heaven or Hell, it’s their choose! My job is to preach this Wall, this Salvation, this Doctrine of The Church of God of Prophecy that Jesus Christ purchased with His own blood!
The Truth is what you buy, also Wisdom. Learn to take the right Instructions and then you’ll cling to Understanding! The Lord commanded Ole Ezekiel; “dig now into the Wall!” Dig into this thing! So many people today are mixed up on the Doctrine of The Church of God of Prophecy; but I say dig into the Truth of it!
Ole Ezekiel went to digging and in a little while he found the Door to the House of God, to the Temple of the Lord, the Wall! I’ve already told you the Wall is the Last Days Church of God of Prophecy! It was the Early Church and now you’re on program for the Latter Day Reign. It’s time for you to dig into the Wall, into The Church of God of Prophecy! You don’t have to sell your Soul to anybody! Stay with what is True! This ole Doctrine came out of the Fields of the Wood in the Last Days! You’ve heard of it all of your life! Dig into it, stay with this!
Ole Ezekiel began to dig and behold, a Door, he was commanded go in Son of man and see what they do here. Ole Ezekiel went in and the Lord went with him, talking to him. The Holy Ghost will talk to you if you will allow Him! The Holy Ghost will tell you what’s going on if you will listen! Israel paid a price for the Saviour. He laid this plumbline down at the Foundation of the Early Church and also to the Latter Day Church, which we are! The same plumbline He laid down by the Apostles, He also laid down for the Last Days Ministry to perfect The Church of God of Prophecy.
The Lord went in with ole Ezekiel and the Lord said; See here, Son of man, see what’s portrayed around the Wall? See what’s going on here? Look at all this abominating, evil works; see how it’s portrayed upon the Wall! Sometime back there come a man that said, “Take the benches in the church and turn them to face the wall, away from the pulpit, put your gleaner band songs on the wall, sing gleaner band songs. What happened to the Spiritual songs and hymns in our songbook? Are we children that we can be led so easily away from the Spiritual understanding of the Word and Truth?
The Lord is showing ole Ezekiel here, see the abominations that are displayed on the Wall? You think this is something? He said, come on, I’ll show you greater abominations than these! Here is the man that had the plumbline in His hand. Showing not the Righteousness of the Wall but the wickedness that had penetrated it!
Here are seventy men of the ancients of the House of Israel, they have censer in their hands and they’re burning incense to idols! Seventy strong! Incense went up, that’s supposed to be prayers. What good were the prayers when all of their abominations were on display? You see this Son of man; there are greater abominations than this. All of them, seventy strong, the Ancients of the House of Israel, people that come up out of the ole Fields of the Wood.
This Doctrine come up out of the Fields of the Wood, it was found on June 13, 1903, and that ole Wall that God laid down, that same Church of God Doctrine that many still remember from many years ago. They know that it still exist and will fight to keep their feet under the True Table of Salvation. You have Wisdom if you do this!
“Son of man, hast thou seen this?” Let me show you more abominations then this! There sat women, I can hear it now, “Now don’t get on that, now don’t start that! God wants me to feel free!” You need to read the fourteenth verse. Let me tell you something, if I, being stone blind, can read these verses of Scripture to you and preach this Doctrine to you, it is plain that the Holy Ghost has come down to talk to you! He is my reader, by His eyes do I read His Words and by His Spirit do I speak.
Some say that The Church of God Of Prophecy has lost a lot in these last few years. No, The Church of God of Prophecy hasn’t lost anything. Many people in it gave up, gave out and changed! The Church of God of Prophecy, the Body of Christ, is still Righteous and She’s still Holy! She is still His Bride and He’s coming for Her. Nobody is going to destroy the Doctrine of The Church of God of Prophecy in this day or any other day!
Somebody said, “What if The Church of God of Prophecy merges with somebody else?” The Church of God of Prophecy is not going to merge with anybody! If you’re thinking and hoping for this you might as well quit hoping. Jesus promised us that “the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it” and He meant what He said! He is still the Chief Cornerstone! He’s still standing on the Wall with the plumbline and He’s still showing off the Saints of God!
He took this ole Prophet through the Temple of the Lord and now we come to the Women. You know one thing, there is but one man that ever lived in this world that will never be judged! That man is Jesus Christ! Only one man is going to be standing on the other side of the Throne of God.