James C. WitteDepartment of Sociology
Brackett Hall
Clemson University
Clemson, SC 29631 /
Associate ProfessorTelephone 864/656-3816
Fax 864/656-1252
field of study
Beloit College, Beloit Wisconsin / B.A. / 1979 / Sociology & GovernmentUniversity of Wisconsin—Madison / M.P.A / 1981 / Public Administration
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA / Ph.D. / 1991 / Sociology
Carolina Population Center
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill / Postdoctoral
fellow / 1991-92 / Demography
professional experience
Associate Professor and Co-Director of the Clemson University Telephone Survey Lab. 2001 -.
Assistant Professor and Co-Director of the Clemson University Telephone Survey Lab. 1999- 2001.
Assistant Professor, Northwestern University. 1994-99
Lecturer, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 1993 - 1994.
Research Consultant, United States Bureau of the Census . 1989–1991.
Research Assistant, Montgomery County (MD) Public Schools. 1989–1991.
Research Associate, Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Berlin, Germany. 1986–1988.
publications closely related to proposed project
“Does the Internet Increase Social Capital?” in B. Wellman and C Haythornthwaite (eds): Internet in Everyday Life, [forthcoming] (Barry Wellman, Anabel Quan Haase, James Witte and Keith Hampton.)
“Technological & Methodological Innovation in Survey Instruments: The Future of Polling.” 2002. (James Witte and Phillip Howard). In: Navigating Public Opinion. Oxford University Press. (ed. Fay Cook and Jeff Manza)
“Does the Internet Multiply, Decrease, or Increase Social Capital? Networks, Participation, and Commitment Online and Offline.” 2001. American Behavioral Scientist, vol. 45(3): 436-455. (Barry Wellman, Anabel Quan Haase, James Witte and Keith Hampton.
“Academics Online: A Sociology of Scholarship and the Internet.” 2000. The World and I, vol 15(5), pp 289-303.
“Method and Representation in Internet-Based Survey Tools: Mobility, Community, and Cultural Identity in Survey2000. 2000. Social Science Computing Review, vol. 18 (2) (James C. Witte, Lisa M. Amoroso, and Philip E. N. Howard ) pp. 179-195.
other publications
" Toward a Longitudinal, Multi-Dimensional Class Model.” 2001. Vierteljahresheft zur Wirtschaftsforschung (Economic Research Quarterly), vol. 70(2)2, pp. 187-202.
"Youth Employment in the US and Germany: The Mechanics of Restructuring." [forthcoming] Vierteljahresheft zur Wirtschaftsforschung.
“German Active Labor Market Policies: The Use of Job Creation and Training Programs Following Unification.” In: Empirische Forschung und wirtschaftspolitische Beratung—Festschrift fr Hans-Jrgen Krupp zum 65. Geburtstag, Reihe Wirtschaftswissenschaften, H.P. Galler and G. Wagner (eds.). Band 38, CAMPUS-Verlag, Frankfurt and New York: 1998. (J.Witte and L.Amoroso).
“The Economics of Fatherhood: A Comparative Analysis of Men in East and West Germany”. 1997. Vierteljahresheft zur Wirtschaftsforschung Vol. 66 (1): pp. 111-17. (J.Witte and G.Wagner).
"Residential Mobility of One-Person Households in the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany." 1989. Vierteljahresheft zur Wirtschaftsforschung 58(1/2):60-78.(J Witte and H.Lahmann).
Member, National Institutes of Health Social Sciences, Nursing, Epidemiology and Methods (SNEM5) Study Section, 1999-
Expert Witness Services, US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 1997–
Principal Investigator for Survey2000, National Geographic Society and Northwestern University,1997-99
collaborators in the last 48 months
Lisa Amoroso, Northwestern University
Felix Büchel, Technical University, Berlin
Keith Hampton, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Philip Howard, Northwestern University
Anabel Quan Haase, University of Toronto
Gert Wagner, Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Berlin, Germany
Barry Wellman, University of Toronto
witte graduate and postgraduate advisor
Aage Sørensen, Annemette Sørensen, Peter Marsden, Arne Kalleberg
Roy P. PargasDepartment of Computer Science
407 Edwards Hall
Clemson University
Clemson, SC 29634-0974 /
Associate ProfessorTelephone 864/656-5855
Fax 864/656-0132
field of study
Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines / B.S. / 1971 / MathematicsUniversity of North Carolina-Chapel Hill / M.S. / 1981 / Computer Science
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill / Ph.D. / 1982 / Computer Science
professional experience
Associate Professor of Computer Science, Clemson University 1987-
Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Clemson University 1982-1987
Research Assistant, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 1980-1982.
Teaching Assistant, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 1975-1980.
Instructor of Mathematics, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines 1972-1975
publications in PREPARATION closely related to proposed project
“Database Design for Online Surveys” [in preparation] (Roy P. Pargas, James C. Witte, Kowshik Jaganathan, John. S. Davis ).
“Implementing Skip Patterns in an Online Survey” [in preparation] (Roy P. Pargas, James C. Witte, Kowshik Jaganathan, John. S. Davis ).
“Analysis of IP Address Spread in an Online Survey” [in preparation] (Roy P. Pargas, James C. Witte).
“Development of an Authoring Tool for Online Surveys” [in preparation] (Roy P. Pargas, James C. Witte, Laura K. Brand, Cathy S. Hochrine).
“Multiprocessing,” C.J. Fleckenstein, H. Gill, D. Hemmendinger, C. McCreary, J.D. McGregor, R. P. Pargas, A. M. Riehl, V. Wallentine, Advances in Computers: 35, pp. 255-324, Academic Press (1992).
"Decision Support for Balanced Inventory Flow Replenishment System at Retail Sites", Jack Peck, Chris Jarvis, Bill Kernodle, Steve Davis, and Roy Pargas, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, vol. 12, no. 6, 95-97 (2000).
“Test Data Generation Using Genetic Algorithms,” Journal of Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 263-282 (December 1999) (R. P. Pargas, M. J. Harrold, R. Peck)
"Decision Support for a Balanced Inventory Flow Replenishment System," International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 77-80 (1998) (J. Peck, B. Kernodle, S. Davis, R. Pargas)
1. “Soldier Fullbody Scanning and Analysis”, U.S. Army TACOM, Co-Principal Investigator (with B. Malloy, D. Stevenson, D. Jacobs, J. McGregor, R. Geist, G. Fadel), $463,136 (1996-1999)
2. “Automating Information Extraction from 3D Scan Data”, Defense Logistics Agency, Principal Investigator, $142,000 (1996-1997)
3. “3DM: A Tool for Automated Clothing Design”, Tom and Linda Platt, Inc., New York, N.Y., Principal Investigator, $13,000 (1999-2000)
4. "Enhancing Computer Science Faculty Member's Knowledge of the Lab Approach to Teaching Computer Science," National Science Foundation, Co-Principal Investigator (with J. McGregor), $71,013 (1994)
5. "Enhancing Computer Science Faculty Member's Knowledge of the Lab Approach to Teaching Computer Science," National Science Foundation, $59,386 (served as consultant; J. McGregor, PI) (1993)
6. "Automated Size Prediction for Try-On of U.S. Army Men's Initial Issue Dress Uniform," Defense Logistics Agency, Co-Principal Investigator (with N. Staples and S. Davis) $151,388 (1993-1994)
7. "Look Ahead Simulation of Shop Floor Operations," Defense Logistics Agency, Co-Principal Investigator, $483,023 (with J.C. Peck) (1988-1989)
8. "Towards the Development of a Parallel Computation Research Laboratory," Intel Corporation Equipment Grant, Co-Principal Investigator (with A. J. Turner) $130,000 (1989)
9. "Investigations into Multiprocessor System Design Issues," NCR Corporation, Co-Principal Investigator (with A. W. Madison and J. M. Westall, Jr.) $159,820 (1988)
10. "Mapping and Partitioning Large Problems onto a Hypercube," Clemson University Research Initiative Program in Discrete Mathematics and Computational Analysis, Principal Investigator, $5,331 (1987)
11. "SAGE/FPST - A Hypercube Algorithm Design Tool," Floating Point Systems, Inc., Beaverton, OR, Co-Principal Investigator (with K. R. Allen) $20,000 (1985)
12. "SAGE: A Systolic Array Generating Engine", Lockheed Electronics Company, Inc. Plainfield, NJ, Co-Principal Investigator (with K. R. Allen) $10,000, (1986)
Collaborators in the last 48 months
William Kernodle, John C. Peck, John McGregor, John S. Davis, Christine W. Jarvis, Mary Jean Harrold, Nancy Staples
Pargas graduate advisor
Gyula A. Magó, Donald F. Stanat
Department of Management, Clemson University, SC 29634-1305, 864-656-3768;
U.S. Military Academy Conc. Engineering B.S., 1965.
University of Southern California Computer Science M.S., 1973.
Boston University Business Administration M.S., 1979.
Georgia Institute of Technology Information and Computer Science Ph.D., 1984.
1985 - Clemson University, Assistant/Associate Professor, Professor of Management (MIS), Joint appointment in the Dept of Computer Science.
1979 - 1985 Army Institute for Research in Mgt. Information and Computer Sciences.
1965 - 1979 U.S. Army service; incl. computer center mgr., faculty of USMA, West Point, N.Y.
Manying Qiu and J.S. Davis (in press, 2002), "Database security: mechanisms and implementations", Issues in Information Systems.
Davis, J.S. (1996) “Teaching a client/server course to business graduate students.” The Journal of Computer Information Systems, Vol. 37, No. 1, 42-45.
Davis, J.S., (1995) “A guessing measure of program comprehension, “International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Vol. 42, 245-263.
Udo, G. and Davis, J.S. (1992) “A comparative analysis of dss user-friendliness and effectiveness,” International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 12, No. 3, 209-223.
Davis, J.S. and LeBlanc, R. (1988) “A study of the applicability of complexity measures,” IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 9, 1366-1372.
Pargas, R., Jarvis, C., Davis, J., Peck, J., Kernodle, B. and Luo, W. (2001), “DSS improves supply chain operations,” Issues in Information Systems, Vol. II, 357-363.
Luo, W., Davis, J. and Peck, J. (2001) “Timing control in discrete event simulation,” IIE Solutions, Vol. 33, No. 5, 32-36.
Davis, J.S. and Kanet, J.J. (1997) “Production scheduling: an interactive graphical approach.” The Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 38, No. 2, 155-163.
Leonhard, C. and Davis, J.S., (1995) “A job shop model for software development for organizations with multiple projects,” IEEE Software, Vol. 12, (2), March, 86-92.
Davis, J.S., (1990) “Effect of modularity on maintainability of rule- based systems,” International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, Vol. 32, 439-447.
Led development of new Master’s in Electronic Commerce program. Developed new graduate course in Electronic Commerce Web Site Development. Served on organizing committees: Regional ACM Conference, First IEEE Conference on Data Engineering, First/Second Symposium on Empirical Foundations of Information and Software Science. Served as technical advisor to Ada Transition Planning Group that established U.S. Army policy for adoption of Ada language for management information system applications. Served as Army representative on working group for software measurement in the Department of Defense initiative, “Software Technology for Adaptable, Reliable Systems.” Participated in following multi-disciplinary funded projects.
NSF, $198,573, 2000-2002, "Scalable Enterprise Systems: Scalable Information Framework for the Extended Business Enterprise.”
Dept. of Defense, $153,000, 1992-1994, “Automated Garment Size Prediction” (co-PI).
Defense Logistics Agency, $537,591, 1988-1991, “Production Planning System” (co-PI).
NSF, $35,341, 1989-1991, “Rsrch Opportunities in Software Measurement&Evaluation”
NSF, $40,000, 1988-1989, to establish “Research Experiences for Undergraduates” site.
NSF, $30,000, 1987-1988, “Rsrch Opportunities in Software Measurement&Evaluation”
4 Clemson University grants totaling $33,500.
PI for major tasks of contracts awarded to Clemson Apparel Research:
South Carolina Manufacturing Extension Partnership (SCMEP), $15,000, 1998-1999, DSS Development; SCMEP, $15,000, 1997-1998, DSS Development; Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), $50,000, 1997-1998, “Balanced Inventory Flow Replenishment System”; SCMEP, $25,000, 1996-1997, DSS Development. DLA, $150,000, 1988-1994, “Apparel Manufacturing Capital Investment Advisor.”
Bandyopadhyay, A, CU; Cantrell, S., CU; Davis, R., CU; Dwivedi, S. Univ of Louisiana, Lafayette (ULL); Jarvis, C., CU; Kanet, John, CU; Kernodle, Bill, CU; Jacobs, D., Kolluru, Ramesh, ULL, CU; Luo, W. (Sichuan U.) ; Malloy, B., CU; Meredith, Paul, ULL; Pargas, R., CU; Patterson, W., CU; Peck, John, CU; Smith, Mark, ULL; Smith, Stanford, ULL; Sridharan, V, CU; Steward, A., ULL; Witte, J., CU; Young, J. (unk).; Zheng, Y., CU; Zhu (unk.).
Georgia Institute of Technology: Richard LeBlanc, John Hammer, William Underwood, Pranas Zunde, Richard DeMillo.
Xue Bai, Va. Tech.; Joe Beauvais, unk.; Xingan Cheng, CU; Lili Ding, unk.; Prashant Khambekar, Foxfire Tech.; Lyn Lazar, CU; Corey Leonhard, unk.; Wiboon Manusuchun, CU; Richard Martin, CU; Rebecca McKinney (CU), Bob Mestrich (CU), Ahmet Ozkul (CU), Abirami Radhakrishnan (CU), N.V. Ramu (unk.), Shankar Sengupta (Delta Airlines), Nithinant Thammakoranonta (CU), Godwin Udo (Tennesse Tech. Univ.) Total: 17 advisees.
Deborah M. SwitzerSchool of Education
Tillman Hall
Clemson University
Clemson, SC 29634-0715 /
Associate ProfessorTelephone 864/656-5098
Fax 864/656-1322
field of study
University of Texas at Austin / B.A. / 1976 / MathematicsUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign / M.Ed. / 1987 / Educational Psychology
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign / Ph.D. / 1993 / Educational Psychology
professional experience
Associate Professor of Education, Clemson University. 1995-present.
Assistant Professor of Education, Clemson University. 1991- 1995.
Visiting Assistant Professor, College of Education, Clemson University, 1990-1991.
Visiting Instructor. Psychology Department, Clemson University, 1989-1990.
Research Assistant, Office of Testing, Research, and Service, University of Illinois, 1986-1989.
Teacher of Mathematics and Computer Science, Schlarman High School, Danville, Illinois, 1983-1986.
Teacher of Mathematics and Computer Science, Kelly High School, Beaumont, Texas, 1977-1983.
publications closely related to proposed project
"Teaching Children School Success Skills". 1999. Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 92 (6), 323-329. (G. Brigman, D. Lane, D. Switzer, D. Lane, R. Lawrence).
"GEOREF: A computer program for imputing missing data using the Geometric Reflection and Distance methods". 1999. Applied Psychological Measurement, Vol. 23 (4), 346. (D. Switzer)
"Teachers' perceptions of the instructional uses of tests". 1991. In R.E. Stake (Ed.). Effects of Mandated Assessment on Teaching. Advances in Program Evaluation Series, Volume 1, Part B. Greenwich, Conn: JAI Press. (D. Harnisch, D. Switzer).
"Practical applications of student response analysis". 1990. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, Vol. 9 (2), 15-18. (D. Switzer, M. Connell).
"Microcomputer applications in local assessment systems". 1987. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, No. ED295605. (D. Harnisch, D. Switzer, B. Malcolm).
other publications
"Missing data in multiple item scales: a monte carlo analysis of missing data techniques". 1999. Organizational Research Methods, Vol. 2 (3), 211-232. (P. Roth, F. Switzer, D. Switzer).
"Systematic data loss in HRM settings: a Monte Carlo analysis". 1998. Journal of Management: Research Methods and Analysis, Vol. 24 (6), 763-779. (F. Switzer, P. Roth, D. Switzer).
"Predicting adolescent intentions to exercise with theory of planned behavior". 1996. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, Vol. 67 (1), A 109-110. (C. Rainey, D. Switzer).