P.O. Box 111 Polokwane 0700 Tel : +27 15 290 2000 Fax : +27 15 290 2255/66Civic Centre, Cnr Landros Maré & Bodenstein St Polokwane 0699 South Africa
Areas affected duringStage 3 -40 MVA Day 1
Time / Substation / Feeder Breaker / Area08h00-10h00 / Iota / Trf no 1, 11 Kv Incommer
Trf no 2, 11 Kv Incommer / Thornhill , Thornhill Centre, Northview, Maroela Hights, Savannah Centre and Florapark East of McDonaldstr.
Alpha / Escom Incommer no 1 / Polokwane Ext 44, Ext 65 (African Jewel), Place of Safety, Sterkloop Agriculture on the Percy Fyfe Road.
10h00-12h00 / Delta / Trf no 2, 11 Kv Incommer / Bendor, Cycad Centre, Cycad, Bendor Centre, Woodlands, Welgelegen, Eduanpark, Woodhill, Celtic Lodge, Coke.
Delta / Trf no 3, 11 Kv Incommer / Sterpark, Silverkruin, Bendor Village, McDonald Centre and between Thabo Mbeki and Grobler Streetsand between Gemini and Gazelle Streets, SA Breweries, Mall of the North, Magnavia and Koppiesfontein.
12h00-14h00 / Gamma / Trf no 2, 11 Kv Incommer / Industria, Correctional Services, Hospital Park, Blood Bank, HTS Tom Naude, Polokwane College, Cancer Hospital, Provincial Hospital, Pietersburg High School, Noorderland High School, Woltemade and Dr Annecke Streets, BB Auto Area, SABC, Game Centre and Annadale.
Gamma / 2 x Le Rouxville Feeders / Le Rouxville and Polokwane Ext 16 and 17.
Laboria / 47 Goud Street
7 Diamand Street
43 Corundum Street
RMU Mica Street
50 Antimoon Street
52 Goud Street
Ext 29
Asbes/Koper Bank Switch / Futura, Laboria, Polokwane Ext 29
14h00-16h00 / Epsilon / Trf no 2 11 Kv Incommer / CBD between Thabo Mbekistr and Excelsiorstr and between Dahlstr and Biccardstr.
Epsilon / Trf no 4 11 Kv Incommer / Superbia, Westenburg, Nirvana, Between Mark Street and Onder Street and between Grobler Street and Excelsior Street, Indian Centre, Pick a Pay Centre.
16h00-18h00 / Sigma / Trf no 3 11 Kv Incommer / Zone 8, Zone 4, Zone 1, Zone 5, Madibapark and Hospital
Sigma / Trf no 1 11 Kv Incommer / Zone 6, Bikopark, Zone, College, Zone 3 and Zone 4
18h00-20h00 / Beta / Trf no 2 11 Kv Incommer / Voortrekkerpark between Voortrekkerstr and Websterstr and between Suidstr and Rissikstr. Ivypark Ext 34 and Maropa Casino.
Beta / Trf no 3 11 Kv Incommer / Peninapark, Siliconline, CBD between Suidstr and Thabo Mbekistr and Biccard and Dahlstr.
20h00-22h00 / Beta / Florapark no 1 and 2
Eersteling 66 Kv Breaker / Flora and Faunapark west of McDonaldstr and Eersteling Escom feeder
Epsilon / Trf no 2 11 Kv Incommer / CBD between Thabo Mbekistr and Excelsiorstr and between Dahlstr and Biccardstr.
Areas affected during Stage 3 - 40 MVA Day 2
Time / Substation / Feeder Breaker / Area08h00-10h00 / Epsilon / Trf no 2 11 Kv Incommer / CBD between Thabo Mbekistr and Excelsiorstr and between Dahlstr and Biccardstr.
Epsilon / Trf no 4 11 Kv Incommer / Superbia, Westenburg, Nirvana, Between Mark Street and Onder Street and between Grobler Street and Excelsior Street, Indian Centre, Pick a Pay Centre.
10h00-12h00 / Sigma / Trf no 3 11 Kv Incommer / Zone 8, Zone 4, Zone 1, Zone 5, Madibapark and Hospital
Sigma / Trf no 1 11 Kv Incommer / Zone 6, Bikopark, Zone, College, Zone 3 and Zone 4
12h00-14h00 / Beta / Trf no 2 11 Kv Incommer / Voortrekkerpark between Voortrekkerstr and Websterstr and between Suidstr and Rissikstr. Ivypark Ext 34 and Maropa Casino.
Beta / Trf no 3 11 Kv Incommer / Peninapark, Siliconline, CBD between Suidstr and Thabo Mbekistr and Biccard and Dahlstr.
14h00-16h00 / Beta / Florapark no 1 and 2
Eersteling 66 Kv Breaker / Flora and Faunapark west of McDonaldst and Eersteling Escom feeder
Epsilon / Trf no 2 11 Kv Incommer / CBD between Thabo Mbekistr and Excelsiorstr and between Dahlstr and Biccardstr.
16h00-18h00 / Iota / Trf no 1, 11 Kv Incommer
Trf no 2, 11 Kv Incommer / Thornhill , Thornhill Centre, Northview, Maroela Hights, Savannah Centre and Florapark East of McDonaldstr.
Alpha / Escom Inc no 1 / Polokwane Ext 44, Ext 65 (African Jewel), Place of Safety, Sterkloop Agriculture on the Percy Fyfe Road.
18h00-20h00 / Delta / Trf no 2, 11 Kv Incommer / Bendor, Cycad Centre, Cycad, Bendor Centre, Woodlands, Welgelegen, Eduanpark, Woodhill, Celtic Lodge, Coke.
Delta / Trf no 3, 11 Kv Incommer / Sterpark, Silverkruin, Bendor Village, McDonald Centre and between Thabo Mbeki and Grobler Streets and between Gemini and Gazelle Streets, SA Breweries, Mall of the North, Magnavia and Koppiesfontein.
20h00-22h00 / Gamma / Trf no 2, 11 Kv Incommer / Industria, Correctional Services, Hospital Park, Blood Bank, HTS Tom Naude, Polokwane College, Cancer Hospital, Provincial Hospital, Pietersburg High School, Noorderland High School, Woltemade and Dr Annecke Streets, BB Auto Area, SABC, Game Centre and Annadale.
Gamma / 2 x Le Rouxville Feeders / Le Rouxville and Polokwane Ext 16 and 17.
Laboria / 47 Goud Street
7 Diamand Street
43 Corundum Street
RMU Mica Street
50 Antimoon Street
52 Goud Street
Ext 29
Asbes/Koper Bank Switch / Futura, Laboria, Polokwane Ext 29