- Review the schedule a week in advance and then again two days prior to see if any changes are needed.
- Review daily the day sheet and initial it if it is correct.
- Review daily the adjustment summary page and make sure these are approved adjustments and initial it if they are correct.
- Review daily the deposit and the returned deposit slip(s) from your bank, are they correct?
- Review at the end of the day huddle, who did not schedule and the reason why? What is the follow up for those patients?
- Review new patients to be called and what do you know about them prior to the call? Who referred them, who they might be related too and etc.
- Review the audit tracker, which deletions are showing and why were they deleted?
- Meet with the Business Assistants privately once or twice a month and review the following trackers:
a)Unscheduled Treatment Plans (How many calls were made, how many people scheduled, How many calls did the doctors have to make to the patient for them?
b)Unscheduled Treatment in Practiceworks Treatment Plan (How many calls were made, how many people scheduled, How many calls did the doctors have to make to the patient for them?
c)Unscheduled Hygiene Recall Tracker (How many calls per day are being made, how many appts are being made, how many calls have the hygienists had to make for them?
d)How does the Accounts Receivables look, are you under one month’s production? How many collections calls were made this week? How many statements were sent this week?
e)Review the Office Expert Advice report and what action items did you ask your business team to make or correct?
f)Review outstanding Pre-D’s that were sent last month and what is the status of them? Are the patient’s scheduled? If not, why not?
Reports to run monthly, quarterly and annually. What they mean when you review them and what you want to learn from the reports.
Purpose: To provide summary of monthly practice evaluation and analysis
- Run aging report==current to 120 days old==how much is owed to the practice? This should be no more than one month’s production.
- Run aging report over 45 + days old==how many calls have been made and what payment plan is in place for these balances owed?
- Run aging report on all credit balances only ==to see who has credit on their account and do they have treatment still pending?
- Run Collection report==How well are these balances being worked by our collection (attorney or agency) or a team member?
- Run Insurance aging report over 30 + days old==What is the system for collecting these outstanding insurance claims, has the patient been called to help?
- Run Practice Analysis reports in Dentrix, Eaglesoft Practice Summary and in Practiceworks run Office Expert Advice.
- Run Provider production report per provider or summary for same time last year vs this year’s. How does the comparison look? What needs to be done to exceed the previous year?
- Run Production summary report by either code or category== for same time last year vs this year’s. How does the comparison look? What needs to be done to exceed the previous year?
- Run Adjustment summary report==why did these write-offs occur this past month? Were they authorized? (this should be run daily as well and checked)
- Run Payment summary report==how did most patients pay for services, credit card, check or cash?
- Run Audit Trail report==this will detect any transaction deleted or edited (this should be run daily as well and checked)
- Run Referral summary report==tracks where pts came from
- Run E-claim summary report==tracking electronic claims
- Run Day sheet for entire month (does this total match the provider’s report?)
- Run Day sheet deposits only for month (does this total match your bank deposits from your bank statement?)
- Run Finance charge report if you charge finance charges on patients statements. Are there any patients who should not be charged?
- When all reports completed, run insurance benefits rollover update to change patient’s roll-over benefits for their new year. Not all plans roll-over just in January.
Created by Roz Fulmer