Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

PresbyterianMinistryattheUnited Nations

Women's Leadership Development and

Young Women's Ministries

Advocacy Committee for Women’s Concerns


September 13, 2017


In 2006, the ChurchwideCoordinatingTeamof PresbyterianWomenrecommendedthata womanattendtheUnitedNationsCommission on theStatus ofWomenastheirrepresentative.Sincethen Presbyterianparticipationhas expanded toincludePresbyteriansfromacrossthechurch.PresbyterianWomencontinuesto playa keyrolein Presbyterianparticipation intheCommission.

In 2018, Presbyterianswillattendthe 62nd Session of the Commission onthe StatusofWomen and the Forum organized by the NGO Committee on the Status of Women, NY (NGO CSW/NY).Youcouldbe oneof them!ThetentativedatesareMarch12-23.Thisletterincludesinformationaboutthe Commission and Forum and how toapplytobe partofthePresbyteriandelegation.

AbouttheUN Commission on the Status of Women

TheCommission ontheStatusofWomenis afunctionalcommissionoftheUnitedNations’EconomicandSocialCouncil(ECOSOC).ItmeetsatUN headquartersin New YorkCity.The Commissionformulatespoliciesthatpromotegenderequalityand theempowermentof womenworldwide,and assessesprogresstowardtheimplementation ofthosepolicies.Presbyterianparticipants,guided by Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) General Assemblypolicy, joinour partners in Ecumenical Women to advocatewiththe Commissionfor God’sjusticeandpeace.Participantsareinspiredandequippedtoadvocatefor genderequalityand women’sempowermentattheinternationallevelwiththeCommission andto usetheirexperiencesfromthe Commissionatthelocal,stateandnationallevel.

Aboutthe 62nd Session of the Commission

The SessionoftheCommission will focus on the priority theme: “Challenges and opportunities in achieving gender equality and the empowerment of rural women and girls.” The Commission will also look at “Participation in and access of women to the media, and information and communications technologies and their impact on and use as an instrument for the advancement and empowerment of women” (agreed conclusions of the forty-seventh session) as its review theme.

About the NGO Committee on the Status of Women, NY (NGO CSW/NY) Forum

Every year the NGO CSW/NY organizes a Consultation Day in preparation for the Commission and a Forum of parallel events that takes place during the Commission.

Presbyterian Participation

PresbyterianparticipantswillattendthePC(USA)orientation on FridaybeforetheCommissionmeets and the Ecumenical Women orientation on Saturday before the Commission meets; they mayalso attenda consultationthat the NGO CSW/NY holdsa daypriortotheCommission. TheCommissionmeetsattheUNheadquartersinNewYorkCity.Duringthe Commission,participantsmay attendrelatedsideevents(high-levelpaneldiscussionsheld onUN grounds)if theyhold grounds passesand paralleleventsas part of the NGO CSW/NY Forum held atvenuesnear the UN.Alltheseeventsprovideopportunitiesforadvocacy,informationexchange and networking. During the Commission, Presbyterians work with Ecumenical Women, an international coalition of church denominations and ecumenical partners

Attached you will findapplicationinformation,an applicationforthePC(USA)delegation,andscholarship informationfor youngwomen.Pleasecompleteandreturnthe applicationform byNovember 15, 2017tobe consideredforthePC(USA)delegationto 62nd Session of the Commission on the Status of Women. Andpleasesharethismaterialwithotherinterestedindividuals.

Application Information

United Nations Commission on the Status of Women

March 12-23, 2018

Application Deadline: November 15, 2017

Email completed applications to the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations

c/o Sue Rheem, Mission Specialist ()

Welcome to the application process for Presbyterian delegation to the 62nd session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women in New York City.

The Presbyterian presence at the Commission is organized by the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations, Presbyterian Women, and the Advocacy Committee for Women’s Concerns.

Planning team members are:

777 United Nations Plaza, Suite 7A · New York, NY · 10017 · USA

+1 212-697-4568 · FAX +1 212-986-3002 ·

Ryan Smith,

Director and Representative, Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations

Courtney Hoekstra,
Associate for Advocacy Committee Support


YAV, Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations

Yvonne Hileman,

Staff, Justice and Peace Concerns, Presbyterian Women

Wanda Beauman,

Presbyterian Women, Vice Moderator, Justice and Peace

Concerns, Churchwide Coordinating Team

Sue Rheem

Mission Specialist, Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations

777 United Nations Plaza, Suite 7A · New York, NY · 10017 · USA

+1 212-697-4568 · FAX +1 212-986-3002 ·

General Information about the Commission on the Status of Women

The United Nations Commission on the Status of Women is a functional commission of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). The Commission is the principal global policy-making body dedicated exclusively to gender equality and advancement of women. Every year, representatives of Member States gather to evaluate progress on gender equality, identify challenges, set global standards and formulate concrete policies to promote gender equality and women's empowerment worldwide.

The Commission has met annually since it was founded in 1946 to ensure women’s equality and promote women’s rights. Each session of the Commission focuses on a specific priority theme. The principal output of the Commission is the “agreed conclusions” document on the priority theme. The agreed conclusions contain an assessment of progress, as well as of gaps and challenges. They also contain a set of concrete recommendations for “action by Governments, intergovernmental bodies and other institutions, civil society actors and other relevant stakeholders, to be implemented at the international, national, regional and local level.” In addition to the agreed conclusions, the Commission may adopt resolutions on a range of issues. The report of the Commission is submitted to the Economic and Social Council for adoption.

The 62nd Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women will focus on the priority theme:“Challenges and opportunities in achieving gender equality and the empowerment of rural women and girls.” The Commission will also look at “Participation in and access of women to the media, and information and communications technologies and their impact on and use as an instrument for the advancement and empowerment of women” (agreed conclusions of the forty-seventh session) as its review theme.

The United Nations invites Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) holding consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council to send representatives to the Commission to advocate for the inclusion of their organizations’ positions in the Commission’s work. Many NGO contributions have been incorporated into the CSW’s agreed conclusions and resolutions during past sessions. During the meeting of the Commission, UN Member States and UN programs, agencies, or offices, often in partnership with civil society, sponsor side events that address issues related to the themes of the Commission on UN grounds. UN Grounds passes are generally needed to attend side events.

General Information about the NGO Committee on the Status of Women, NY (NGO CSW/NY)

The NGO CSW/NY, made up of representatives of approximately 100 organizations, supports the work of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women and UN Women through advocacy for women’s rights and the advancement of women and girls worldwide. Every year the NGO CSW/NY organizes the NGO Consultation Day in preparation for the Commission and a Forum that takes place during the Commission.Central to the Form are parallel events sponsored by nongovernmental organizations, often working in partnership. These parallel events take place outside of the official Commission setting, in venues off the UN grounds where UN grounds passes are not needed, and provide opportunities for advocacy, learning, and networking.

General Information about Ecumenical Women

Ecumenical Women is a coalition of approximately 20 Christian organizations representing more than 100 million Christians worldwide. Ecumenical Women understands that the church, at its best, can be a center which models policies which reinforce gender equality, creates budgets which reflect a desire to invest in women’s equality, and which develops networks of women and men who resist systems of patriarchy, domination and abuse. Ecumenical Women believe that the church is a powerful transformative vehicle for the teaching, protection and enforcement of women’s rights and gender equality when its constituents and leadership are informed and empowered. Presbyterians join Ecumenical women in transformative advocacy at the United Nations.

General information on Faith and Feminism

Faith and Feminism is an Interfaith Civil Society Working Group to the United Nations that fosters greater collaboration and gathers momentum in advancing gender equality worldwide. Presbyterians will also join Faith and Feminism in advocacy work at the United Nations.

Orange Days and Thursday’s in Black Campaigns

The UN Secretary-General’s UNiTE to End Violence against Women campaign, managed by UN Women, has proclaimed the 25th every of the month as “Orange Day” – a day to take action to raise awareness and prevent violence against women and girls. Thursdays in Black was started by the WCC in the 1980s as a form of peaceful protest against rape and violence – especially taking place during wars and conflicts. The campaign focuses on ways through which individuals may challenge attitudes that cause rape and violence. We participate in supporting both of these campaigns, so please click on the links to learn more and bring some orange and black to wear in support.

Goals of PC(USA) Involvement

in the UN Commission on the Status of Women and the NGO CSW/NY Forum

  1. To advocate, guided by PC(USA) General Assembly policy, with the Commission with the goal of affecting the agreed conclusions of the Commission,
  2. To learn and use advocacy processes and skills within the UN context,
  3. To work in partnership with women and men of all ages on women’s empowerment and its link to sustainable development and the elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls,
  4. To inspire, equip, and connect Presbyterians to demonstrate and proclaim God’s justice, peace and love at the Commission and in their local contexts,
  5. To expand the inclusive and caring community of women and their supporters, and
  6. To build and nurture networks with global partners.

Expectations of Delegates

Members of the PC(USA) delegation represent the PC(USA). The PC(USA) has special consultative status through the UN Economic and Social Council. This allows Presbyterians to participate in the Commission on the Status of Women and other UN-related events. The Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations represents the PC(USA) in the UN community.

The following are expected of delegates:

  • Attendance: Delegates are expected to attend the PC(USA) delegation orientation and the Ecumenical Women Orientation, both held before the Commission starts, and to participate in at least one week of the Commission. Attendance through the second week of Commission is ideal for advocacy work. Based on the current, tentative Commission schedule, the PC(USA) delegation orientation will likely take place on Friday, March 9, 2018; the Ecumenical Women Orientation will likely take place on Saturday, March 10, 2018; and the Commission will meet from March 12-23, 2018. Many participants report that attending the NGO Committee on the Status of Women, NY Consultation Day, (likely to be March 11, 2018) enhances the experience.
  • Preparation: Delegates are expected to have knowledge of issues related to women’s empowerment as it links to gender equality and the empowerment of rural women and girls. Along with the participation in and access of women to the media, and information and communications technologies and their impact on and use as an instrument for the advancement and empowerment of women. Delegates are expected to read preparatory materials and to participate in preparatory conference calls and/or webinars. Delegates must have reliable access to email as much of our communication will occur via email.
  • Advocacy, Worship, Education, and Communication: Throughout the Commission there will be opportunities to engage in advocacy efforts, to plan and participate in worship services, to attend and lead educational events, and to share these experiences using social media and other communication tools. Delegates are expected to participate in some manner in all four of these—advocacy, worship, education, and communication—while at the Commission and the Forum.
  • Participation: Delegates are expected to make the Commission their top priority and to work together to enhance the PC(USA) advocacy efforts.
  • Reporting back while at the Commission: Delegates are expected to report to the Presbyterian delegation and/or Ecumenical Women on the events in which they participated each day. Delegates are encouraged to use social media to share their experiences with a wider audience; assistance will be provided.
  • Reporting back after the Commission: Delegates are expected to write a reflection on their experience to share. Delegatesare expected to share their experiences at the Commission with the wider church—including, but not limited to, Presbyterian Women groups, their congregation, other congregations, and their mid-council.
  • Use of contact information and photographs: Members of the Presbyterian delegation give permission to the programs and ministries of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and Presbyterian Women in the PC(USA), INC. to use their contact informationand photographs within the church for purposes of fundraising and information sharing.

Commission on the Status of Women and the NGO CSW/NY Consultation Day and Forum

NOTE: All dates are currently tentative. Additional events are also likely to be scheduled.

PC(USA) Delegation Orientation: Friday, March 9, 2018 , 3:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. cost $45.During this mandatory orientation, members of the PC(USA) delegation will have a chance to get to know one another as well as to become acquainted with UN processes and with the opportunities to be involved in advocacy, worship, and education while at the Commission. Dinner will be served. The fee covers the costs for dinner and allows us to make a small contribution to our hosts for the evening.

Ecumenical Women (EW) Orientation, Saturday, March 10, 2018 , time and cost TBA.

The EW orientation, mandatory for members of the PC(USA) delegation, will focus on how and why we advocate as people of faith within the UN Community.The day will involve a discussion of key talking points for EW, a network of faith-based NGOs at the United Nations.This event is an excellent networking opportunity with member denominations and organizations of EW.The PC(USA) is an EW member and Presbyterian Women is an EW friend. Learn more at

The NGO CSW/NY Consultation Day, Sunday, March 11, 2016 (likely), time and cost TBA. This day offers women's groups and other civil society organizations a preview of key issues that will be discussed at the Commission. This consultation provides an opportunity hear from and meet representatives from NGOs beyond the faith community.

The Commission itself begins to meet on Monday, March 12, 2018. The NGO CSW/NY Forum begins the same day.

More detailed information on programming and scheduling for all events will follow. The United Nations system can move slowly; information will be shared as it becomes available.

Application Process

To apply to be part of the PC(USA) delegation to the 62nd Session of the Commission on the Status of Women and the NGO CSW/NY Forum, please complete the attached application by November 15, 2017 and return it to the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations. Acceptance notices will be sent out by November 30, 2017. You will confirm your participation by sending your $45.00check to cover cost of the PC(USA) Delegation Orientation to the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations by December 15, 2017. Checks will be made payable to Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations and mailed to:Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations, 777 United Nations Plaza, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10017.

Individuals selected as delegates must have a knowledge of and experience with the issues addressed by the 62nd Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women. In addition, efforts will be made to select a delegation that reflects the diversity of the PC(USA) including age, race, ethnicity, ordination status, geographical distribution, and gender.

All delegates are responsible for their own travel and hotel arrangements. You will be provided with a list of other delegates and area hotels and should feel free to contact others to share hotel expenses.

For more information, direct emails to the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations, at . Responses will come from a member of the team coordinating the PC(USA) participation at the CSW.

What might I do during the Commission on the Status of Women and the NGO CSW/NY Forum?

Each day begins with morning worship in the Chapel at the Church Center for the United Nations organized by Ecumenical Women. Every day at the Commission brings unique opportunities that may include:

  • working with Ecumenical Women and Faith in Feminism partners on suggested language for the Agreed Conclusions and sharing that language with representatives of the UN Member States;
  • help plan and attend morning worship with Ecumenical Women
  • attending parallel or side events and sharing notes about what you learn;
  • writing a blog post on your experience;
  • viewing the plenary sessions of the Commission via Webcast shown in the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations office;
  • having lunch with an intergenerational group of Presbyterians;
  • sharing your photos and impressions with communications staff of PW, Racial Ethnic Women’s Ministries, and Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations;
  • engaging in conversations with women (and men) from other countries, denominations, and faith traditions;
  • debriefing your experience with friends, long-time and new;
  • posting on Facebook about the day’s events;
  • writing a brief article for Horizons, the magazine for Presbyterian Women, about your experience;
  • beginning plans for action when you return home and more!

Application Information

United Nations Commission on the Status of Women

March 12-23, 2018

Application Deadline: November 15, 2017

Email completed applications to the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations

c/o Sue Rheem, Mission Specialist ()

Name as it appears on a government-issued ID:
Permanent Address:
Street: / City: / State: / Zip:
Email: / Home Phone: / Cell Phone:
Date of Birth: / Weight( lbs or kg): / Height(cm or in):
Place of Birth:
Eye color: / Hair color:
Emergency Contact:
First Name: / Last Name: / Phone Number:
What are your PC(USA) Affiliations (e.g. Presbyterian Women, Young Women’s Ministries, Presbyterian Men, Hunger, Peacemaking, Campus Ministry, PC(USA) staff etc.)

*All personal information given in this section will be used for the process of applying for a United Nations Badges at the Commission and not used for any other purposes. Please be as accurateas possible.