Facilitator’s Overview of the Student Success 2011 Summer Program for
Facilitating Learning Teams Using the Professional Learning Cycle
The material provided in this package is for your use and adaptation. Facilitators may choose to work through a module before beginning the board-specific application activities or intersperse sections of the modules throughout the board-specific portions of the agenda.Our expectation is that all participants will have an opportunity to meet the following learning goals:
In this session we are learning to:
•apply facilitation knowledge and skills in our work with diverse groups of educators
•facilitate professional learning using a collaborative inquiry process (i.e., Professional Learning Cycle)
•use a variety of data sources to help identify student learning needs
•engage learning team members in each phase of the Professional Learning Cycle
Although materials for a full 2 day session have been provided to illustrate a comprehensive approach, it is expected that the equivalent of at least one day of the board session bedevoted to achievement of the learning goals described above.
Please note that the Ontario context, the four phases of the Professional Learning Cycle and Facilitation skills and strategies are essential aspects of the module. A variety of strategies and options are included to address these components.
Please refer to theslide noteson the Power Point for specifics.
Materials Required for the 2010 Student Success Summer ProgramFacilitating Learning Teams Using the Professional Learning Cycle
Provided by Student Success/Learning to 18
- Power Point presentation with Speaker’s notes
- Facilitator Overview
- Handouts (Handouts 2, 6, and 9 should be printed on ledger paper, landscape orientation)
Please download or stream directly from the DI page at
Go to the DI page and scroll down the menu on the left to find Professional Learning Cycle Videos.
At the Board
- Chart Paper
- Sticker dots or markers
- Post it Notes
Facilitating Learning Teams Using the Professional Learning Cycle
Agenda Item / Details / Slide/Handout Numbers and Materials / Time Required (facilitator completes this section)DAY 1 MINDS ON
Knowing the Learner / Group Profile
Before the session begins:
Participants use markers or sticky dots to complete the group profile charts as they enter the room. / Slide 2
Chart Paper
Sticker dots or markers
The Ontario Context / Context Slides
Highlight key information from the Speaker’s Notes for each slide, making reference to the alignment of Ministry, board and school initiatives.
Explain that the session is funded by Student Success/Learning to 18 and is designed to address effective instruction; something that is good for all. / Slides 3-10
Agenda, Purpose and Learning Goals / Explain that the agenda, constructed using the format of a three part lesson, outlines the key activities for the modules.
The goals address the development of facilitation skills and strategies as well as the deepening of understanding around the use of a professional learning cycle.
Review materials for the session. (Slide 14) / Slides 11-14
All handouts could be distributed at this time as a package
Knowing the Learner / Table Profiles
Each table group, completes a table profile according to the instructions on the slide. / Slide 15
Table Profile
(1 per table)
Building Community / Walkabout
After the walkabout, table groups note their facilitator preferences on the Table Profile. / Slides 16-17
Handout 1: Walkabout
Introduction to Facilitation / A Rose by any Other Name
Clarify any confusion among terms such as TLCP, lesson study etc.
Quotes on Facilitation
Highlight the authors as well as the quotes.
Collaborative Inquiry Continuum
Table groups look over the facilitation row and discuss connections to their experiences. / Slides 18-25
Handout 2: Prof. Learning Cycle
Handout 3: Collaborative Inquiry Continuum
Opportunities and Challenges / Video Viewing of Introduction
Participants view the Introduction clip for the Professional Learning Cycle, attending to the viewing foci. (Slide 26) The video is 4 minutes and 50 seconds in length.
Post It Profile
Participants complete the Post it Profile activity. Save the challenge post its for later in the session (Day 2). (Slide 27) / Slides 26-27
Video segment – Introduction
Large Post it Notes – 2 different colours if possible
Facilitation: Inquiry Approaches and Standards / Point out on the Agenda (Slide 28) that the group is now beginning the Action part of the session.
Preference Corners
Set up the Learning Preferences Areas according to the four VARK options on the slide.
In their VARK groups participants complete the clustering activityWhy a Facilitator? (Slide 31)
Facilitation ‘Inquiry’
Regroup the participants by area of interest related to the handout; Approaches, Standards, Skills and Ways of Working Together.
Participants complete the activity for the handout on Facilitation Approaches, Standards, Skills and Ways of Working Together, including the presentation of their section to the whole group. (Slides 32-33)
Table Profile Update
Participants update the Table Profile with learning preferences and discuss implications. (Slide 34)
Instructional Strategy Check
Lead a whole group discussion on the use of instructional strategies to this point. Participants make notes in their Strategy Bank handout. (Slide 35) / Slides 28-35
Small Post-it Notes
Handout 4:
Facilitation Skills and Knowledge Base
Handout 5:
Strategy Bank
PART A / Agenda Update
Point out that the group is moving into the Professional Learning Cycle Plan phase now.
Facilitation Set up
Table Groups choose a facilitator and set up for Plan Part A. (Slide 38)
Video Viewing of PLAN Part A- Examine evidence or data to determine an area of student need (5min 34sec)
- Before: participants read the PLAN notes on their organizer and the criteria for PLAN on the Collaborative Inquiry Continuum
- During:participants list the data sources used and how they were helpful
- After: participantsdiscuss connections (Slides 41-44)
Participants complete the individual, table group and whole group activities related to determining student learning needs, clarifying what is meant by a student learning need.(Slides 45-48)
Facilitation Debrief
Table groups discuss the agreement/capability and Standard #3. (Slide 49)
Data Sets – Learning Centres
Differentiated groups work with the data sets of interest and share their ideas as they debrief with the whole group. (Slides 50-53)
Point to Ponder
Whole group discusses work with cross-curricular teams. (Slide 54) / Slides 36-54
Video Segment for PLAN
Handout 6:
Learning Cycle Notes Organizer
Handout 3:
Collaborative Inquiry Continuum
Handout 7:
Facilitation Mind Map
Handout 8:
PLAN Data Sets
(Determine Educator Learning and Begin With the End in Mind ) / Quote – to introduce Educator Learning(Slide 55)
Facilitation Set up
Groups choose a facilitator and set up for Plan Part B. (Slide 56)
Video Viewing of PLAN Part B - Determine Educator Learning and Plan With the End in Mind(from 5min 34sec to the end – approx 6 minutes in length)
Whole group views the video and Table Groupscomplete the related Placemat Activity. (Slides 57-60)
Reflection Formal and Informal Leaders
Participants form three interest groups; Principal, Teacher and Facilitator and complete the discussion around how formal and informal leaders could work together. (Slides 61-66)
Instructional Strategy Check
Lead a whole group discussion on the use of instructional strategies for focussing viewing, scaffolding learning and fostering engagement. Participants note strategies on Strategy Bank. (Slide 67)
Making Connections
Provide time for participants to add notes and ideas to Learning Cycle Organizer and Facilitation Mind Map. (Slide 68)
Facilitation Debrief
Table groups discuss ways of working together and Standards 1 and 2. (Slide 69) / Slides 55-69
Video segment for PLAN
Handout 3
Collaborative Inquiry Continuum
Handout 5
Strategy Bank
Handout 7: Facilitation Mind Map
BETWEEN PLAN AND ACT / Whole Group Discussion
What do facilitators, administrators and teachers do between Plan and Act? / Slide 70 / 5 minutes
ACT - PART A / Facilitation Set up
Table groups choose a facilitator and set up for ACT Parts A and B. (Slide 72)
Video Viewing of ACT Part A - Implement instruction, adjusting as needed based on ongoing assessment (stop at 4min 47sec)
Whole group reads the notes on the ACT phase of their cycle notes organizer and views the video with the questions in mind, taking notes as necessary. Table groups discuss responses to the questions / Slides 71-74
Video segment for ACT
Visible teaching and Shared Practice / The Visible Teaching and the Importance of Shared Practice slides point to areas of emphasis in the ACT phase.
The Visible Teaching slide sums up ACT - Part A
The Shared Practice slide is a segue to ACT - Part B. / Slides 75-76
ACT - PART B / Video Viewing of ACT Part B- Engage in Professional Learning(from 4min 47 sec to the end- approx four minutes in length)
Whole group views the video and take notes on the questions in their notes organizer. Table groups discuss answers to questions 2 and 3.
Facilitation Debrief
Table groups debrief the facilitation from the two video viewing activities. (Slide 80) / Slides77-80
Video segment for ACT
Handout 7:
Facilitation Mind Map
ACT / Scenario Stations
Set up the room for Scenario Stations.
Differentiated groups work on their selected scenarios after they have selected a facilitator and focus for facilitation.
Facilitation Set Up
Table groups choose a facilitator and set up for the Scenario Stations. (Slide 82)
Facilitation Debrief
Table groups debrief the station group’s use of facilitative skills and their demonstration of Standard 5. (Slide 84)
Instructional Strategy Check
Group notes strategies used to focus viewing, differentiate instruction and foster engagement. Participants note on Strategy Bank. (Slide 85) / Slides 81-86
Handout 10:
Act – Scenarios
Handout 3:
Collaborative Inquiry Continuum
Handout 7:
Facilitation Mind Map
Strategy Bank
Making Connections Activity
Provide time for participants to add notes and ideas to Learning Cycle Organizer and Facilitation Mind Map.
Exit Card
Collect exit cards to review. Summarize Take-ways and Needs at the beginning of Day 2.
Develop a way to respond to the needs. / Slides 87-89
Exit Cards