Online Resource 1:
fatA was originally annotated as AN5192.3 at the Broad Institute or as AN5192 at the Aspergillus Genome Database. The Broad Institute has just recently re-annotated the sequence (fatA is now ANID_05192.1). The new annotation coincides with manual annotation.
fatB was originally annotated as AN5877.3 at the Broad Institute or as AN5877 at the Aspergillus Genome Database. The Broad Institute has just recently re-annotated the sequence (fatA is now ANID_05877.1). The new annotation coincides with manual annotation.
fatC was originally annotated as AN6649.3 at the Broad Institute or as AN6649 at the Aspergillus Genome Database. The Broad Institute has just recently re-annotated the sequence (fatA is now ANID_06649.1). The annotation of the Aspergillus Genome Database coincides with the exception of one additional intron with manual annotation, while the annotation of the Broad Institute shows variations.
fatD was originally annotated as AN4397.3 at the Broad Institute or as AN4397 at the Aspergillus Genome Database. The Broad Institute has just recently re-annotated the sequence (fatA is now ANID_04397.1). The annotation of the Aspergillus Genome Database coincides with manual annotation, while the annotation of the Broad Institute shows variations.
faaA was originally annotated as AN6014.3 at the Broad Institute or as AN6014 at the Aspergillus Genome Database. The Broad Institute has just recently re-annotated the sequence (fatA is now ANID_06014.1). Alignments with the S. cerevisiae FAA1, FAA2, FAA3 and FAA4 as well as A. nidulans faaB suggested a different intron/exon pattern within the gene. Re-annotation was performed with the new coordinates shown beneath.
faaB was originally annotated as AN8280.3 at the Broad Institute or as AN8280 at the Aspergillus Genome Database. The Broad Institute has just recently re-annotated the sequence (fatA is now ANID_08280.1). The annotation of the Aspergillus Genome Database coincides with manual annotation, while the annotation of the Broad Institute shows variations.
Chromosome I
1,510,775 – 1,508,454 (Crick strand)
2322 nucleotides
Relative Coordinates / Chromosomal CoordinatesCDS / 1 – 440 / 1,510,775 - 1,510,336
Intron / 441 – 493 / 1,510,335 - 1,510,283
CDS / 494 – 552 / 1,510,282 - 1,510,224
Intron / 553 – 591 / 1,510,223 - 1,510,185
CDS / 592 – 987 / 1,510,184 - 1,509,789
Intron / 988 – 1035 / 1,509,788 - 1,509,741
CDS / 1036 - 2180 / 1,509,740 - 1,508,596
Intron / 2181 - 2232 / 1,508,595 - 1,508,544
CDS / 2233 - 2322 / 1,508,543 - 1,508,454