This year, we have four breakout sessions on Friday, January 27th. We are offering several workshops to select from for each of the 90 minute breakout sessions. The descriptions and track that each workshop will focus on are listed below to help you make your selection for each Breakout Session. Look for 6 tracks: Infant / New Diagnosis, Early Intervention / Preschool, Early / Secondary Education, Mental Health & Behaviors, Transition / Adult, General

The ADHD Diagnosis within the School Setting – Dr. Mark Posey - USC School of Medicine -Department of Pediatrics

Breakout Session –1 - Early Intervention / Preschool, Early / Secondary Education

This workshop will review how a diagnosis of an ADHD diagnosis is properly made. A discussion of this diagnosis within the school setting will address school requirements and school limitations. Finally, interventions will be reviewed, including a careful explanation of the difference between a 504 Accommodation Plan and an Individualized Education Plan (I.E.P.).

Supported Decision Making and Alternatives to Guardianship in SC- Sarah Garland St. Onge - Protection and Advocacy for People with Disabilities, Inc. and Charlie Walters - Able SC

Breakout Session – 1 - Transition / Adult, General

The workshop will explore how various alternatives to guardianship can be equally as effective without imposing significant limitations on individual rights or limiting future education or employment options. The presenters will discuss Supported Decision Making and ways to utilize this method to promote independence in young adults.

Resources 101- WC Hoecke – Family Connection of SC

Breakout Session – 1 - Infant / New Diagnosis, General

This workshop is an overview and description of resources and services for children and/or individuals with disabilities and/or special healthcare needs in South Carolina. Families and providers who attend will have a better understanding of the resources available for themselves and/or families they serve.

Academic Tools for School- Tammy Wallace - SC Assistive Technology Program, USC School of Medicine, Center for Disability Resources

Breakout Session – 1 - Early / Secondary Education

Workshop will discuss classroom assistive technology to include software, apps and websites.

Workshop will provide information to get attendees thinking about what challenges and struggles they are having in the classroom and how assistive technology could help them.

Digital Safety and Cyberbullying: Is Technology Terrible or Terrific? – Joe Ryan - South Carolina Attorney General’s Office

Breakout Session – 1 - General

We live in an ever-changing digital world where new devices, websites, and apps are popping up each day. Some of these tools make our lives better, but might they also be making it worse? Find out the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of technology, and how you can help others stay safe online.

Medicaid 101 - The Basics of Medicaid and TEFRA – Shannon Staley and Beverly Harper, Healthcare Coordination – Family Connection of SC

Breakout Session – 2 - General - *This workshop qualifies for MSW CEU

This workshop will provide an overview of Medicaid and TEFRA eligibility.

“When the IEP Team Says No… Options for Dispute Resolution”– Amanda Hess – Protection and Advocacy for People with Disabilities, Inc

Breakout Session – 2 - General

This presentation will cover both informal and formal ideas and options that parents/ guardians can pursue in the event that they disagree with a school district proposal or a school district turns down their request during an IEP meeting.

High Functioning Autism -- Strategies for Positive Outcomes in Higher Education. – Ray Brown - DDSN-Autism Division

Breakout Session – 2 - Early / Secondary Education

The training session will consist of a discussion regarding Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD) and High Functioning Autism (HFA) in part one and a review of: A Comprehensive Survey of Current and Former College Students (44) with Autism Spectrum Disorders published by the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine(Gelbar and Shefyck, 2015), in part two. Shattuck (2012) research, funded by Autism Speaks, acts as the theoretical framework for the development of the training.

Special Needs Planning – Why Special Needs Trusts are Only a Small Piece - David Palkovitz and Frank Braddock - Braddock Group of Janney Montgomery Scott, LLC

Breakout Session – 2 - Transition / Adult, General

Most parents who have children with special needs fear what will happen to their child once they are no longer around to care for them. We will briefly discuss the importance of special needs trusts and other tools that help families control assets when the parents are no longer around. Unfortunately, most parents are so overwhelmed by the planning that needs to be done for the future; they do not realize the risks they are taking by not planning for the near-term. We will discuss risks families are often unknowingly taking and how two sets of parents build plans with flexibility for their special needs child, their non-special need children, and their own long-term needs.

Effective Advocacy and Legislative Outreach: How to become an effective Advocate– Brian Flynn – McGuireWoods Consulting

Breakout Session – 2 - General

This workshop will discuss how the political and legislative process works, and learn how to communicate and advocate in an effective way.

Inclusion Starts Now: Why We Need Preschool Inclusion- Kerri Kannengieser - South Carolina Partnerships for Inclusion

Breakout Session – 3 - Early Intervention / Preschool

This workshop will explain the moral imperative and legal basis for preschool inclusion, define early childhood inclusion, describe the benefits of preschool inclusion, and identify ways to increase inclusive early learning opportunities for all children

The Elephant in the Room: Talking to your young person with a disability about puberty, love, sex, and dating - Amanda Pollak - ARC of SC

Breakout Session – 3 - Early / Secondary Education, Transition / Adult

This session will focus on how to talk to your teen/young adult with an intellectual or developmental disability about puberty, sex, dating & relationships. Become more confident and prepared in having effective, age-appropriate conversations about healthy relationships, appropriate behavior, cell phone and social media safety, and sex. Discover how to present the challenges and changes associated with puberty in an -easy-to-understand format. Learn how to tailor this information to your child’s learning style and needs, as well as how to spot signs of sexual abuse, and what to do about it.

Facilitated IEP Team Meetings– Cheryl Fitts – SC Department of Education

Breakout Session – 3 - Early / Secondary Education

The Facilitated Individualized Education Program Team Meeting (FIEP) provides informal dispute resolution assistance to families and schools as they address concerns related to programming for students with disabilities. The FIEP is offered by the SCDE Office of Special Education Services (OSES) as a voluntary informal dispute resolution option.

Decoding Dyslexia – Karen Smith and Jessica Albrecht - Decoding Dyslexia of SC

Breakout Session – 3 - Early Intervention / Preschool, Early / Secondary Education

This workshop will help parents and educators understand what dyslexia is and how to help dyslexic students.

Getting Organized: Creating a Journey Book for Your Child – Shelley Nowicki - Family Connection of SC

Breakout Session – 3 - Infant / New Diagnosis, Early / Secondary Education, General

Parents will learn how to manage the overwhelming amount of paperwork created by educational and medical services. Learning to organize will help you become better prepared for your next meeting. Participants will be provided with a 3 ringed binder and journey book materials to leave feeling organized and confident. This is a hands-on workshop and parents are welcome to bring their most recent documents to add to their journey book. This workshop will have limited space and attendees must preregister to attend. No one will be allowed to attend without preregistration due to limited available materials.

The Team Approach to Medical care for children: MUSC’s Multidisciplinary team in the Pediatric Neurology Clinic– Cynthia Plasters, Laura Dority, Natalie Foster, and Sarah Sole – MUSC

Breakout Session – 4 - Mental Health & Behaviors, General *This workshop qualifies for MSW CEU

MUSC has many different team members who all work together to provide the best care for our kids. Professionals team together with the parents to help ensure that the children receive the services and care that they need. What does this mean? What are the advantages? What does it mean for the parent to be part of the team?

Low Functioning to High Functioning Autism: A Prescriptive Model for Counselors Working with Children Across the Spectrum– Katherine Feather and Tiffany Bordonada – SC Commission for the Blind

Breakout Session – 4 - Early / Secondary Education

Counselor education typically does not address autism spectrum disorder (ASD), even though ASD is the fifth leading diagnosis in children. This presentation will: (a) provide an overview of challenges facing those with ASD, as well as their families; (b) offer a prescriptive model of individual interventions; and (c) helpful recommendations and implications for counselor if ASD is not addressed in the counseling profession.

Eat It, Just Eat It – Sally Asquith - Carolina Speech & Language Center, Inc.

Breakout Session – 4 - Early Intervention / Preschool, Early / Secondary Education

So many kids are picky eaters!! We will discuss the many reasons for this - causes and contributions, effects on the child, and effects on the family. In addition, we will review the normal sequence of drinking and chewing skills, and how children with dysphagia often lack the skills to manage age-appropriate foods/liquids safely. Lastly, we will present therapy ideas and potential strategies for families.

Empowering Independence with Young Adult with Disabilities – Kimberly Tissot – Able SC

Breakout Session – 4 - Transition / Adult, General *This workshop qualifies for MSW CEU

Whether you were born with your disability or if it was acquired, individuals with disabilities can learn ways to embrace their individuality in order to develop problem-solving techniques, and successfully achieve their hopes and dreams. This session will provide you with skills to share with individuals with disabilities.

Today’s Role of the School Psychologist and How They Can Best Be Utilized. – Lisa McCliment – SC Department of Education

Breakout Session – 4 - Early / Secondary Education, Mental Health & Behaviors

Participants will better understand the role and function of a school psychologist and how schools can utilize the knowledge and skills of their school psychologists.