Name: Mr.Dooley

Age: 53
Country: New Zealand
Likes: camping
Dislikes: snakes
Next weekend:
trip to mountains / Name: Tukker
Age: 25
Country: Canada
Likes: singing
Dislikes: work

Next weekend:


Name: Chris
Age: 5
Country: South Africa
Likes: winter
Dislikes: go to school
Next weekend: safari / Name: John McFarrow
Age: 46
Country: USA
Likes: dancing
Dislikes: rain
Next weekend:
Las Vegas
Name: Mrs.Elly
Age: 67
Country: Australia
Likes: cooking
Dislikes: children
Next weekend:
make a cake / Name: Dr. Miller
Age: 39
Country: Ireland
Likes: travelling
Dislikes: hospitals
Next weekend: pub
Name: John Turtle
Age: 12
Country: Scotland
Likes: TV
Dislikes: cleaning the house
Next weekend:
Highland Games / Name: Matthew
Age: 14
Country: England
Likes: riding his bike
Dislikes: tourists
Next weekend:
London Eye

Where does

Mr.Dooley go

next weekend?


How old is



What does

Mrs. Elly like?

What doesn’t

Cris like?

/ /

Where does

Matthew come


How old is

John Turtle?

/ Where does

John McFarrow

come from? /

What does

Dr. Miller like?

Where does

John Turtle go next weekend?


How old is



What does

Tukker like?

What doesn’t

Mrs. Elly like?

/ /

Where does

Mr. Dooley

come from?

What does

Matthew like?


Where does

John McFarrow

come from?


How old is


Where does Chris

go next weekend?


How old is

Mrs. Elly?


What does

Dr. Miller like?

What doesn’t

John McFarrow


/ /

Where does

Matthew come


How old is

Mr. Dooley?


Where does

John Turtle go

next weekend?


What does

Tukker like?

Where does John McFarrow go next weekend?


How old is

Dr. Miller?


What does Mr. Dooley like?

What doesn´t

John Turtle like?

/ /

Where does Tukker

come from?

How old is



Where does

Mrs. Elly

come from?


What doesn’t Matthew like?

Where does

Mrs. Elly go next weekend?


How old is Mr. Dooley?


What does John McFarrow like?

What doesn’t

Matthew like?

/ /

Where does


come from?

How old is

Dr. Miller?




Tukker like?


Where does

John Turtle

come from?


Tukker go

next weekend?


How old is



What does John Turtle like?

What doesn’t

Dr. Miller like?

/ /

Where does

Mrs. Elly

come from?


John McFarrow gonext weekend?


Where does

Mr. Dooley

come from?


What does

Chris like?

Where does

Dr. Miller go next weekend?


How old is John Turtle?


What does

Matthew like?

What doesn’t

John McFarrow


/ /

Where does

Chris come from?

How old is



What doesn’t

Mr. Dooley like?


Where does

Mrs. Elly

come from?

Where does

Matthew go next weekend?


How old is John McFarrow?


What does

Chris like?

What doesn’t

Dr. Miller like?

/ /

Where does

Mrs. Elly

come from?

How old is

John Turtle?


What doesn’t

Tukker like?


Where does

Mr. Dooley go next weekend?