Name: Mr.Dooley
Age: 53Country: New Zealand
Likes: camping
Dislikes: snakes
Next weekend:
trip to mountains / Name: Tukker
Age: 25
Country: Canada
Likes: singing
Dislikes: work
Next weekend:
Name: ChrisAge: 5
Country: South Africa
Likes: winter
Dislikes: go to school
Next weekend: safari / Name: John McFarrow
Age: 46
Country: USA
Likes: dancing
Dislikes: rain
Next weekend:
Las Vegas
Name: Mrs.Elly
Age: 67
Country: Australia
Likes: cooking
Dislikes: children
Next weekend:
make a cake / Name: Dr. Miller
Age: 39
Country: Ireland
Likes: travelling
Dislikes: hospitals
Next weekend: pub
Name: John Turtle
Age: 12
Country: Scotland
Likes: TV
Dislikes: cleaning the house
Next weekend:
Highland Games / Name: Matthew
Age: 14
Country: England
Likes: riding his bike
Dislikes: tourists
Next weekend:
London Eye
Where does
Mr.Dooley go
next weekend?
/How old is
/What does
Mrs. Elly like?
What doesn’t
Cris like?
/ /Where does
Matthew come
How old is
John Turtle?
/ Where doesJohn McFarrow
come from? /What does
Dr. Miller like?Where does
John Turtle go next weekend?
/How old is
/What does
Tukker like?
What doesn’t
Mrs. Elly like?
/ /Where does
Mr. Dooley
come from?
What does
Matthew like?
/Where does
John McFarrow
come from?
/How old is
Where does Chris
go next weekend?
/How old is
Mrs. Elly?
/What does
Dr. Miller like?
What doesn’t
John McFarrow
/ /Where does
Matthew come
How old is
Mr. Dooley?
/Where does
John Turtle go
next weekend?
/What does
Tukker like?
Where does John McFarrow go next weekend?
/How old is
Dr. Miller?
/What does Mr. Dooley like?
What doesn´t
John Turtle like?
/ /Where does Tukker
come from?
How old is
/Where does
Mrs. Elly
come from?
/What doesn’t Matthew like?
Where does
Mrs. Elly go next weekend?
/How old is Mr. Dooley?
/What does John McFarrow like?
What doesn’t
Matthew like?
/ /Where does
come from?
How old is
Dr. Miller?
Tukker like?
/Where does
John Turtle
come from?
Tukker go
next weekend?
/How old is
/What does John Turtle like?
What doesn’t
Dr. Miller like?
/ /Where does
Mrs. Elly
come from?
John McFarrow gonext weekend?
/Where does
Mr. Dooley
come from?
/What does
Chris like?
Where does
Dr. Miller go next weekend?
/How old is John Turtle?
/What does
Matthew like?
What doesn’t
John McFarrow
/ /Where does
Chris come from?
How old is
/What doesn’t
Mr. Dooley like?
/Where does
Mrs. Elly
come from?
Where does
Matthew go next weekend?
/How old is John McFarrow?
/What does
Chris like?
What doesn’t
Dr. Miller like?
/ /Where does
Mrs. Elly
come from?
How old is
John Turtle?
/What doesn’t
Tukker like?
/Where does
Mr. Dooley go next weekend?