Abstract Format
The abstract should be written in English. Please check for spelling, grammatical errors and correct diction before submission. Any abstract that is not in English or with noticeable syntax errors will be rejected. Please limit your complete abstract to an A4 page.
Page Layout:
Please use A4 paper with margins as the following: right 2 cm (0.8 in) and left 3 cm (1.2 in). Font: Times New Roman, normal style, use "symbol" font for special characters.
Title: Full Title, font size 16 points in bold letters.
Author(s): Full Name of Authors, font size 12 points.
The author’s name should be listed in the order of First Name, Initial of Middle Name (optional), Last Name. In case there are two authors, use the symbol “&” between the two names. In case there are three and more authors, use semicolons to separate each name and use “&” before the last author’s name. Each name should be followed by a superscript number indicating his/her affiliation. The presenting author’s name should be in bold. For example, Joseph B. Scott1; Adam Smith1; Zhiyong Yang2Tamy J. Lee2.
Institution: Superscript number followed by Institution name and postal address, font size 10 points.
Email:The email address of the first author or the corresponding author is recommendedto be included here to facilitate communication. Font size 12 points.
Immediately following the Email the authors must provide 3~5 keywords for indexing purposes.
Main Text: font size 12 points.
Please limit the main text of the abstract to 100-250 words. It is suggested to briefly cover the research purpose, method, key findings, and conclusions. Non-standard or uncommon abbreviations must be defined the first time they appear in the text (but not in the title). There is no need to cite the source of information or include any literature reference in the abstract, except that you think it is truly necessary.
Tables, charts or other graphics may be included, but please make sure they are clear to read, fit the page size, and meet the one-page requirement for the whole abstract. An abstract template and an example are available to download on the congress website.
Please indent (0.5 inch) the first line of each paragraph and leaveno spacing lines between paragraphs.