_____Checkpoint 1: General Information Sheet
- Complete the Student Information Sheet
_____Checkpoint 2: Notice to Parents of Science Research Students
- Return a signed copy of the Notice to Parents Sheet
_____Checkpoint 3: Email Communication
- Send an email to ith an email that you check daily. Email is our communication link. You will be added to an email group for communication.
_____Checkpoint 4: Schedule 1st Individual Conference
- Use the wall calendar to schedule your first individual conference to set up your lab notebook and portfolio. I am available every Period 0 and during lunch time.
_____Checkpoint 5: Set-up Lab Notebook
- You will:
- Set up your new, current Science Research Lab Notebook
- Label every page with a title, date and page number
- Bring your Lab Notebook with you to every individual conference
_____Checkpoint 6: Selecting a general area of interest
- You will provide evidence that you have:
- Pursued background research on several potential general areas of interest
- Selected one general area of interest
- Used online resources to locate sources related to your general area of interest
- Explained (in writing) why you selected the general area of interest
_____Checkpoint 7: Article Research
- Find 10 articles related to your topic from any source.
- Print out each article and staple a typed 100-word summary to the front of each article.
- Record article title, author(s) and topics in your Course Reader as evidence of research in the References Record Sheet Section.
_____Checkpoint 8: Submission of Question From
- You will:
- Complete the Submission of Question form found in your lab manual
- Discuss all components of this form as a starting point to creating your research plan.
_____Checkpoint 9: Designing a Research Plan
- You will provide evidence that you have:
- Drafted a tentative research plan to test your hypothesis through experimentation (data collection) and analysis
- Summarized your tentative research plan using a design matrix
- Prepared a list of needed materials and resources
- Determined the feasibility of the research, including time, materials, and cost
- Described (in writing) the proposed method or procedures for your project
- Clearly indicated how you manipulate the independent variable, measure the dependent variable, and control other potential variables
- Determined that you have included sufficient numbers in both control and experimental groups to be statistically valid
- Discussed your research plan with your teacher and mentor scientist
- Developed a realistic timeline for each component of your research plan
- Determined that your research plan meets the safety and ethical guidelines (for appropriate research involving human subjects, non-human vertebrate animals, pathogenic agents, controlled substances, recombinant DNA, and human or non-human animal tissue)
- See Checkpoint 12 and discuss research plan format with teacher for formatting, forms required
- Pre-approval for your topic may be necessary and additional forms and date deadlines will apply
- Prepared a formal research plan (in writing) that describes the question being addressed, the hypothesis/problem/engineering goals, a description in detail of methods and procedures, and a bibliography/references (follow guidelines provided by your teacher)
- Answered (in writing) the question, "How did you get the idea for your research?"
- You will provide evidence that you have:
- Reviewed the information, rules, regulations and forms available at Science Service for the Intel Talent Search (International Science and Engineering Fair Science Project) at
- Reviewed information, rules, regulations and forms for entry into other science fairs or symposiums recommended by your teacher
- Used ISEF Rules Wizard at to determine what forms and approvals are necessary before implementing your research plan
- Worked with your sponsor and teacher to complete the following forms: Checklist for Adult Sponsor, Research Plan (1A), Research Plan Attachment, Approval Form (1B), and SRC/IRB approval (if needed)
- Ordered or arranged for needed materials/equipment required for implementing your research plan
_____Checkpoint 11: Conducting the Research Investigation
- You will provide evidence that you have:
- Maintained a Lab Notebook that includes detailed notes of each and every experiment, measurement and observation (follow the guidelines provided by your teacher)
- Implemented a preliminary trial of the methods
- Revised or refined the methods based on the preliminary trial
- Discussed with your mentor or sponsor potential techniques for statistically analyzing the data you plan to collect (if appropriate)
- Submitted any revisions of original research plan for sponsor and mentor approval
- Conducted your research following your proposed timeline
- Periodically sought review of your research progress from your sponsor and mentor
- Prepared photographs to illustrate key methods, equipment, or results
- Continued to do research to increase your understanding of other scientists' work related to your research project
_____Checkpoint 12: Data Analysis
- You will provide evidence that you have:
- Use computer spreadsheet software to enter your raw data into a spreadsheet
- Selected and used appropriate statistical analysis techniques/software to analyze your data
- Used appropriate computer software to create data tables/charts to summarize/analyze your data
- Used computer software to created appropriate graphs and figures
- Prepared a written draft of the discussion/analysis of the data (including patterns, relationships, support/lack of support for hypothesis, and sources of error)
- Obtained feedback this data discussion/analysis from your teacher and mentor
_____Checkpoint 13: PVPSEF Science Fair Application
- You will:
- Complete all necessary forms for the Palos Verdes PVPSEF Science Fair
- Meet deadlines for science fair applications
- Submit required forms
- Submit your application to your sponsor and teacher for review
- Refine your project as required for inclusion in other science research competitions
- If selected in the top 13 you will advance to the LA County Science Fair in March
_____Checkpoint 14: Writing the Abstract
- You will:
- Use the Writing the Abstract Template found on
- Complete all 4 sections of the Abstract
- Email your rough draft to me for review and editing
_____Checkpoint 15: Writing an APA-format Research Paper
- You will provide evidence that you have:
- Written a 250-word abstract that includes the purpose of the experiment, procedures used, data, conclusions, and possible research applications
- Written a rough draft for each section of the research paper (follow the guidelines provided by your teacher)
- Sought feedback on each section of your rough draft from your peers, teacher, and mentor
- Used feedback and self-evaluation to make revisions to each section of the research paper
- Prepared a final draft of your research paper
_____Checkpoint 16: Preparing a Professional Board Visual Display
- You will provide evidence that you have:
- Reviewed the information of visual displays
- Reviewed guidelines for creating an effective poster presentation (provided by your teacher)
- Prepared a display that is organized, clear, concise, correctly presented, well-constructed, and eye-catching.
- Email rough draft of your PowerPoint template to your teacher for review
- Provide an enlarged version of your abstract for display during science fairs.
- Once your rough draft is approved, submit your PowerPoint to a local printing company (~$60-$120)
_____Checkpoint 17: Preparing an Oral Presentation for Participation in Science Fairs
- You will provide evidence that you have:
- Practiced speaking freely and confidently about your display to demonstrate that you have a good grasp of your project
- Presented your display to classmates and engaged in discussion and answering questions related to your work
- Prepared a written script for a 12 minute oral, public presentation about your research
- Prepared appropriate visuals for use in your presentation
- Reviewed the guidelines for oral presentations (provided by your teacher)
- Practiced using the script/visuals
- Used peer review to revise the script/visuals and improve your presentation skills
- Practiced for a "Question & Answer" session in which judges will ask questions about your research project
_____Checkpoint 18: Science Fair Materials and Preparation
- You will prepare yourself for the Science Fairs and take the following:
- Professionally printed Science Fair Board
- A Stand for your board
- 1 binder that has your final research paper + INTEL forms in it (with printed label)
- 1 binder that has all of your article research and forms (with printed label)
- Your Research Log/Notebook (with printed label)
- Any materials or demonstrations materials you would like to display
- Clear, acrylic frame with your typed abstract in it