Cheng-An (James) Lin, Ph.D.
(林政鞍 博士)
200, Chung-Pei Road,
Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Chung Yuan Christian University, Chung-Li 32023, Taiwan
(Tel) +886-3-2654504
(Cell) +886-952899009
(Fax) +886-3-2654581
EducationInstitution and location / Degree / Month/year / Field of study
Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan(R.O.C.) / BS / 06/02 / Biomedical Engineering
Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan(R.O.C.) / PhD / 06/08 / Biomedical Engineering
Experience andPositions:
08/2015 to present-, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, CYCU, Taiwan03/2017to present- Director, International Master Program of Biomedical Materials and Technology, CYCU, Taiwan
06/2013-09/2013 Visiting Scholar, Division of Molecular Pharmaceutics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, U.S.A.
02/2010- Assistant Professor in Department of Biomedical Engineering, CYCU, Taiwan.
06/2009-01/2010, Postdoctoral fellow in Center of Nano Bioengineering, CYCU, Taiwan
Postdoctoral fellow with Prof. Walter H. Chang. Probe Design of Fluorescent Gold Nanoclusters in Biomedical Application. Nanoparticle Grouping via Biotin-Streptavidin. Development of Nanobubble as ultrasound contrast agent.
11/2007, Visiting Ph.D. student inAG Biophotonik, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany
Visiting fellow with Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Parak. Characterization of Fluorescent Gold Nanoclusters.
09/2005-07/2006, Fellowship student in AG Biophysics, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Germany
Graduate student with Dr. Wolfgang Parak(nanomaterials group under Prof. Dr. HE Gaub) supported by DAAD-NSC sandwich program. Design of amphiphilic polymer for nanoparticle coating and functionalization.
01/2005-02/2006, Visiting student in AG Biophysics, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Germany
Visiting student with Dr. Wolfgang Parak (nanomaterials group underProf. Dr. H.E. Gaub). Synthesis & polymer coating of colloidal CdSe/ZnS quantum dots.
09/2001-06/2008, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan
Graduate student with Prof. Walter H. Chang. Design of Novel Nanoprobes Using Fluorescent Gold Nanoclusters and Poly(MaleicAnhydride) Derivatives of Amphiphilic Polymer Coating toward Biomedical Application. Infrastructure set-up of Nanobiotechnology core-lab.
Honor & Awards:
2005 Research Fellowship of DAAD-NSC Sandwich Program
2008 Honorary Member of the Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society of the Republic of China
2010 SPIE BiOS Young Investigator Award
2010 Interviewed by Nature. (NATURE, 464, 635, 25 March2010)
2011 The Most-Cited Paper Award, Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering (JMBE)
2013 Distinguished Tutor in College of Engineering, CYCU
2014Wu Ta-You Award, Ministry of Science and Technology
2015 Bronze Medal Award, Taipei International Invention Show & Technology
2015 Outstanding Research Award, CYCU
2016 Bronze Medal Award, Taipei International Invention Show & Technology
Selected Publication:
- Lin, C.-A. J.; Liedl, T.; Sperling, R. A.; Fernandez-Arguelles, M. T.; Costa-Fernandez, J. M.; Pereiro, R.; Sanz-Medel, A.; Chang, W. H.; Parak, W. J.*, Bioanalytics and biolabeling with semiconductor nanoparticles (quantum dots). Journal of Materials Chemistry2007, 17, (14), 1343-1346.(Cover Page)
- Lin, C.-A. J.; Sperling, R. A.; Li, J. K.; Yang, T. Y.; Li, P. Y.; Zanella, M.; Chang, W. H.; Parak, W. G. J.*, Design of an amphiphilic polymer for nanoparticle coating and functionalization. SMALL2008, 4, (3), 334-341.(Cover Page)
- Lin, C.-A. J.; Yang, T. Y.; Lee, C. H.; Huang, S. H.; Sperling, R. A.; Zanella, M.; Li, J. K.; Shen, J. L.; Wang, H. H.; Yeh, H. I.; Parak, W. J.*; Chang, W. H.*, Synthesis, characterization, and bioconjugation of fluorescent gold nanoclusters toward biological labeling applications. ACS Nano2009, 3, (2), 395-401.
- Lin, C.-A. J.; Lee, C.-H.; Hsieh, J.-T.; Wang, H.-H.; Li, J. K.; Shen, J.-L.; Chan, W.-H.; Yeh, H.-I.; Chang, W. H.: Synthesis of Fluorescent Metallic Nanoclusters toward Biomedical Application: Recent Progress and Present Challenges.Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering2009, 29, 276-283.
- Wang H. H., Lin C. A. J., Lee C. H., Lin Y. C., Tseng Y. M., Hsieh C. L., Chen C. H., Tsai C. H., Hsieh C. T., Shen J. L., Chan W. H., Yeh H. I., and Chang W. H., "Fluorescent Gold Nanoclusters as a Biocompatible Marker for In Vitro and In Vivo Tracking of Endothelial Cells," ACSNano, vol. 5, pp. 4337-4344, Jun 2011.
- Lin C. A. J.*, Chuang W.K., Huang Z.Y., Kang S.T., Chang C.Y., Chen C.T., Li J.L., Li J.K., Wang H.H., Kung F.C., Shen J.L., Chan W.H., Yeh C.K., Yeh H.I., Lai W.F.T., and Chang W.H., Rapid Transformation of Protein-Caged Nanomaterials into Microbubbles As Bimodal Imaging Agents, ACS Nano, vol. 6, pp. 5111-5121, Jun 2012.
- Talite M. J. A., Lin H. T., Jiang Z. C., Lin T. N., Huang H. Y., Heredia E., Flores A., Chao Y. C., Shen J. L., Lin C. A. J.*, Yuan C. T.*, Solid-state, ambient-operation thermally activated delayed fluorescence from flexible, non-toxic gold-nanocluster thin films: towards the development of biocompatible light-emitting devices, Nanotechnology2016, 27, 345701.
- Huang, H. Y.; Lin, C. A. J.*; Chang, W. H.; Yeh, C. K.: Template-based formation of ultrasound microbubble contrast agents. RSC Advance2016, 6, 69185-69190.