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Spring 2016
Pine Island Ridge Community Association
Save the date!
The Pine Island Board will once again be holding a Kiddie Patriotic parade on Saturday, June 18. Please refer to our website for future updates. Any homeowner interested in volunteering their time to plan this event or having additional questions should contact Board Member Cheri Aleksic (286-5250).
Spring is in the air !!!
And so is the desire to go outdoors and start cleaning up the yard and making preparations for a garden. Before doing so, we ask homeowners to check their plots to make sure they are not encroaching on Common Ground property as an extension of their yards for gardens and/or sheds. Also, trash and other discarded items are not to be put out on the curb until 24 hours before scheduled trash collection day. Please be considerate of your neighbors and the appearance of your neighborhood!
On January 1, 2012, the Town of Schererville passed two new ordinances. One ordinance pertains to the storage of the trash and recycling cans provided to all homeowners (Ordinance 1801). The other ordinance covers parking, storage and use of major recreational equipment (Title XVII, Sections 11-13). Please refer to our website, to view the complete wording of the ordinances. THEY WILL BE ENFORCED BY THE TOWN’S CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER!
If you are Moving or Refinancing!
You must contact the PIRCA Treasurer (Mike Pocius @ 798-6931) at least 5 working days prior to your closing date to receive a confirmation letter regarding your assessment status. If the Treasurer does not receive 5 working days’ notice, you will be charged $25—which will be exchanged for the letter.
Monthly Board meetings
All homeowners are welcome to attend our monthly board meetings. We meet the 3rd Monday of every month at 7:00 p.m. at Rosatti’s Restaurant(located in the same strip mall as Walgreens and Subway on the corner of US 30 and Burr Street).
As you are aware, the 2016 assessment letters have been sent out. The deadline to pay was January 31st in order to avoid any late fees. Many thanks to those who have paid! For those who have not paid, late fees will be assessed until payment has been paid in full. Any questions, please contact Treasurer Mike Pocius at 798-6931.
SPEEDING continues to be a problem in our community. Please sloooooow down!!!
Anonymous Tip Line
Anyone with information about suspicious activity in our subdivision or Schererville in general, can call the police department’s anonymous tip line at (219) 865-4646 or the non-emergency line at (219) 322-5000.
If you have any ideas or suggestions on how to improve our common areas, please contact Ivone Palus @ 769-9400.
For other helpful information, check out our website, Many thanks to board member, DaveKwiatkowski, for keeping the website up to date! Couldn’t have done it without you!!!
Volunteer PIRCA Board of Directors
President: Ivone I. Palus 769-9400Vice President: Richard Foreman 689-0257
Treasurer: Mike Pocius 798-6931Secretary: Vera Lippie 791-0297
Richard Elliott (Trustee)Ron HahnBob Smith
736-1202 736-1906750-9423
Neal KostelykDave KwiatkowskiMarc Zubeck (708) 932-2680 398-8432 743-4625
Cheri Aleksic Judy ElliottYolla Blair
Elizabeth Sengupta
BOX 316