Board Minutes of 12/9/14

Board Present: Donna Davies, Dennis Wood, Ann Arragg, Dotti Oliver, David Wilk

Board Absent: Brian Cousino, Pauline Malysko, John Cortes, Glee Lewis, Sheila Murphy

Staff Present: Jeanette Villanueva, Chrissy Riley

Action items in Red

Motions in Green

Donna Davies called the meeting to order at 12:10 pm. Proposed agenda reviewed. Minutes accepted unanimously as presented for the November meeting.

President’s Report, Donna Davies

  • Pursuing new Board members: Dr. James Herman’s bio and application was sent by email to all current Board members

Treasurer’s Report, Brian Cousino

  • Board reviewed cash flow report

Executive Director’s Report, Jeanette Villanueva

Proposed Mission Statement:

● Following discussions at previous Board meetings and via emails circulated to the Board, Jeanette proposed that BIC adopt the following mission statement: “Our mission is to raise awareness, provide support and resources to survivors and caregivers, and improve the quality of life for those impacted by brain injury.”

● David Wilk made a motion: “I would move to approve the recommended mission statement.” Dotti seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Proposed 2015 Budget:

  • The proposed 2015 budget and accompanying report were passed out at November’s board meeting.
  • There was discussion about income and grants from other sources. The proposed budget includes conservative estimates for income. Dave recommended providing the Board with a grant report that includes submission date and projected funding date for all grants.
  • The bookkeeper will put out regular reports that will be circulated at each Board meeting.
  • Dennis Wood made a motion: “I will make a motion to approve the budget as presented.” David seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

2015 Calendar:

  • A calendar of Board meetings and events for 2015 was circulated. The Board discussed moving the timing and location of the board meetings. All Board members present will fit whatever time is decided upon into their schedules. Jeanette will follow up with Board members not present at this meeting to find out their availability for meetings in 2015.

General Update:

  • Grants that have been submitted and we are waiting to hear back include Dignity Health, Wood-Claeyssen’s, and Weingart. Jeanette is currently working on grants that are due in January: Meadowlark Service League, City of Ventura and City of Camarillo community service grants. Dotti recommended sending a representative from BIC to attend City Council meetings.
  • Website is being updated and improved. A “Donate” button will be added to the homepage. An “Events” page was added for all special events (not including support groups) and a description of TeleREACH was added to caregiver resources.
  • A “Speakers Bureau” is being developed with the goal of a survivor and a representative from BIC going out into the community to local schools, etc. to give a presentation on the survivor’s experiences and the programs BIC offers. Jenna and Tyler are currently on the website. Jeanette will get permission from Linda, Ryan, and Lee (and others) to add their photo and bio to the website.
  • The Professional Advisory Council will be meeting in January. Planning is underway for the Conference in April.

Committee Reports

Fundraising Committee, Dotti Oliver

● Preparation underway to solicit sponsors from 2014 “Evening of Magical Memories” and find new sponsors. Jeanette and Chrissy will follow up on any unpaid sponsorships from the 2014 event.

● March 22, 2015: Phil Celia benefit concert in Newbury Park; 4-7pm; Dotti encouraged all Board members to attend the event and check out Phil Celia on You Tube.

● Yolanda’s Fundraiser in Camarillo: December 16, 4-9:30 pm, dine-in and take-out meals included; they will donate 20% of proceeds if you bring flyer; Board members encouraged to attend.

● Silpada Jewelry Fundraiser – kick off party held last week; can place orders through Thursday, December 11. $350 raised already!

● 2015 “An Evening of Magical Memories” will be held at Residence Inn on Saturday, September 26, 2015. Tickets will be $100. Mark your calendars! The food and beverage services will be more expensive this year, but it is still the best deal compared to other venues in Ventura County.

● If you know of anyone interested in working on the Fundraising Committee, please let Dotti know.

Program Committee, Jeanette Villanueva and Chrissy Riley

  • The “Building Better Relationships” skill building class concluded. A couple of women from the group and Jeanette will continue meeting on a monthly basis to socialize. Other women from support groups will be invited to the group as appropriate.
  • Support groups are adapting to new format presented by Celeste Racicot. Camilla Seippel and Chrissy Riley continue to facilitate survivor groups while Jeanette facilitates caregiver group in Camarillo. Dave recommended informing/reminding support group attendees about Access Dial-a-Ride services.

Unfinished Business

  • Donna passed out a handout of the current bylaws with suggestions for revising them. Donna will be working with Dave Edsall to review current bylaws and revisions. Board members are asked to review the handout that Donna passed out and be prepared to vote on revisions in January.

New Business

● Dotti recommended reviewing the history of the Brain Injury Center as it is portrayed on the website, Facebook, and in newsletters to make sure founding members (Lee and Buster Staniland, Midge and Dave Stork, and Rex and Linda Wells) are given proper recognition. Jeanette and Chrissy will follow up on this.

● Donna passed out Board evaluations. Chrissy will mail to Board members absent from the meeting. Evaluations should be completed and mailed or emailed to Jeanette by next Monday.

Meeting adjourned at 1:30pm.

Next meeting will be Tuesday, January 13, 2015, at 12 pm at Ventura County Community Foundation, Suite B, Room B.