Annex B-2

/ Doc No. / UET-QSP-05/00
University of Engineering and Technology Lahore / Form No. / UET-DTEM-01/00
Date of Issue / 15-Oct-2016
Under Graduate Engineering
Employer Survey / Page No. / 1 of 2
Transportation Engineering and Management

The survey is concerning UET graduates employed at your prestigious organization. We seek your help in completing this survey. Your input will not only help us in evaluating our program in the light of Outcome Based Education System (OBE) but will also guide us towards improvement.

Part A of this survey has to be filled by DG/Director HRD or GM in your organization. Part A is about your organization. Part B & C of this survey has to be filled by the reporting officer of each UET graduate (Department of Transportation Engineering and Management) working in your organization.

Part A: Organization

Organization Name:

Type of business:

Number of UET Graduates (program wise) in your organization:

In what type of work UET graduates are generally engaged in your organization (Design, Production, Project Management, etc.)

Part B: Rating achievement of PEOs in terms of Knowledge, Skills and Behavior

Please indicate how you rate the knowledge, skills and behavior of UET graduate working under your guidance.

PEO / Characteristics / Outstanding / Good / Satisfactory / Un- / Poor
(5) / (4) / (3) / satisfactory / (1)
Addr / (2)
1 / 1 / Knowledge and application of mathematics & science to
complex engineering problems
2 / 1 / Knowledge of his/her major field
3 / 1 / Linking theoretical knowledge with practical work
4 / 3 / Collecting, analyzing and interpreting data
5 / 3 / Identifying and formulating problems in a systematic way
6 / 3 / Developing and implementing cost effective and innovative
solutions to engineering problems
7 / 3 / Selecting and applying appropriate IT and engineering tools
and techniques to analyze and solve engineering problems
8 / 3 / Ability to design a system, component and process

/ Doc No. / UET-QSP-05/00
University of Engineering and Technology Lahore / Form No. / UET-DTEM-01/00
Date of Issue / 15-Oct-2016
Under Graduate Engineering
Employer Survey / Page No. / 2 of 2
Transportation Engineering and Management
9 / 2 / Understanding impact of engineering solution and design
on the environment and society
10 / 2 / Understanding of safety, health, societal and cultural issues
related to work
11 / 2 / Demonstrating ethical values and professional norms
12 / 3 / Ability to work in team assignment
13 / 1 / Demonstrating Leadership qualities
14 / 3 / Capability to work independently
15 / 1 / Effective Verbal Communication
16 / 1 / Effective Report writing
17 / 3 / Demonstrating management skills
18 / 3 / Managing projects in multidisciplinary environment
19 / 3 / Productivity at work
20 / 3 / Recognizing importance of and pursuing life-long learning
in keeping abreast with the latest developments

PartC: Overall Rating and Suggestions

1. / 1,2,3 / In general, how do you rate our graduate’s overall
preparation for the type of work he/she is doing?
  1. Please make any additional comments or suggestions, which you think would help in strengthening our program for the preparation of our graduates.
  1. Do you propose any specific contents/subjects to be included in Curriculum?


Annex B-3

/ Doc No. / UET-QSP-05/00
University of Engineering and Technology Lahore / Form No. / UET-DTEM-01/00
Date of Issue / 15-Oct-2016
Under Graduate Engineering
Alumni Survey / Page No. / 1 of 2
Transportation Engineering and Management

We are glad that you have spent valuable years pursuing courses of your choice at University of Engineering and Technology Lahore. We shall be thankful if you can spare some of your valuable time to fill up this feedback form and give us valuable suggestions for further improvement of the Program and university. Your valuable inputs will be of great use to improve the quality of our academic program and enhance the credibility of our University.

Part A: Yourself

1 / Name (Optional)
2 / Year of graduation
3 / Contact details (email,
Phone, Address)
4 / Presently / Employed
5 / If self-employed / i) / Own Business
ii) / Nature of Business
6 / If employed / i) / Name of Organization (Govt/Semi-Govt/Private) :
ii) / Position Held
7 / If engaged / in Higher / i) / Name of University
Studies / ii) / Program & Degree

Part B: Rating achievement of PEOs in terms of Knowledge, Skills and Behavior.

Please indicate to what extent you think your education at UET contributed to your development in the following requirements of your career.

PEO / Requirements / Highly / Very / Moderately / Slightly / Not at
(5) / (4) / (3) / (2) / all
Addr / (1)
1 / 1 / Knowledge and application of mathematics & science to
complex engineering problems
2 / 1 / Knowledge of your major field field
3 / 1 / Linking theoretical knowledge with practical work
4 / 3 / Collecting, analyzing and interpreting data
5 / 3 / Identifying and formulating engineering problems in a
systematic way
6 / 3 / Developing and implementing cost effective and innovative
solutions to engineering problems
7 / 3 / Selecting and applying appropriate IT and engineering tools
and techniques to analyze and solve engineering problems

/ Doc No. / UET-QSP-05/00
University of Engineering and Technology Lahore / Form No. / UET-DTEM-01/00
Date of Issue / 15-Oct-2016
Under Graduate Engineering
Alumni Survey / Page No. / 2 of 2
Transportation Engineering and Management
8 / 3 / Ability to designing a system, component and process
9 / 2 / Understanding impact of engineering solution and design on
the environment and society
10 / 2 / Understanding of safety, health, societal and cultural issues
related to work
11 / 2 / Demonstrating ethical values and professional norms
12 / 3 / Ability to work effectively in a team assignment
13 / 1 / Demonstrating Leadership qualities
14 / 3 / Capability to work independently
15 / 1 / Effective Verbal Communication
16 / 1 / Effective Report writing
17 / 3 / Demonstrating management skills
18 / 3 / Managing projects in multidisciplinary environment
19 / 3 / Recognizing importance of and pursuing life-long learning in
keeping abreast with the latest developments

Part C: Overall Rating and Suggestions

1. / 1,2,3 / In general, contribution of your degree program at UET in
development of your career requirements
  1. Please make any additional comments or suggestions, which you think would help in strengthening our program for the preparation of our graduates.
  1. Do you propose any specific contents/subjects to be included in Curriculum?

Annex B-4

/ Doc No. / UET-QSP-05/00
University of Engineering and Technology Lahore / Form No. / UET-DTEM-01/00
Date of Issue / 15-Oct-2016
Survey of Graduating Students / Page No. / 1 of 3
Transportation Engineering and Management
S/No / A
Very Satisfied / B
Satisfied / C
Moderate / D
Uncertain / E

Question related to Program Learning Objectives (PLOs)

The program is effective in applying knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering to the
1 / (PLO-1) / solution of complex engineering problems
A / B / C / D / E
2 / (PLO-2) / The program is effective in developing analytical and problem solving skills.
A / B / C / D / E
3 / (PLO-3) / The program is effective in design solutions for complex engineering problems.
A / B / C / D / E
4 / (PLO-4) / The program is effective to investigate (to analyze, interpret data and synthesis of information) the
complex engineering problems.
A / B / C / D / E
5 / (PLO-5) / The program is effective in using modern engineering and IT tools.
A / B / C / D / E
6 / (PLO-6) / The program is effective in addressing contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal
and cultural issues.
A / B / C / D / E
7(PLO-7) / The program is effective in respect to understand the societal impact of professional engineering
solutions and sustainable development.
A / B / C / D / E
8 / (PLO-8) / The program is effective in developing professional and ethical responsibility.
A / B / C / D / E
9 / (PLO-9) / The program is effective in enhancing individual and team-working abilities.
A / B / C / D / E
10 / (PLO-10) / The program is effective in developing communication skills.
A / B / C / D / E

/ Doc No. / UET-QSP-05/00
University of Engineering and Technology Lahore / Form No. / UET-DTEM-01/00
Date of Issue
Survey of Graduating Students / Page No. / 2 of 3
Transportation Engineering and Management
11 (PLO-11) / The program is effective in developing project Management skills.
A / B / C / D / E
12 (PLO-12) / The program is effective in developing independent thinking.
A / B / C / D / E
General Questions
13 / The work in the program is too heavy and induces a lot of pressure.
A / B / C / D / E
14 / The program administration is effective in supporting learning.
A / B / C / D / E
15 / The program is effective in developing planning skills.
A / B / C / D / E
16 / The mathematical content of the program is adequate for pursuing the advanced courses in the
A / B / C / D / E
17 / The objectives of the program have been fully achieved
A / B / C / D / E
18 / Whether the contents of curriculum are advanced and meet program objectives
A / B / C / D / E
19 / Faculty was able to meet the program objectives
A / B / C / D / E
20 / Environment was conducive for learning
A / B / C / D / E
21 / Whether the Infrastructure of the department was good.
A / B / C / D / E
22 / Whether the program was comprised of Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities
A / B / C / D / E
23 / Whether scholarships/ grants were available to students in case of hardship?
A / B / C / D / E
Annex B-5

/ Doc No. / UET-QSP-05/00
University of Engineering and Technology Lahore / Form No. / UET-DTEM-01/00
Date of Issue / 15-Oct-2016
Faculty Survey / Page No. / 1 of 3
Transportation Engineering and Management

Please indicate how much satisfied are you with each of the following aspects at your department?

Legends / A / B / C / D / E
S/No / Highly / Satisfied / Uncertain / Dissatisfied / Highly Dissatisfied

1The intellectual drive of your work.

A / B / C / D / E

2Type of teaching/research you currently do.

A / B / C / D / E
3 / Your interaction with students.
A / B / C / D / E
4 / Cooperation you receive from colleagues.
A / B / C / D / E
  1. Your engagment in mix of teaching, research & community service

A / B / C / D / E
6 / The mentoring available to you.
A / B / C / D / E
7 / Administrative support from the department.
A / B / C / D / E
8 / Providing clarity about the faculty promotion process.
A / B / C / D / E
9 / Your prospects for advancement and progress through ranks.
A / B / C / D / E

/ Doc No. / UET-QSP-05/00
University of Engineering and Technology Lahore / Form No. / UET-DTEM-01/00
Date of Issue / 15-Oct-2016
Faculty Survey / Page No. / 2of 3
Transportation Engineering and Management
10 / Salary and compensation package.
A / B / C / D / E
11 / Job security and stability at the department
A / B / C / D / E
12 / Amount of time you have for yourself and family.
A / B / C / D / E
13 / The overall climate at the department.
A / B / C / D / E
14 / Overall Satisfaction with job / at UET
A / B / C / D / E
15 / What are the best programs/factors currently available in your department that enhance your
motivation and job satisfaction?
16 / Suggest programs/factors that could improve your motivation and job satisfaction?

/ Doc No. / UET-QSP-05/00
University of Engineering and Technology Lahore / Form No. / UET-DTEM-01/00
Date of Issue / 15-Oct-2016
Faculty Survey / Page No. / 3 of 3
Transportation Engineering and Management

Information about faculty member.

  1. Academic rank:

A:Professor B: Associate Prof. C: AssUETant. Professor D: Instructor E: Lecturer

  1. Years of service (in years):





E:> 20

Annex B-6

/ Doc No. / UET-QSP-05/00
University of Engineering and Technology Lahore / Form No. / UET-DTEM-01/00
Date of Issue / 15-Oct-2016
Internship Questionnaire / Page No. / 1 of 2
Transportation Engineering and Management

The purpose of this assessment is to provide the student intern with constructive feedback on his/her internship experience. This evaluation form should be completed by the internship site supervisor or the individual who is most closely responsible for supervising the intern’s work assignments.

Student Name

Program and Batch Name

Period of Internship / From / To

Student Responsibilities

Feedback on performance of student:

Please indicate how you rate the knowledge, skills and behavior of UET student:

(please tick the appropriate box)

RATINGS / Better / Meets / Below / Not
Outstanding / than / Poor
Expectation / Expectations / applicable
Knowledge of Mathematics &
Basic Sciences
Knowledge & application of
Problem formation and solving
Collecting and analyzing
appropriate data
Linking theory to practice
Oral communication
Report writing
Presentation skills

/ Doc No. / UET-QSP-05/00
University of Engineering and Technology Lahore / Form No. / UET-DTEM-01/00
Date of Issue / 15-Oct-2016
Internship Questionnaire / Page No. / 2 of 2
Transportation Engineering and Management
Ability to work in teams
Demonstration of ethical values
Time management
Professional behavior
Attendance & punctuality
Overall Performance Evaluation
of Student Intern
Name of Organization
Name of Supervisor
Contact / Email

Thank you very much for participating in our internship program and for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your appraisal of our student’s performance and your associated comments provide valuable feedback in our efforts at continuous improvement of our degree and internship programs.