2. Applications

3. Executive27. Registration

4. Management Committee28. Outside Players

5. Annual General Meeting29. Validity

6. Office Bearers Duties30. Time limit for Registration

31. Transfer of Employment

32. Suspended Players

33. Breaches of Rule 32

COMPETITION RULES34. Mode of Registration

35. Clubs with more than one team

7. Powers

8. Definitions

9. Promotion & RelegationPROTESTS AND DISPUTES

10. Fees

11. Grading of Teams36. Composition of P & D

12. Protests and37. Field Offences

13. Disputes

14. Fitness of ground; Industrial disputes

15. Match Ball

16. Players equipment and coloursAPPEALS

17. Points allocation

18. Kick off times; Forfeiture38. Committee and Appeals

19. Team sheets

20. Referee

21. Allocation of officialsSPONSORSHIP

22. Arrears in Fees and Player Qualifications

23. Interpretation39. Guidelines

24. Penalty

25. Donations

26. Approval and payment of Officials for Championship

Constitutional Rules

1.(a) This Association shall be called the Domain Soccer League Incorporated (D.S.L.).

(i)The object of this Association shall be to foster and develop the game of Association Football.

(ii)This Association adopts the laws of football as laid down from time to time by the International Board.

(iii)Football year shall commence on 1st January and end on 31st December in each year.

(b)Membership of the Domain Soccer League Inc. shall be available to members of the New South Wales

Public Service, Commonwealth Public Service, Commonwealth or State Government Enterprises, Semi-

Government Departments and Enterprises all constituting the Public Sector; and Business Houses from

the Private Sector.

2. Applications from new Clubs or teams must be received by the Secretary prior to the Annual General

Meeting and shall be submitted to that meeting for any endorsement required and then referred to the

Management Committee for admission or rejection. Any Club wishing to resign from membership shall

intimate the same in writing to the Hon. Secretary. No resignation shall be accepted unless all

outstanding monies and dues are paid.

(a)All Clubs affiliating shall pay the annual subscriptions per team as fixed from time to time by the

Management Committee of this Association, prior to the 30th April of each football year.

(i)That if a Club is unfinancial after 30th May of that year, the following to apply:-

- a $50.00 administration fee,

- if unfinancial after 30th June of that particular year, automatic expulsion from the competition will occur

at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

(b)Each Club on affiliating shall register with the Hon. Secretary (D.S.L.) the names and postal addresses

and telephone numbers of its Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer and President, together with the Club's


(c)It shall be incumbent on any Referee, Player, Club or Association Official to report cases of

misconduct, which shall be investigated by the Management Committee and dealt with as seen fit.

(d)Each Club on affiliation shall be furnished with a copy of the Rules of the Domain Soccer League Inc.

Such shall be regarded as sufficient proof that the Clubs are aware of all incurred responsibilities.

(e) (i) All Club's affiliating shall apply for re-election for inclusion into the ensuing football year at the Annual

General Meeting of the Association.

(ii) The criteria for re-election of Clubs shall be finance, forfeiture of games, attendance at meetings and

disciplinary record.

(f)From the 1st January, 1995 each Club will be permitted to field more than one (1) team only at the

discretion of the Management Committee.

(g) All new team entries to accompany an Application Fee of $100.00. The fee is refundable if the team if

unsuccessful. Deduction from the annual registration fee when successful.

3. (a)The Officers of the Association shall consist of Patron, President, Vice President, Hon. Secretary, Hon.

Treasurer, Registrar, Assistant Registrar and Publicity Officer. These officers shall be elected by ballot

at the Annual General Meeting and shall hold office until their successors are elected.

(b)The Executive Officers shall consist of Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar and President, the last-named

Officer having the casting vote.

(c)It shall be competent for the Annual General Meeting to elect as Life Members any persons who have

rendered signal service towards the advancement of the Code.

A Life Member shall be entitled to take part in the business of all General Meetings, and shall have a


4. (a)The Management Committee shall consist of one representative from each Club, a Referee's

representative, inclusion of the Executive Officers of the Association. The conduct of the whole of the

affairs shall be in the hands of this Committee.

(b)At all meetings of the Management Committee, the President shall take the chair. In the absence of the

President, a Chairman shall be elected.

(c)The Executive shall have power to convene Special Meetings by giving at least three (3) days notice.

(d)It shall be the duty of the Management Committee to meet each second Wednesday of the month if

necessary to transact any business arising.

(e)It shall be obligatory for each Club to provide a delegate at each Management Committee meeting.

(h)The Management Committee shall have power to arrange representative or other Association matches

as it may deem fit.

(i)The Management Committee shall have power to appoint Sub-Committees to deal with any matter coming

within its jurisdiction and to appoint any person to such Sub-Committees. The Executive shall be ex-officio

members of all Sub-Committees except that dealing with the selection of representative teams.

The Management Committee shall have power to admit or exclude strangers at their meetings.

(j)If the office of Patron, President, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, or any member of the Management

Committee becomes vacant between the Annual General Meetings, the Management Committee shall

appoint some qualified person to fill it.

(k)Failure of a Club to have a representative at each Management Committee meeting will result in an

automatic fine of $5.00; each further absence will attract a $10.00 fine.

5. (a)The Annual General Meeting shall be held not later than the first week in November in each year, and

fourteen (14) days notice of the date and place of holding shall be given by circular to the Hon.

Secretary of each affiliated Club.

(b) The ordinary business to be transacted at an Annual General Meeting shall be consideration and

adoption of the Annual Report and Balance Sheet, which shall be duly audited, the election of Officers

for the ensuing year, and such other business as may be brought forward in accordance with sub-sec(d).

(c) A Special General Meeting may be convened by the Hon. Secretary by circular, giving at least seven (7)

days notice to each affiliated Club and stating the business proposed to be transacted, either under the

direction of the Executive, or on receiving a requisition to that effect signed by the Hon. Secretaries of not

less than (2/3) of the affiliated Clubs.

(d) Notice of any additions or alterations to the Constitution or any business proposed to be transacted at any

AGM other than ordinary business shall be given in writing (together with the names of the proposer and

seconder) to the Hon. Secretary of the Association 28 days prior to the AGM. The Secretary then shall

notify by circular the proposals to the Hon. Secretary of each affiliated Club. Amendments are acceptable

only with the approval of the original proposer.

(e)Any General Meeting may be adjourned to such other time as the majority of those present shall resolve.

(f)Two (2) delegates of each financial Club and Officers of the Association together with life members,

shall be allowed to vote at any General Meeting.

(g)The voting at all General Meetings in all cases except for the election of Officers shall be by show of

hands, unless otherwise demanded, and shall be conclusive on the declaration of the result by the

Chairman. All voting shall be by simple majority - a tied vote shall be lost.

(h)Alterations in the Constitution can only be made at the Annual General Meeting, or at a Special

General Meeting called for that purpose.

(i)A person shall not represent more than one Club at any meeting.

6. (a)All receipts to be given on numbered forms printed under authority of the Association.

(b)All cheques issued by the Association shall bear the signature of two (2) of the Executive Officers,

ie: President, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, and Registrar.

(c)The duties of the Hon. Secretary shall be to administer the affairs of the Association as directed by the

Management Committee and as the Rules direct him; to keep a proper record of all Association

proceedings; to prepare an Annual Report, execute such other duties as may come within his province,

and to co-ordinate the activities of sub-committees , Registrar and Divisional Registrars.

(d)The duties of the Hon. Treasurer shall be to receive all monies due to the Association from any source,

giving a receipt in return; to bank all money so received at once with the Association's authorised bank;

to have custody of the bank book and cheque book, and to produce them at all meetings; to pay all

expenditure (where possible by cheque) on receiving an authority from the Executive Officers and to

report thereon to the next meeting of the Management Committee; to prepare the Annual Balance Sheet,

and to produce all books and receipts etc. when required by the Hon. Auditor.

(e)The duties of the Registrar shall be:

- to maintain a record of registrations within all Divisions,

- to collect and check Team Sheets,

- to maintain a competition points and results register,

- to maintain a record of disciplinary action by Referees, Committees etc.,

- to report activities etc. to each Management Committee meeting,

- to co-ordinate the activities of the Divisional Registrars.

(f)The duties of the Assistant Registrar shall be:

- to carry out such duties as may be delegated by the Registrar,

- set up and maintain the Internet Web-site for the Domain Soccer League,

- to deputise in the absence of the Registrar.

(g)The duties of the Divisional Managers shall be as follows:

- to carry out such activities as may be directed by the Registrar,

- to ascertain the fitness of the ground for play and advise Clubs within their jurisdiction of

cancellations etc.

(i)The Management Committee shall have the power to suspend from office the Hon. Secretary, or the

Hon. Treasurer, and if so suspended he shall forthwith on demand by the President or any person

appointed by the Management Committee, hand over to the President or such other person so

appointed, all minute, cash, receipt, bank or other books, papers and documents or any other property

in his possession or custody belonging to or relating to the Association. The Hon. Secretary or Hon.

Treasurer shall have the right to appeal against any suspension. This appeal shall be dealt with by a

Special General Meeting.

(j)An Auditor, appointed at the Annual General Meeting each year, shall inspect the Association's books

and financial records annually.


7. (a)Competitions shall be arranged annually by the Management Committee, who shall have power to

abandon any competition and/or organise any other competition if it deems such action necessary in the

interests of the Code.

(b)The Secretary or a member of the Executive shall officially notify teams of their final position on the

points table in relation to the Semi-Final play-offs.

8. (a)The order of teams in the Premiership, for the purposes of determining the Premiers, qualification for

Semi-Final series, promotion and relegation shall be determined as follows (superior records ranking


(i) Number of points scored in Premiership matches;

(ii) Goal difference (goals scored less goals conceded in completed premiership matches) divided by

the number of completed matches;

(iii) Average goals scored in completed premiership matches (goals scored in completed matches divided by

the number of completed matches;

(iv) Record in Premiership matches between teams ranked equally after application of clauses

(i)to (iii) above, with losses due to forfeit resulting in the forfeiting of team(s) being ranked

lower irrespective of other results;

(v) Record in Premiership matches in the second half of the Premiership between teams ranked

equally after application of clauses (i) to (iv) above, with losses due to forfeit resulting in the

forfeiting team(s) being ranked lower irrespective of other results.

(vi) In the event of a tie for 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th positions or for last position, in points, goal

differences and goal averages, teams shall play-off. In the event of a draw at the end of full-

time in the play-off, a further period of ten (10) minutes each way shall be played. If, at the end of

extra time, golden goal to apply, if no goal is scored the match shall be determined by penalty kicks

being taken in accordance with the rules of the International Board.

(b)The Championship shall be determined as follows:-

The first four teams on the competition points table shall play off in two semi-finals:-

1st v 4th and 2nd v3rd. The winners of these two matches to play in the Grand Final to determine the


In the event of a draw in the semi-final, an extra time period of ten (10) minutes each way will be played.

During extra time period, the team scoring first will be declared the winner, ie: golden goal and the match

will conclude. If no goal is scored during the extra time period, the match shall be determined by penalty kicks

being taken in accordance with the rules of the International Board.

(c)In the event of a draw in the Grand Final, an extra time period of ten (10) minutes each way shall be played.

During extra time period, the team scoring first will be declared the winner, ie: golden goal and the match

will conclude. If no goal is scored during the extra time period, the match shall be determined by penalty kicks

being taken in accordance with the rules of the International Board.

9. If the competition is conducted in two (2) or more Divisions, promotion and relegation of teams will be

carried out as follows:-

(a) The Premier team from the lower division shall be promoted to the Division immediately above,

(b) The team finishing last in the Premiership in each Division shall be relegated to the Division

immediately below,

(c)The team finishing last shall be determined as follows:-

(i) Lowest points,

(ii) Lowest (or most inferior) goals difference (points being equal),

(iii) Lowest goal average (points and goals difference being equal),

(iv) In the event of two or more teams finishing level on points, goals difference and goal

averages, the teams shall play off to determine the team to be relegated, with corner and

goal kicks being counted in the event of goals being equal.

(d)In the event of two or more teams from the one Company/Firm/Department being directed to the

one Division in accordance with the provisions of Rule 9, paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) the

Management Committee shall then act in determining the grading of teams in accordance with

the powers granted to it under Section 7.

10. The affiliation/entrance fees for teams and the registration fees for players in respect of the various

competitions shall be fixed at the Annual General Meeting.

(a)If in the event a team withdraws from the competition, of which may impact on the final competition

points, a Special General Meeting will be arranged of which will include all the other teams of that

Division that are effected, including the Executive Committee to resolve the best solution. The

Executive Committee will make the final decision.

11. (a)New Applicants

Upon acceptance by the Management Committee under Section 2 (Constitutional Rules), a new

Club shall enter the competition in the lowest division.

(b)Other Gradings

Should any other circumstances arise outside the normal promotion/relegation procedures of

Section 9(a) and 9(b), the Executive shall determine the grading of any team so affected, prior

to the commencement of the competition.

12. All questions relating to the qualifications of competitors or interpretations of the rules, or any dispute or

protest whatever, shall be referred to the Protests and Disputes Committee, every protest made must be

made in writing and must contain particulars of the grounds upon it is founded. A copy of the protest, sent

by registered mail, must be lodged with the Association, accompanied by a fee of $2.00 within two days of the

match to which it relates (Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays excluded) except in the case of the

protests regarding the eligibility of players. The fee shall be refunded to the complainant in the event of the

protest being not deemed frivolous. The Management Committee may order any Club engaged in a dispute

or protest to pay such sum as may be considered necessary towards defraying the expenses incurred. Any

protest relating to the ground, goalposts or bars, or any other appurtenances of the game shall not be

entertained by the Management Committee unless an objection has been lodged with the Referee before

the commencement of the match. The Referee shall require the responsible Club or Association to remove

the cause of objection (if this is possible) without unduly delaying the progress of the match.

13. The Hon. Secretary of the protesting club shall send a copy of the protest and particulars thereof to the

Club protested against.

14. (a) The Superintendent of the Botanic Gardens shall have the power to decide as to the fitness of the ground

in all matches.

(b)In the event of the ground being declared unavailable for play for reasons other than the fitness of the

ground, any match scheduled for that day shall be deemed a scoreless draw.

(c)In the event of the ground being declared unfit for play, any match scheduled for that day, excluding

Semi-Finals, Finals or Grand-Finals, shall be deemed a scoreless draw.

(d)In the event of major industrial dispute(s) whereby the work force in general is adversely affected, the

Executive Committee will determine by 10.00am on the strike day whether any scheduled games can be


If the Executive Committee rules that the games cannot proceed they will be deemed to have been affected

by general strike action with the teams involved being credited with one point each together with a 0-0


(e)In the event of a Company/Firm/Department being unable to field a team for a scheduled game because of