Lawrence C. Ragan

207 Mitchell Bldg.
University Park, PA
Phone: (814) 863-3114 (W)
FAX: (814) 865-3290 (W) / Home:
2106 Brushwood Drive
State College, PA
Phone: 814-234-5024


Personal Web Page:


6/99 Good Teaching is Good teaching: An Emerging Set of Guiding Principles for the Design and Development of Distance Education

Systems and Solutions for On-line Learning Environments

International Council for Distance Education Conference, Vienna, Austria

1/99 Out of Sight: Launching Penn State’s World Campus Initiative
Virtual Learning Environments Conference
San Diego, California

5/98 Changing the Culture: Outcomes of the Innovations in Distance Education Project
Creating the Learning Community for the World Campus Initiative

Canadian Association of Distance Education

Banff, Canada

10/97 The World’s the Limit: Distance Education Program Design
Minneapolis, Minnesota

7/97 Revolution or Evolution: A Case Study of the Adoption of Technology, post-conference seminar, 4th Joint Conference on International Law, Den Haag, Netherlands

6/97 The Design of Distance Education Professional Development Programs for Faculty and Staff
International Council for Distance Education Conference, State College Pennsylvania

3/97 Strategies for the Design and Development of Effective Distance Education Programs

University de Valle, Cali, Colombia

11/96 Creating Effective Faculty Training Programs and Obtaining Faculty Support

The Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Universities

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

10/96 Helping Faculty Redefine the Boundaries


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

5/96 Bringing Faculty Along: Faculty Development Programs in Distance Education
Canadian Association of Distance Education

Moncton, Canada

4/96 The Effective Use of Instructional Technologies
Hong Kong Polytech University, New Territories, Hong Kong

10/95 Faculty Development Programs in the Use of Instructional Technology


Portland, Oregon

10/94 Using Mosaic to Provide Review Questions for Student Preparation of Medical Board Exams (part of the Apple Virtual Campus display)


San Antonio, Texas

8/94 An Introduction to Instructional Technologies

Hershey Academy, Hershey Public School System

Hershey, Pennsylvania

7/94 Integrating Technology into the Teaching and Learning Process, University of Terbuka, Open University of Indonesia (Visiting Scholar), Jarkarta, Indonesia

7/94 The Utilization of Multimedia and Communication Technology to Enhance Education and Training Effectiveness, University of Terbuka, Open University of Indonesia (Visiting Scholar), Jarkarta, Indonesia

6/94 Multimedia in the Classroom: The Big Picture (full-day workshop)

Asian Pacific Information Technology in Training and Education and Exhibition, Brisbane, Australia

6/94 IDENT: A Key and Identification Toolkit, Asian Pacific Information Technology in Training and Education and Exhibition, Brisbane, Australia

5/94 Instructional Technologies, The New Tools of the Trade

Keynote address

Dyson College Faculty Conference, Pace University

Manhattan, New York

2/94 A Multimedia Primer

Advanced Multimedia: Tips and Techniques

Moving Faculty Along the Technology Adoption Continuum
The Effects of Generative Learning Strategies and Information Manipulation Techniques
on the Retention of Information


Nashville, Tennessee

1/94 Designing Faculty Development Training Programs
Designing a Computer-based Instructional Support Facility
Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, Pennsylvania

10/93 Using Technology in the Classroom: A Faculty Perspective
Boettcher, Morrow, Ragan, & Harwood


Cincinnati, Ohio

5/93 A Multimedia Primer

Advanced Multimedia: Tips and Techniques

Interactive ‘93, Ziff Institute Conference on Computer-based Training

Anaheim, California

4/93 Integrating Digital Video into Computer Simulations: The Political Process Exercise

MacBeth Conference for the Humanities, Bethany, West Virginia

11/92 Technology Classroom Models: Variations on a Theme

Boettcher, Hofstetter, Ragan, Vaught


Baltimore, Maryland

6/92 The Media Mix: A Look At Multimedia in Computer-based Instruction

Wrote and hosted videotape presentation for the “Bridge to Excellence” Institute

Penn State Nutrition Center, Dairy Council, and the Heinz Endowment

University Park, Pennsylvania

4/92 HyperMedia in the Plant Sciences: The Weed Key and Identification System/Videodisc

The Third Seminrio De Agromatics, San José, Costa Rica

2/92 The Instructional Design Process: A HyperCard Model
The Effects of a Generative Concept Map Strategy in CBI
The Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT)
Washington, D.C.

11/91 Instructional Solutions Using Technology
Computerizing the Office
National Association of Foreign Student Advisors Regional Conference
Baltimore, Maryland

11/91 The Instructional Design Process: A HyperCard Model
The Effects of a Generative Concept Map Strategy in CBI
The Association for the Development of Computer-Based Instructional Systems (ADCIS)
St. Louis, Missouri

10/91 Software Successes: A Case History
San Diego, California

8/91 Developing Videodisc Applications for the Plant Sciences: The Weed Identification and Key/Videodisc System

Interactive Multimedia 1991

Society for Applied Learning Technology (SALT)

Washington D.C.

7/91 New Frontiers in Computer Communication

“Bridge to Excellence” Institute

Penn State Nutrition Center, Dairy Council, and the Heinz Endowment

University Park, Pennsylvania

5/91 The Political Process Exercise: A HyperCard Treaty Negotiations Simulation

MacAdemia 1991, Apple Computer

University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania

5/91 Developing Videodisc Applications for the Plant Sciences: The Weed Identification and Key/Videodisc System

MacAdemia 1991, Apple Computer

University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania

11/90 Invited presentations, “The Instructional Design Process: A HyperCard Model,” “Design Issues in HyperCard,” and “HyperCard 2.0 Review.” The University of Costa Rica, The Institute of Technology and the Omar Dengo Educational Foundation, Costa Rica

11/90 An Update on the Model Classroom Project at Penn State

The Association for the Development of Computer-Based Instructional Systems (ADCIS)

San Diego, California

11/90 The Evolution of a HyperCard Stack: Negotiating Spanish Weeds

The Association for the Development of Computer-Based Instructional Systems (ADCIS)
San Diego, California

3/90 The II International Congress on Educational Technology, University of Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico. Invited presentations: "Instructional Solutions Using HyperCard," and "An Introduction to HyperCard"

11/89 Instructional Solutions Using HyperCard

The Association for the Development of Computer-Based Instructional Systems (ADCIS) Washington D.C.

11/89 The Model Classroom at Penn State

The Association for the Development of Computer-Based Instructional Systems (ADCIS) Washington D.C.

4/89 Advanced Macintosh Microcomputer Training Course, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Kingdom of Swaziland, Africa