(Exclusively for the use of the media. Not an official document)
The Hague, 21 February 2008
The UN Security Council yesterday unanimously adopted resolution 1800 (2008), which authorises a temporary increase in the number of ad litem judges sitting in cases before the Tribunal, enabling greater efficiency and the commencement of additional trials.
The Security Council on 20 February 2008 decided “that the Secretary-General may appoint, within existing resources, additional ad litem Judges upon request of the President of the International Tribunal in order to conduct additional trials”.
The decision means that the number of ad litem judges appointed to the Tribunal may be increased from 12 up to a maximum of 16 during the year 2008.
Given the number of ad litem Judges already sitting in more than one case and the three-year limitation on their appointment, the Tribunal needed to temporarily exceed the number of 12 ad litem Judges in order to maintain and increase the number of ongoing trials.
The Tribunal has 16 permanent judges elected by the UN General Assembly, as well as 12 ad litem judges at the present moment. The ad litem judges are appointed to sit on one or more specific trials. This appointment is made by the Secretary-General at the request of the Tribunal's president.
With the approval of this resolution, the Tribunal will be able to increase its level of productivity – hearing up to eight cases simultaneously, the highest number since its establishment – while ensuring the right to fair trial of all accused.
The full text of the resolution can be read at the following link http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs//2008/sc9257.doc.htm
Courtroom proceedings can be followed on the Tribunal’s website at www.un.org/icty.