Charter: Anchor Data Set Task Force1
Establishment and Authority
The Anchor Data Set (ADS) Task Force (ADSTF) was established by the Reliability Assessment Committee (RAC) in partnership with representatives of the Western (U.S. and International) Regional Planning Groups (RPG). The ADSTF will sunset on or before August 31, 2020.
The purpose of the ADSTF is to provide guidance in the development and coordination of processes for creating and implementing the ADS and to develop proper protocols to ensure adherence to the ADS processes. The ADSTF shall be responsible for the following activitiesdeliverables[WB1]:
- Monitor and assess activities associated with the development of the “Initial ADS Process Workflow” to ensure that the 2028 ADS products are completed by the second quarter of 2018.
- Develop an “ongoing” ADS Process Workflow that includes an identification ofidentifies tasks, schedule and entities responsible for development and maintenance of ADS beyond 2018.
- Ensurethat processes and protocols for gathering ADS-specific dataexist (that includes PF and PCM requirements) exist, are consistent and complete.
- Develop and maintain protocols for collaboration with the RAC, RAC subcommittees, and RAC workgroupsin the review of data used to build the ADS (i.e. ADS Process Guide).
- Provide a forum for Data Submitters[1], RPGs, RAC and RAC subcommittee members to discuss issues related to ADS data collection, conversion or and modeling.
- Collaborate with RAC subcommittees and,[NS2] work groups, Data Submitters and other stakeholdersto ensure that all needed expertise is available to create efficient, replicable and effective ADS data collection processes.
- Draft a workplanto be approved by the RAC for review of ADS relevant protocols with clearly-defined rolesfor WECC, Data Submitters and the RPGs.
- Develop recommendations regardingRecommend ADS issues pertaining tothat should be considered in RAC work products for consideration[NS3] and approval by the RAC or the appropriate RAC subcommittee(s)., as determined by ADSTF with the agreement of RAC Governing Body.
- Perform any other functions as requested by the RAC regarding ADS processes or products.
Committee Composition and Governance
- Membership
- The members of the ADSTF shall be:
- RPG members, oOneprimary and one alternate member selected by each of the RPGs[2] and one alternate selected by each of the RPGs. Each RPG shall have only one vote on any decision.[AC4]
- Six (6) members from the RAC with at least two (2) members from the Data Subcommittee and at least two (2) members from the Modeling Subcommittee, appointed by thechair(s)of the respective committee(s).Other RAC members shall be appointed by the RAC Governing Body. At least 50% of the RAC members on the ADSTF will be Data Submitters.[NS5]
- One (1) WECC representative appointed by WECC staff.
- WECC staff shall maintain a list of ADSTF members.
- Leadership
- The ADSTF chair will be selected from among the ADSTF members by the RAC Chair.
- The chair shall manage the committee and its meetings.
- The vice-chairshall be selected by the ADSTF chair from among the ADSTF members through self-nomination and confirmed by the ADSTF.
- The vice chair shall perform the duties of the chair in the chair’s absence or in the event of a vacancy in the office of chair.
- Meetings
- The ADSTF shall determine the frequency of its meetings. Meetings will be[AC6]held in accordance with the WECC Meeting Policy.
- The ADSTF shall determine the procedures for its meetings, subject to the requirements of this charter.
- All decisions of the ADSTF shall be made during noticed meetings.
- A quorum for decisions shall be a simple majority of ADSTF members.
- All efforts to reach consensus will be sought; however, The ADSTF shall attempt to make all decisions by consensus (as defined in the RAC Charter: the decision is one that all present can agree to accept, even if their preference would be for a different decision).
- If consensus is not reachedthe ADSTF cannot reach consensus, then the decision shall be made by a majority vote decided by a simple majority of ADSTF members participating in the vote. All such votes, along with the [AC7]majority and minority view points, will be presented to RAC for consideration. The RAC may, at its discretion, endorse or recommend changes to a decisions[NS8] made by the ADSTF.
- Voting may occur by any means appropriate (voice, placard, roll call, electronic, etc.), at the discretion of the chair.[NS9]
- ADSTF meetings may be in person or by conference call, as determined by the chair.
- The chair (or designee) shall provide notice of the time and place of all meetings by email to each member of the ADSTF and shall post notice of all meetings on the WECC website, no later than ten (10) calendar days prior to each meeting. In person meetings, should be noticed at least thirty (30) calendar days in advance. An agenda, including identification of the items for which action may be taken, shall be provided no later than five (5) calendar days prior to the meeting.
- Any person who wishes to receive notice of ADSTF meetings may do so by notifying the chair (or designee) in writing. Upon receiving such a notice, the ADSTF chair (or the chair’s designee) shall provide a copy of the notice and agenda of future meetings to that person at the time the notice and agenda are provided to the committee members and posted on the WECC website.
- The chair shall assign a WECCdesignee to prepare minutes of ADSTF meetings for the committee’s approval and to perform other duties assigned by the ADSTF chair.
The ADSTF shall report to the RAC on its activities and any recommendations.
Review and Changes to the Charter
The ADSTF shall review this charter annually and recommend any changes to the RAC.
Approved by the ADSTF: ______
Approved by the RAC: ______July 19, 2017______
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Charter: Anchor Data Set Task Force1
Original Language / Proposed Language 1 / SDG&E Proposed Language / BPA Proposed Language / Other Comments- The members of the ADSTF shall be:
- The members of the ADSTF shall be:
- The members of the ADSTF shall be:
- The members of the ADSTF shall be:
(CAISO posted)
- RPG members, one selected by each of the RPGs[3].
- RPG One primary and one alternate members, one selected by each of the RPGs. Each RPG shall have only one vote on any decision.
- NTTG is not opposed to Class 4 and 5 participation.
- NTTG firmly believes in an open stakeholder process and all members participating.
- All ADSTF meetings are open with participation and input accepted from all participants.
- NTTG does not support reopening the ADSTF Charter because the Charter was developed following a fair selection process that was based on qualifications and was governed by a nominating committee.
- Time is of the essence, the ADSTF primary focus this year should be ADSTF implementation process and issues and not reopening the Charter membership as to do so will divert the ADSTF’s limited time away from ADS implementation.
- Six (6) members from the RAC with at least two (2) members from the Data Subcommittee and at least two (2) members from the Modeling Subcommittee, appointed by the chair(s) respective committees. At least 50% of the RAC members on the ADSTF will be Data Submitters.
- One (1) WECC representative appointed by WECC staff.
1) The intent detailed in the charter of the ADSTF focuses on technical aspects and familiarity with the process of developing datasets and ensuring that these products are produced efficiently while meeting the needs of the users. We believe that the current charter (July 19 version) has adequately represented this concept.
2) The original process of selecting members did not attempt to preclude any membership class in being appointed.
3) We believe that WECC has followed the proper process to develop this charter so it is unreasonable to change it after the proper process has been concluded
- WECC staff shall maintain a list of ADSTF members.
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
[1] Data Submitters are defined as NERC Registered Entities (Balancing Authorities (BA), Transmission Planners (TP) and/or Planning Coordinators (PC)) in the U.S. and by other similar entities in Canada and Mexico (or their designees).
[2]Engagement from Baja, Mexico would be through an organization recognized by CFE.
[3] Engagement from Baja, Mexico would be through an organization recognized by CFE.
[WB1]The items on this list are not “deliverables” in the sense of being discrete products that can be completed.
[NS2]BPA – undo this edit, “does not need the “and” after RAC subcommittees
[NS3]BPA: Shouldn’t use considered and consideration in the same sentence.
[AC4]Given an RPG may have a primary and alternate, I thought this was needed for clarity.
[NS5]RAC Resolution Discussion changes are below.
[AC6]Notice is addressed below and not in the Meeting Policy.
[AC7]My attempt to codify the interpretation given by Byron and agreed to by others.
[NS8]ColumbiaGrid edit
[NS9]This was missing from the language included in all of the other RAC and subgroup charters.