Application Form: Measurement & Verification Professional
Project Impact Assessment with Measurement and Verification method
Energy Savings Scheme
November 2016

© Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal of New South Wales 2016

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Inquiries regarding this document should be directed to a staff member:

ESS Applications team

Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal of New South Wales
PO Box K35, Haymarket Post Shop NSW 1240
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Application Form: Measurement & Verification Professional V1.2IPART / iii

Document Control

Version number / Change description / Date published
V1.0 / Initial release following amendments to the Energy Savings Scheme Rule of 2009 / June 2016
V1.1 / Amended to clarify requirements / September 2016
V1.2 / Amended to clarify requirements / November 2016
Application Form: Measurement & Verification Professional V1.2IPART / iii

1  Introduction

The Energy Savings Scheme Rule of 2009 (ESS Rule) requires that Measurement and Verification (M&V) Professionals confirm the validity of energy models and M&V parameters used by Accredited Certificate Providers (ACPs) when implementing activities that use the Project Impact Assessment with Measurement and Verification method. The ESS Rule also establishes that to be an M&V Professional a person must be approved by the Scheme Administrator on the basis that they meet the requirements under clause 7A.15 of the ESS Rule.
This form should be used to apply to be approved by IPART as an M&V Professional.
The application is assessed through a rigorous process. Please read the Guide for Measurement and Verification Professionals available on the ESS website for further information on the application process.
The responses should include references to published standards and guides where relevant, for example the IPMVP[1], draft ISO 50015 standard, and 2011 ASHRAE Handbook HVAC Applications Ch. 41 Building Energy Monitoring.

2  Application

2.1  M&V Professional details

Provide your contact details

Name / [Click and type here]
Job Title / [Click and type here]
Organisation / [Click and type here]
ABN / [Click and type here]
Postal Address / [Click and type here]
Phone Number / [Click and type here]
Email Address / [Click and type here]

Have you had a previous application for approval as an M&V Professional refused?[2]

No / ☐
Yes / ☐
If Yes, provide details, including the date of refusal / [Click and type here]

Have you previously had your approval as an M&V Professional withdrawn?[3]

No / ☐
Yes / ☐
If Yes, provide details, including relevant dates / [Click and type here]

Are you applying in relation to a particular RESA implementation or as a general M&V Professional?[4]

General / ☐ If ‘General’, go to the question 2.2
Implementation specific / ☐ If ‘Implementation specific’, provide details below
Name of ACP / [Click and type here]
RESA name / [Click and type here]
Implementation details / [Click and type here]
Site address / [Click and type here]

2.2  Best practice measurement & verification techniques

Select the relevant energy model types for which you can demonstrate an understanding

Regression analysis / ☐ (Complete section 2.4)
Calibrate outputs from a computer simulation / ☐ (Complete section 2.5)
Estimate of the mean / ☐ (Complete section 2.6)

Describe your skills, experience and qualifications that demonstrate your understanding of best practice measurement & verification techniques in relation to the above

[Click and type here]

2.3  End-user equipment

Select the relevant types of end-user equipment for which you can demonstrate an understanding of how it converts energy into end-use services

Type of end-user equipment

Boiler, steam and hot water applications / ☐
Compressed air / ☐
Commercial refrigeration / ☐
Industrial refrigeration / ☐
Commercial heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) / ☐
Industrial heating, ventilation and cooling / ☐
Lighting / ☐
Motor, pump and fan applications / ☐
Cogeneration/trigeneration / ☐
Other – please list / [Click and type here]

Describe your skills, practical experience and qualifications that demonstrate your understanding of how each of the types of end-user equipment selected above converts energy into end-use services, and is affected by the independent variables

[Click and type here]

2.4  Regression analysis

Describe your skills, experience and qualifications relevant to the performance of regression analysis (if relevant)

[Click and type here]

2.5  Computer simulation

Describe your skills, experience and qualifications that demonstrate your ability to calibrate outputs from a computer simulation (if relevant)

[Click and type here]

2.6  Estimate of the mean

Describe your skills, experience and qualifications relevant to the performance of estimate of the mean (if relevant)

[Click and type here]

2.7  Independent opinion

Describe the processes or procedures you have in place to ensure you are able to provide an independent opinion[5] over the validity of the energy models being applied by ACPs (or attach a document)

[Click and type here]

2.8  Conflicts of interest

List any conflicts of interest, or potential conflicts of interest, that you have already identified (whether they be perceived or real)

[Click and type here]

Describe the processes or procedures you have in place to ensure there are no conflicts of interest when working with ACPs (or attach a document)

[Click and type here]

2.9  Evidence attached

Question / M&V Professional requirement / List documents attached /
2.2 / Understanding of best practice measurement & verification techniques / [Click and type here]
2.3 / Understanding of how relevant end-user equipment converts energy into end-user services, and is affected by independent variables / [Click and type here]
2.4 / Ability to perform regression analysis (if relevant) / [Click and type here]
2.5 / Ability to calibrate outputs from a computer simulation (if relevant) / [Click and type here]
2.6 / Ability to perform estimate of the mean (if relevant) / [Click and type here]
2.7 / Independent opinion / [Click and type here]
2.8 / No conflict of interest / [Click and type here]
Two written references / [Click and type here]
Example M&V plan/report and related M&V Professional Report / [Click and type here]

2.10  Declaration

I hereby declare that:

q  the information contained in this form is correct and not misleading by inclusion or omission, and

q  I am aware that there are penalties for providing false or misleading information in this form.

Section 158 of the Electricity Supply Act 1995 imposes a maximum penalty of $11,000 and/or six (6) months imprisonment for knowingly providing false or misleading information to the Scheme Administrator

Signature of applicant

Signature: /
Name of Signatory: / [Click and type here]
Position: / [Click and type here]
Date: / [Click and type here]
Application Form: Measurement & Verification Professional V1.2IPART / iii

[1] IPMVP: International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol

[2] If a previous application was refused, you must wait three months from the date of the refusal before re-applying. Refer to the Guide for Measurement & Verification Professionals for more information.

[3] If a previous approval was withdrawn, you must wait three months from the date of the withdrawal before re-applying. Refer to the Guide for Measurement & Verification Professionals for more information

[4] Applicants can apply for either general approval (may work in relation to any RESA) or RESA specific approval (may only work in relation to a particular implementation or project). Contact details of M&V Professionals with general approval are published on the ESS website.

[5] Refer to Table 3.2 of the Guide for Measurement & Verification Professionals for more details on how to meet this requirement.