2007-08 Approved Oregon Supplement Education Service Provider

Catapult Online Distance Learning

Catapult Online

Contact Information

Name of the Company: _Catapult Online______

Address:506 S. Central Ave, BaltimoreMD21202______

Street City StateZip

Phone: (800) 627-4276 ext. 6861 Email:______

For further information about the company contact:

Name: Parent Helpline: 1-800-417-3125

Address: 506 S. Central Ave, Baltimore MD 21202

Street City State Zip

Phone:Parent Helpline: 1-800-417-3125 Email: N/A

Catapult Representative in Oregon

The representative is responsible for arranging for students to receive a computer, or computer access, enabling eligible students to participate in the online tutoring program.

Oregon Contact Information

Name:Derek Abrams*

Address: 506 S. Central Ave.Baltimore, MD21202

Street City StateZip

Phone: (800) 627-4276 ext. 6861 Email: ______

*If demand for our program exceeds the number of parents/district staff Derek can reasonably meet with, Catapult Online will hire additional local staff to assist with parent and district meetings.


  1. Number of Years with the Company: _Approximately 2___years ____months
  1. Describe representative’s role in district arranged parent recruitment meetings and meetings with parents to set goals, timelines and measures of progress in collaboration with parents:

Derek will be responsible for organizing meetings with the district to discuss parent recruitment and meeting with the district representative and parents. Derek will also be responsible for outlining each student’s goals and timelines and how Catapult Online will measure student progress. If demand for our program exceeds the number of parents/district staff Derek can reasonably meet with, Catapult Online will hire additional local staff to assist with parent and district meetings.

  1. Describe experience, and/or training, to accurately describe SES services, set student goals, timelines and measure student progress in collaboration with parents:

Derek will be responsible for talking with parents about their child’s SES program. In addition, Catapult Online has a bi-lingual parent hotline for all parents and students to call to discuss upcoming student goals, mastered skills, and to discuss upcoming lessons.

  1. Describe services representative will provide in program implementation and technical assistance:

Technical support is provided by our bi-lingual parent helpline. Technicians are available to answer calls from parents or students regarding technical issues associated with their program. Program implementation is handled at our Baltimore corporate office. We have an experienced operations team who oversees all program implementation and ensures that students receive computers and begin instruction in a timely manner.

  1. Describe experience and/or training to assist parents and students with computer technology to access the educational program and any support services provided by the company

Catapult Online provides all parents with a bi-lingual set up guide which outlines the set up process for the computer, and guides parents and students through the process for beginning sessions. Additionally, parents can call our free bi-lingual parent helpline to address any technical issues.

2007-08 Approved Oregon SESP

Catapult Online Distance Learning

2007-08 Approved Oregon Supplement Education Service Provider

Catapult Online Distance Learning


Service Areas, Capacity for serving students and Content Areas

2007-08 Approved Oregon SESP

Catapult Online Distance Learning

2007-08 Approved Oregon Supplement Education Service Provider

Catapult Online Distance Learning

Name of District / Grade levels / Maximum capacity number to be served in math / Maximum capacity number to be served in reading / Maximum capacity number served in ELD / Total by district
Salem/Keizer / 3-12 / Subject choice does not impact our ability to provide services in the district. Catapult Online can serve up to 750 students total. / Subject choice does not impact our ability to provide services in the district. Catapult Online can serve up to 750 students total. / N/A – Catapult Online does not offer ELD instruction. / Up to 750
Portland / 3-12 / Subject choice does not impact our ability to provide services in the district. Catapult Online can serve up to 750 students total. / Subject choice does not impact our ability to provide services in the district. Catapult Online can serve up to 750 students total. / N/A – Catapult Online does not offer ELD instruction. / Up to 750

Program Sessions

Frequency, Length, Times and Location of Sessions

Average number of sessions: 24-30 Average number of sessions per week 2-4

Length of each session: 60 minutes Average Cost of each Session up to $60/hour

Times of Service

Afternoon / Evening / Summer
Noon – 3 p.m.
(Sessions will not be held during school hours for students.) / 3 p.m. – 7 p.m.
(Sessions will not be held during school hours for students.) / Dates: 06/01/07 – 08/30/07
Times:M-F: 12 p.m. – 7 p.m.Saturday: 6 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Sunday: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Location of Sessions

Student’s home: __X______Other: Describe: _Local community center, if needed______

2007-08 Approved Oregon SESP

Catapult Online Distance Learning

2007-08 Approved Oregon Supplement Education Service Provider

Catapult Online Distance Learning

Computer Access

Access to Online Programs or Programs on Disc

Describe how students will access program:

Students receive live, individualized instruction in the safety and convenience of their own homes. Students access the program via the Internet on a personal computer provided by Catapult Online. (One computer every two years per household). The computer also provides students and families with a unique opportunity that extends the learning beyond the tutoring session through increased digital literacy and parent involvement. The computer (which is only useful for accessing Catapult Online sessions for the duration of the program) is provided in lieu of the books, materials, and manipulatives used in typical tutoring sessions. Catapult Online services may also be provided at the student’s school if the appropriate facilities (e.g. computer lab) are available.

If the Company Provides Computers, Please Complete the following descriptions:

  1. Describe, in detail, the computer and accessories the company will provide students for use in the SES program.

For Catapult Online services delivered at homes, we supply all needed hardware. Each student receives a computer at the outset of the program. Included in the package is: a central processing unit (CPU), a monitor, a headset, a mouse and/or digital writing tablet. Catapult Online also provides dial up connectivity to the Internet for the duration of the program. Students’ homes need to be equipped with a working electrical outlet, a working telephone (cell phones do not qualify) and a work surface on which to place the computer.


  1. brand of computerDell Optiplex 150L
  2. brand and size of monitorDell 17 Inch CRT Monitor
  3. size 20GB HDD
  4. gigabytes 256MB RAM
  5. type of operating platform provided Windows 2000 Professional
  6. initial type of software Java 1.5
  7. type of software installed for use once students earn the right to unlock it

Basic Windows Software and components installed

  1. Describe how the provider ensures the computer system demonstrated to the parents prior to SES begins is the same system and quality delivered to the parent for program use.

Catapult Online consistently delivers the product described to families. Catapult Online is willing to present to parents (at an event if requested) the type of system that each family will receive.

  1. Describe the terms under which the student will be allowed to keep the computer after services are completed.

Students will be allowed to keep the computer provided by Catapult Online once the student completes all scheduled tutoring sessions and completes the Catapult Online post-test.

  1. Describe and list costs to parents to keep the computer by item (e.g. continued internet service, maintenance, technical assistance) once SES is completed.

Item/service / Cost per month
Continued Internet Services / Approximately $9
  1. Describe, in detail, the return policy if parents terminate services before agreed sessions are completed.

Catapult Online retrieves computers of students who do not complete our program. Catapult Online makes three retrieval attempts (via UPS) to each family.

  1. Describe the return policy if students do not complete the program.

Catapult Online retrieves computers from students who do not complete the program. UPS makes three attempts to each family.

  1. Describe the company policy for return of the computer if services are terminated by the district due to lack of student progress and/or meeting timelines for progress.

Regardless of how a contract is terminated (by the district or parent) computers will be retrieved from families if students do not complete the program.

  1. Describe the process for computer delivery and installation; include timelines for receiving computer after parents sign an agreement with the provider.

Parents/Guardians are responsible for computer set-up and installation. All Catapult Online computers come with a detailed, bilingual, installation guide for parents. Also, at any time, parents can call our free bilingual helpline for assistance. Catapult Online is now using a new process for fulfilling computer orders, and families can expect to receive computers within 4 weeks of completing all necessary enrollment steps.

  1. Describe how technical assistance will be provided for computer related problems (include nearest technical assistance personnel and contact information) while participating in the program.

Parents and students can contact our free bi-lingual helpline (1-800-716-5314) for assistance with technical issues.

  1. Describe the consequences of loss, damage or destruction of a computer while in students’ possession.

If computers are inoperable due to hardware or software programs, Catapult Online will replace the computer. If a computer is lost, damaged, or destroyed Catapult Online will evaluate on a case-by-case basis the next steps needed to continue the student’s tutoring. Catapult Online will make every effort to replace the student’s computer and allow the student to continue tutoring.

2007-08 Approved Oregon SESP

Catapult Online Distance Learning

2007-08 Approved Oregon Supplement Education Service Provider

Catapult Online Distance Learning

Program Description

  1. What languages of instruction are available to students?

Instruction is available in English. However, Catapult Online has extensive experience serving students with Limited English proficiency. Catapult Online has successfully provided Supplemental Education Services through the No Child Left Behind Act to more than 25,000 Title-I eligible students nationwide to date, and is currently serving more than 11,000 Title-I students in the 2006-2007 school year. We have demonstrated gains across a range of Title-I eligible populations, including at-risk students, students with disabilities, and English language learners. In the 2006 study conducted by Rockman Et Al, independent researchers measured test score increases for Special Education and ESL students in our program. Approximately 20% of the students enrolled in the Catapult Online math program and 20% enrolled in the Catapult Online reading program were English language learners. Approximately 12% of the students enrolled in the Catapult Online math program and 7% enrolled in the Catapult Online reading program were Special Education Students. The average scale score increases for each of these subgroups are below.

Pre-testing 2 grade levels below

Students with Disabilities; Math - Scale Score Increase: 16.44

Students with Disabilities; Reading - Scale Score Increase: 23.43

ELL Students; Math - Scale Score Increase: 21.27

ELL Students; Reading - Scale Score Increase: 0.71

Students Pre-testing 1 grade levels below

Students with Disabilities; Math - Scale Score Increase: 23.5

Students with Disabilities; Reading - Scale Score Increase: 13.09

ELL Students; Math - Scale Score Increase: 10.33

ELL Students; Reading - Scale Score Increase: 9.77

  1. What diagnostic assessments are used?

An online version of the California Achievement Test (CAT) is administered at the beginning of Catapult Online programs to determine each student’s individual skill gaps and provide a baseline measure upon which to determine each student’s program progress.

  1. Approximately how long does the diagnostic assessment take for students to complete? 1-2 hours
  1. What assessments are used to determine student progress?

Catapult Online monitors and tracks student progress with every session. We store all session data: name of instructor, date of session, time of session, specific lessons covered, scores, mastery dates, re-teach dates and educational/technical comments. Catapult Online uses mastery learning techniques to ensure that students achieve proficiency on a skill before they can move to the next area of instruction. So, a student would need to demonstrate, by achieving three scores of 80% or higher on an independent progress test, that she/he understands a specific concept before moving to a more difficult skill.

Each instructor is able to access historical student data. Instructors have access to the Session History section of each student's binder which houses information related to the number of lessons completed, the scores of lessons, the length of each session, as well as notes related to student performance, motivation, and learning styles. The instructor submits lesson scores, rates students' behavior and submits written comments regarding the success of the instructional session for each student taught. These comments are stored in the Student Binder application.Contact history notes may also include comments from the Education Department, Customer Support, and Technical Support.

Catapult Online also assesses our impact by analyzing pre- and post-program performance on a nationally recognized standardized assessment, the California Achievement Test (CAT). Students are post-tested with the CAT after they have completed their instructional hours.

  1. How are student achievement goals measured?

A student would need to demonstrate, by achieving three scores of 80% or higher on an independent progress test, that she/he understands a specific concept before moving to a more difficult skill.

  1. Please briefly describe a typical tutorial session.

While in the online classroom, each teacher begins the instructional session by choosing and loading the appropriate skill level lesson depending upon the individual student’s personal learning plan. The experience mirrors instruction that takes place while sitting together in the same room, yet many students tend to be more open and willing to participate given the privacy and safety provided by the online classroom. The classroom also includes a token economy reward system through which students accumulate tokens for working diligently and mastering skills.

  1. Describe how the program accommodates students with disabilities, on an Individual Education Plan (IDEA) or a 504 plan?
  2. Describe how the program ensures that the program is aligned with the IEP or 504 plan.

Catapult Online is able to provide accommodations if requested by a LEA and if Catapult Online is provided with the student’s IEP or 504 plan. Once Catapult Online receives the student’s IEP, Catapult Online sets Student Flags on the student’s file so that teachers who provide instruction understand which accommodations they should make for each student. Catapult Online Prescription Monitors also play an important role in providing instructional services to Students with Disabilities and/or Special Education Students. Once a student takes the online assessment to determine student skill gaps, and the Student Individualized Instruction Plan is formed, the Prescription Monitor reviews each plan to determine which accommodations should be made for each student with an IEP or 504 plan.

  1. Describe how:
  2. the program is aligned with the student’s classroom work

Because Catapult Online’s programs were developed to address the standards of the NRP and NCTM, our instruction supports what students are learning in their regular classrooms.

  1. students are informed of their progress

Because of Catapult Online’s use of mastery learning, student are continuously updated on their progress throughout the program. This ensures they are making adequate progress on their skill needs as outlined on the Student Plan. The technique of mastery learning is particularly effective because it ensures that each student receives the individualized instruction they need to reach academic success. When students are having difficulty achieving mastery on an independent practice lesson, the instructor takes a step back and goes through the lesson again at the guided practice level and re-teaches the lesson.

  1. parents are contacted to report student progress

During program instruction, parents/guardians can use an access code to their child’s account to see her/his progress reports that are updated on a continual basis after each instructional session. The progress reports illustrate the skills each student has mastered and outlines the upcoming lessons that the student will be completing. Parents can also call our educational specialists at any time during the program to inquire about their child’s progress and to get questions answered.

At the end of the Catapult Online program, students and parents receive a program completion kit that includes a complete list of mastered skills, and additional information related to the computer (e.g. warranty, ISP, etc.)

  1. parents are contacted to report student attendance

Through our experience we have learned that student attendance and family involvement is essential to student academic success. In order to ensure we communicate with families consistently, Catapult Online has a structured process for communicating with parents throughout their child’s program and consistently notifies parents of upcoming events in their child’s program and of any attendance issues. We use the following methods to communicate with parents:

Online Progress Updates

At any time during the program, day or night, parents/guardians can access their child’s account online to see progress reports, which are updated after each instructional session. The progress reports illustrate the skills each student has mastered and outline the upcoming lessons that the student will be completing. Parents can also call our toll-free bilingual (English/Spanish) parent help-line at any time during the program to inquire about their child’s progress and get any questions answered.

Postcard Reminders

We send the following postcard communications to every parent in our program. These postcards are used to notify parents of the following milestones in their child’s program: Enrollment Forms Received, Computer Ordered, Computer Shipped, Pre-Assessment Reminder (In the 2006-2007 school year we sent this reminder to families, and within 2 weeks of receiving this card 20% of students who had not assessed logged in and took the test required to begin their program.), Reminder to Continue Attending Sessions, and Post-test Reminder.