WIYN Shutdown energy control procedure
(Reference gov, 29 CFR 1910.147 for additional details)
The WIYN Site Engineer is responsible for the coordination of the work, task assignments and safety of all employees that are working at the WIYN Telescope complex during the shutdown.
Lockout – Tagout
All machinery or equipment capable of movement is required to be de-energized or disengaged and locked-out during cleaning, servicing, adjusting or setting up operations. This included all stored energy (mechanical, hydraulic, air, etc.).
In the event that equipment or lines cannot be shut down, locked-out and tagged, a written safe job procedure shall be established and rigidly followed.
During this shutdown, the WIYN Site Engineer is the authorized employee responsible for the isolation of all potential energy sources.
The method of lockout tagout during this shutdown shall be communicated to all shutdown personnel.
Before the WIYN Site Engineer turns off and attaches a lock and tag to machinery, equipment and breakers, the WIYN Site Engineer shall have knowledge of the type and magnitude of the energy, the hazards of the energy to be controlled, and the method or means to control the energy.
The WIYN Site Engineer and the Risk Management Specialist (or the person designated as the project safety adviser) shall be the only persons that possess keys for the locks. No one, including the Risk Management Specialist shall remove a lock, without written permission from the WIYN Site Engineer. The Risk Management Specialist is authorized to follow the Removal Exception stated in this policy in the event of an Emergency.
Locks with tags, signed by the WIYN Site Engineer shall be affixed to each energy isolating device by the WIYN Site Engineer accompanied by the Risk Management Specialist. Locks with tags shall be affixed in a manner to that will hold the energy isolating devices in a "safe" or "off" position.
The following devices are to be secured and/or locked out during the shutdown:
3.5m Mirror removal and installation:
Install observing support floor braces, mezzanine level, and check daily (August 2nd – August 5th). Braces are required for the safe removal and re-installation of the primary mirror; when the mirror cart, cell, and mirror are rolled in and out from beneath the telescope.
Disconnect the TCS (Telescope Control SubSystem) drive cables at location ‘b’ (cables P1, P11, P21) and properly tag as “removed for maintenance” and lock out if possible. Removal of these cables prevents telescope and rotator drive motors from being energized.
Lockout #2-ton crane, observing level.
Lockout ‘JIB’ crane, loading bay.
Remove the TCS ‘keyswitch’ anytime when manual control of the telescope brakes is not required. Keyswitch shall be in the possession of the site engineer.
Secondary and Tertiary Handling:
The elevation axis shall be tied down, at horizon pointing, during the secondary mirror cell’s removal and installation. Proper tie downs are provided by 2000lb vertical rated lift-straps passed through the floor via the pass-throughs provided and attached to the telescope pier at the designated location via chain come-alongs. Tension on the lift-straps shall be sufficient to prevent the elevation axis to remain at horizon pointing when the secondary mirror cell is removed.
Lockout #5-ton crane, observing level.
All personnel working above 6ft shall wear fall protection. At least one worker will be in the secondary support structure for the removal/installation of the mirror cell and this person shall wear fall protection.
Hydra II Installation:
Dave Dryden will be the point of contact for the HYDRAII x/y/z stage power. This device’s power will be locked out until the mechanism is released for general commissioning. Anyone wishing to operate this mechanism prior to it’s general release must contact Dave Dryden.
HYDRAII will not be energized with the focal plane assembly open unless the operator has direct line of sight to the x/y stage.
HYDRAII will not be energized and operated remotely unless the focal plane assembly is closed.
Before starting shutdown work and after equipment has been locked and tagged, the WIYN Site Engineer shall verify that isolation and de-energization has been accomplished.
The Risk Management Specialist (or the person designated as the project safety advisor) shall perform periodic inspections of the energy control procedure.
Release from lockout tagout
Before lockout tagout devices are removed and energy is restored, the following procedures and actions taken by the WIYN Site Engineer shall be followed:
The work area shall be inspected to ensure that nonessential items have been removed and equipment components are operationally intact.
Verification by personal account that all employees are clear from the site.
The WIYN Site Engineer accompanied by the Risk Management Specialist shall remove each lockout tagout device from each energy-isolating device.
Removal Exception:
When the WIYN Site Engineer is not available to remove lockout tagout devices the Risk Management Specialist may remove the lockout tagout devices if there is:
Verification that the WIYN Site Engineer who applied the devices is not at the facility,
Making all reasonable efforts to contact the WIYN Site Engineer to inform him/her that his/her lockout tagout device has been removed,
Ensuring that the WIYN Site Engineer has this knowledge before he/she resumes work at that facility,
After lockout tagout devices have been removed and before equipment is started, employees shall be notified that the lockout or tagout devices have been removed.
WIYN Shutdown energy control procedure.doc