Yih-Ing Hser, Ph.D., Publications

UCLA Integrated Substance Abuse Programs

July 2008 to June 2010

(Updated February 2011)

Please note: Many of the articles listed below are available online at no charge. Click on the link and you will be taken directly to the journal or to the article’s PubMed page, which provides an abstract of the article and may provide a link to the full text of the article. If there are no links provided for an article, you still may find the article or its abstract by searching for it online.

Brecht, M.-L., Huang, D., & Hser, Y.-H. (2010). Introduction to the special issue. Journalof Drug Issues, 40(1), 1-6.

Chou, C.-P., Chi, F., Weisner, C., Pentz, M., & Hser, Y.-H. (2010). Initial status in growth curve modeling for randomized trials. Journal of Drug Issues, 40(1), 155-172.

Evans, E., Grella, C.E., Murphy, D.A., & Hser, Y.I. (2010). Using administrative data for longitudinal substance abuse research. Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 37(2), 252-271. PMCID: PMC2850956

Evans, E., Li, L., & Hser, Y.I. (2008). Client and program factors associated with dropout from court mandated drug treatment. Evaluation and Program Planning,32(3), 204-212.PMCID: PMC2703685

Evans, E., Li, L., & Hser, Y.-I. (2008). Treatment entry barriers among California's Proposition 36 offenders. Journal of SubstanceAbuse Treatment, 35(4), 410-418.PMCID: PMC2576498

Evans, E., Murphy, D., Grella, C., Mouttapa, M., & Hser, Y.-I. (2008). Regulatory issues encountered when conducting longitudinal substance abuse research.Journal of Drug Issues, 38(4), 1003-1026. NIHMS: 47745. PMC2850543

Grella, C.E., Needell, B., Shi, Y., Hser, Y.-I. (2008). Do drug treatment services predict reunification outcomes of mothers and their children in child welfare? Journal of Substance AbuseTreatment, 36(3), 278-293.PMCID: PMC2848488

Hser, Y.-I., & Evans, E. (2008). Cross-system data linkage for treatment outcome evaluation: Lessons learned from the California Treatment Outcome Project. Evaluation and Program Planning, 31(2), 125-135. PMCID: PMC2413098

Hser, Y.-I., Evans, E., Huang, D., Brecht, M.L., & Li, L. (2008). Comparing the dynamic course of heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine use over 10 years. AddictiveBehaviors, 33(12), 1581-1589. PMCID: PMC2819270

Hser, Y.H., Hamilton, A., & Niv, N. (2009). Understanding drug use over the life course: Past, present, and future. Journal of Drug Issues, 39(1), 231-236.

Hser, Y.-I., Huang, D., Brecht, M.-L., Li, L., & Evans, E. (2008). Contrasting trajectories of heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine use. Journal of AddictiveDiseases, 27(3), 13-21.PMCID: PMC2821675

Huang, D., Brecht, M.-L,, Hara, M., & Hser, Y.-H. (2010). Influence of covariates on growth mixture modeling. Journal of Drug Issues, 40(1), 173-194.

Li, L., Evans, E., Hser, Y.-H. (2010). A marginal structural modeling approach to assess the cumulative effect of drug treatment on later drug use abstinence. Journal of DrugIssues, 40(1), 221-240.

Liang, L.-J., Huang, D., Brecht, M.-L., & Hser, Y.-I. (2010). Differences in mortality among heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine users: A hierarchical Bayesian approach. Journal ofDrug Issues, 40(1), 121-140.

Murphy, D.A., Hser, Y.-I., Huang, D., Brecht, M.-L., & Herbeck, D.M. (2010). Self-report of longitudinal substance use: A comparison of the UCLA Natural History Interview and the Addiction Severity Index. Journal of Drug Issues, 40(2), 495-515.

Niv, N., Hamilton, A., & Hser, Y.-I. (2008). Impact of court-mandated substance abuse treatment on clinical decision making. Journal of Behavioral Health Services& Research, 36(4), 505-516. PMCID: PMC2821668

Niv, N., Pham, R., & Hser, Y.I. (2009). Racial and ethnic differences in substance abuse service needs, utilization, and outcomes in California. Psychiatric Services, 60(10), 1350-1356. doi: 10.1176/appi.ps.60.10.1350

Prendergast, M., Greenwell, L., Farabee, D., & Hser, Y.-I. (2008). Influence of perceived coercion and motivation on treatment completion and re-arrest among substance-abusing offenders. Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research, 36(2), 159-176.PMCID: PMC2802269

Prendergast, M., Huang, D., Evans, E., & Hser, Y.-I. (2010). Are there gender differences in arrest trajectories among adult drug abuse treatment participants? Journal of Drug Issues, 40(1), 7-26.

Prendergast, M., Huang, D., & Hser, Y.-I. (2008). Patterns of crime and drug use trajectories in relation to treatment initiation and five-year outcomes: An application of growth mixture modeling across three datasets. Evaluation Review, 32(1), 59-82.

Song, X.Y., Lee, S.Y., & Hser, Y.-I. (2008). A two-level structural equation model approach for analyzing multivariate longitudinal responses. Statistics in Medicine, 27(16), 3017-3041. PMCID: PMC2836235

Teruya, C., & Hser, Y.-I. (2010). Turning points in the life course: Current findings and future directions in drug use research. Current Drug Abuse Reviews. March 18 [Epub ahead of print] PMID:20298174