Release notes
Axiell ALM Netherlands B.V.
Copyright © 2015Axiell ALM Netherlands B.V.® All rights reserved. Adlib® is a product of Axiell ALM Netherlands B.V.®
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Axiell ALM Netherlands B.V. Axiell assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under a licence and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such a licence. While making every effort to ensure the accuracy of this document, products are continually being improved.
As a result of continuous improvements, later versions of the products may vary from those described here. Under no circumstances may this document be regarded as a part of any contractual obligation to supply software, or as a definitive product description.
1 New functionality......
1.1 Performance improvement for link resolving
1.2 New templates for issue slips
2 Other improvements
Adlib 7.2.1Other improvements
These release notes describe a number of improvements in the Adlib executables, which are implemented in Adlib 7.2 Service Release 1 (build 15110.1). This release is available frommid-April2015 to all customers with a support contract and can be downloaded from the Adlib website.
You can simply install this software on top of your existing Adlibsystem (for versions 4.4 and higher). So you do not need to uninstall anything, but please make a backup of your databases and applications first.
From Adlib 5.0 a new license file is used: adlib.lic. If you are already using 5.0 or higher, you can use this upgrade immediately after installing; your license file has already been renewed, is in the right place and will not be overwritten by the upgrade. When you install this upgrade over an Adlib version that is older than 5.0, then the following applies: if you receive this release on CD, then on it you’ll find the proper license file; if you downloaded this release, then e-mail our helpdesk () for the necessary password and your license file. Place this file (you can make copies of it) after installation of the upgrade in your Adlib \bin and \tools or \executables folders (if present).The point is that the license file should be located in the same folders as your Adlib .exe files. How these folders are named is not important.
The release notes of previous major releases and service releases can be found on the Adlib website.
Backwards compatibility warning
New functionality in Adlib 6.6 for SQL Server and Oracle databases makes records that you change with this version or newer versions inaccessible to older versions of Adlib (adlwin.exe as well as wwwopac.exe). Please, keep this in mind if you would first like to try Adlib 7.2 before making the definitive upgrade. This limitation does not apply to CBF databases.
This means that you have to update wwwopac.exe to 7.2too (this requirement does not apply to wwwopac.ashx). This may have consequences for your web application though because of some changes in the structuredXML-format: previously, empty fields from field groups did not appear in the record XML, while from 6.6 they do.
You also need the latest version of Adlib Designer to implement functionality described in these release notes. However, when you modify your application in the new version of Designer, you won’t be able to edit that application anymore, of parts thereof, in older versions of Adlib Designer.
Because of changes in the .inf format due to the addition of new interface languages in Adlib 7.2, the following limitations apply when you edit your Adlib database structures using Designer 7.2:
- Afterwards you’ll no longer be able to adjust your database structures using an older version of Designer. You’ll have to use Designer 7.2 from now on.
- Afterwards you can no longer use Adlib versions (adlwin.exe and adloan.exe) older than version 7.2.
- Afterwards you’ll have to update wwwopac (.exe or .ashx) to version 7.2. The update of the .ashx version in itself may have consequences too:
- From wwwopac.ashx 3.7.14028, field names specified in the briefFields, detailFields, searchFields and authenticationConfiguration sections of adlibweb.xml will be validated to the requirements for XML element names on application start. If a field name doesn’t meet the requirements, the API will throw an exception (AdlibWebException) with details about the field name, section and the database. If you encounter the exception after your upgrade to wwwopac.ashx3.7.14028 or higher, you’ll have to correct the problematic field names in the data dictionary (.inf file) and subsequently in adlibweb.xml.
The XML element name requirements are as follows: names may contain letters, numbers and other characters but they cannot start with a number or punctuation character or with the string ‘xml’. And names are not allowed to contain spaces. - The Adlib API as used by the current version of wwwopac.ashximplements a strict policy concerning the definition of field tags: all tags used in records that you read or write using the API, must have been defined in the data dictionary. So when you’re about to start using the new version of wwwopac.ashx for your website, you may encounter errors because of this, since it is not uncommon in Adlib applications for tags to have been defined on the screen only or to have ended up in records via an import or adapl procedure. Axiell ALM has several tools in development (currently called ValidateDatabase and RemoveTagsFromData) which you can use to track down any undefined tags in your records (amongst other functionality), after which you can still define them in the relevant .inf to solve the issue. Ask our helpdesk for the status of these tools and the accompanying documentation.
Adlib 7.2.1Other improvements
1New functionality
1.1Performance improvement for link resolving
In Adlib 7.2.15110.1, the internal mechanism for the resolving of links more than one level deep, has been improved greatly, which can lead to substantial performance improvements when opening a record which contains many, more-than-one-level-deep links to other (often the same) records in e.g. authority databases. For instance, if you open a book record which links to many object records and data linked from a second database (like the Thesaurus or Persons and institutions) has to be retrieved as well, then all of those linked records have to be read (and cleared) from memory before the current book record can be displayed completely with all the values from the records linked in the first and second degree, like creators or object names. This process behind the scenes has been made much more efficient, utilizing a new run-time record cache which temporarily stores often referenced records in memory during the recursive link resolving process. In many cases (especially where a lot of second-level links are not unique, like the same creator for many linked objects) this prevents unnecessary re-reading of records, and with that the unnecessary re-resolving of links, because those records are already present in memory if they were referenced earlier in the process.
1.2New templates for issue slips
From within Adloan Circulation you can print issue slips, return slips and reservation slips for the borrower, to remind him or her about any borrowed, returned or reserved copies. Until today, .rtf templates were used for this purpose, one per language and per transaction type. From Adloan 7.2.15068.1however, these 42 .rtf templates will no longer be used: instead, only six XSLT templates plus a single XML file containing fixed texts will now be used and releasedin the Adlib \executables subfolder with Adlib updates:
- issue-list-all.xsl to generate the Overall issue slip.
- issue-list-one.xsl to generate the issue slip for one or more selected copies.
- return-list-all.xsl to generate the Overall return slip.
- return-list-one.xsl to generate the return slip for one or more selected copies.
- reservation-list-all.xsl to generate the Overall reservation slip.
- reservation-list-one.xsl to generate the reservation slip for one or more selected copies.
- adloanListTranslations.xml in which all required translations of the fixed texts in the slips are or can be included, amongst which the name of your institution and possibly a contact e-mail address. An e-mail address will be printed in large underneath the institution name.
You can edit all files in a text editor like Windows Notepad, Notepad++ or Visual Studio, to customize the design and fixed texts, for example, or to add the logo of your institution.
In adloanListTranslations.xml for example, replace the fixed text placeholder_for_institution_name in language 0 (English) by your own institution name. If you’re not always displaying Adloan Circulation in English, you should enter your institution name for those other languages as well: de language numbers are explained in the XML document itself.
An e-mail address for information requests can be entered in the next <translation> node instead of placeholder_for_e-mail_address. If you don’t want any e-mail address to be printed then simply remove the placeholder_for_e-mail_address text, but do leave the surrounding XML <outputtext> tags where they are. And instead of an e-mail address you might as well enter the URL to your website here.
translationname="institution name"
translationname="e-mail address"
The other fixed texts can be adjusted too, but don’t change anything in between < and > brackets.
If for any desired language an Adlib language number does exist while no <outputtext> lines are present for that language yet, then you may add those lines yourself.
In the .xsl files you don’t need to change anything per se, unless you wish to change the layout of the slips or would like to have an image (the logo of your institution for example) inserted at the top of the printout. In the first case you’ll have to have some knowledge of CSS and XSLT: if needed, see theProgramming XSLT stylesheets for Adlibdocument for an introduction. In the second case you’ll only have to edit a single line of code:
- Place the desired image file in yourAdlib \Library loans managementsubfolder (the folder containing adcirc.pbk, the folder name can be different).
- Look for the following line of (HTML) code: imgsrc="books.jpg"width="150px"heigth="250px"/>
- Substitute books.jpg by the actual name of your image file.
- Enter the desired maximum width and height of the image and save the changes.
- From within Adloan, print the relevant slip to test your changes.
If you do not actually want to print anything to the printer you can show a preview on screen by keeping the Shift key pressed down when selecting the relevant pop-up menu option (like Overall issue slip). - Execute the above changes in all six XSLT stylesheets if you’d like the changes to become visible in all types of slips.
How to keep using the old .rtf templates
Adloan can also still work with the old .rtf templates. Before printing any issue slips and such, Adlib will always first check whether the XSLT stylesheets are present in the \executables or\binfolder. If they can’t be found, Adlib will check if the old .rtf files are present and if so, it will use them for printing slips. So after an update you can choose to relocate or remove the new stylesheets to make Adloan work with the .rtf templates again.
Adlib 7.2.1Other improvements
2Other improvements
In 7.2 service release 1 the following functionality has been improved: / Short description4338 / A valid URL gave a false error 404 when opening it with the ADAPL openurl function.
4921 / On issue slips it was not possible to print the shelf mark because this information was not available in Adloan. The fix ensures that <shelfMark> is now available in the output XML and can be printed via the new XSLT stylesheets for Adloan slips.
5146 / A link screen adapl used with a link search screen no longer worked, causing the application to stop working. In this case, the adapl was linked to tag Br in the catalo database.
5277 / The More than one preferred term found, select from list window displayed the term and the term type (domain), but the term type was not always correct and it was not possible to display more record details.
5475 / The underlining for linked field values in the detailed display disappeared after the Hide invariant data button was clicked. It reappeared after you switched tabs.
5593 / Changing the order of occurrences with Ctrl-arrow didn’t work with a HTML field in the group: the HTML field did not change order when using CTRL+arrow in the non-HTML fields, the other field(s) did change order.
5612 / When calling up a Brief display screen with records from a pointer file, the top of the list screen would always present the stored search statement, even if it wasn’t very informative (e.g. with manually selected pointer files), instead of the more useful title of the pointer file.
5711 / If you had a long list of reproductions and you scrolled down the list, the Media Viewer would stay on top of the list and disappear out of sight.
5964 / After a search on a thesaurus term, clicking the All keys button in the Search result window could give different results depending on which term was highlighted in that window.
5994 / In a multilingual application, feedback links were not processed.
6475 / When in a SQL application left truncation was used, it was not possible to search on a left truncated term with a space in it.
6515 / If the Import image button was used again for an already filled-in reproduction occurrence (image field), the Media Viewer would show the image but didn’t actually replace the former one (which you could confirm by switching tabs). In order to assign a different image, one had to delete the occurence, or add a new empty one.
6523 / The Change locations keyboard shortcutCtrl+Ewas still functioning when the button in the ribbon was correctly inactive.
6566 / If you opened a record with a lot of linked reproductions (more than 50), it would take a very long time for the Media Viewer to open, during which time you could not continue with your work in Adlib.
6576 / After an export using a predefined export format based on an adapl, no destination file was created. And if the destination file already existed, it would be removed but not written again.
6593 / The reserved variable &I would always be 1 when the adapl was executed in an Advanced search statement.
6597 / A user name containing an apostrophe caused a SQL query syntax error. The user name was truncated.
6600 / A detail screen wasn't refreshed at the moment a condition for some conditional field was met.
6626 / In the Change location window, leaving a validated field after filling in a non-existent value did not open the validation list. Instead, it just returned the error message: Validation failed.
6628 / The Restart button didn’t always work properly, dependent on your previous actions.
6642 / A linked multilingual field defined on a screen as read-only was still editable.
6644 / Even if the Publish records to TheCollectionCloud method had None access rights, service calls to The Collection Cloud were still being made.
6660 / Exporting image metadata through the FileImages menu, gave a COMErrorException.
6667 / Adlib Designer didn't report any adapl compilation warnings like declared but unused variables.
6689 / A screen with access rights set to None would display when putting a record in edit mode. It would not be there when you retrieved the record and showed it in display mode.
6690 / After exporting a selected subset of fields to unstructured XML, the result contained all fields from the record.
6694 / Clicking on internal links didn't open the relevant linked record.
6704 / Using only middle truncation in an Advanced search statement would give a wrong result.
6709 / When changing the hierarchy of some records via the Hierarchy browser, using the Move record option after dragging a record, Adlib generated an error 91.
6713 / Non-preferred term substitution sometimes wasn’t working correctly: no term substitution took place and a new domain was not added to the preferred term.
6721 / In -rtl mode the Adlib File menu was almost completely emtpy.
6723 / Saving an edited record with lots of images took extremely long.
6724 / After using the Print wizard, the last step of the process did not result in the Print window where you can preview or actually print the output. After clicking the Show button the procedure stopped without any warning.
6726 / An Advanced search in a specific dataset would actually be executed across all datasets if the Use relations option wasn’t used.
6727 / Adlib froze when you double-clicked an empty linked field to open the Find data for the field window in a SQL database.
6749 / The replace-in-record functionality was not available although the access rights for the Global update method were set to full.
6761 / An image import (Edit > Import image) crashed when an image name contained a Hebrew character.
6771 / Media navigation arrow buttons stayed inactive, even though there were multiple linked images.
6775 / An image import (Edit > Import image) into a field with the IngestStorage type didn’t store Hebrew characters from the image file name correctly in the XML.
6776 / An image import (Edit > Import image) didn't copy the complete image file path into a field with the IngestStorage type.
6795 / When using the FileSelect database option, Adlib sometimes used the access rights settings of the previously used data source.
6796 / The Media Viewer button in the View menu of the ribbon didn’t function.
6797 / A linked record was not listed in the Find data for the field window when the record data for the multilingual field was longer than the key in the index.
6800 / There was no warning when a term was deleted from the thesaurus while the term was still in use in a linked field in another database and feedback links had been set.
6801 / Adlib could crash when clicking on a 'Part of' relation in records with many relations.
6808 / Author names of another dataset could be displayed in the Brief display after an access point search in the current dataset and generate an error 31 when you double-clicked the relevant name.
6809 / The Advanced search statement current_location = * made Adlib non-responsive.
6816 / The Save as button on the Media tab of the ribbon didn't work.
6818 / Searching on empty linked fields using the Advanced search gave a wrong result.
6819 / A record owner was not allowed to edit a record in an application with specified rights and default access rights None.
6820 / An image directory import didn’t import a single file from the source folder when it contained PDF files.
6823 / The WHEN operator in an Advanced search didn’t work or gave wrong results.
6824 / A combined search for a broader term in the Advanced search was very slow and gave a wrong result.
6825 / In the Advanced search a merged-in field with a remote index was not displayed as indexed.
6836 / In the Change location window, selecting a location from the validation list returned an error message: Invalid data found.
6844 / The WHEN operator in an Advanced search didn’t work or gave wrong results.
6845 / When a default value was set for the record_access.owner field, only users with admin rights could save the record.
6848 / The context field (for display of hierarchies as a string) was empty.
6849 / It was not possible to link a read-only file to an application field.
6865 / When an XML exchange file contained a reference to the non-existent file and the file was imported into other programs, e.g. Excel, this XSD reference caused error messages "access denied".
With the fix, the XSD reference is no longer included in export output.
6878 / Adlib crashed after selecting a thesaurus term from the Find data for the field window if the term was going to be entered in a field with a context field.
6881 / Adlib crashed when using a large Advanced search sentence like %0 = xxxx, xxxx, xxxxx.
6884 / An export to csv didn’t always export the field names themselves.
6889 / An Advanced search containing both when and contains didn't return any results.
6892 / After forcing a name in a linked field and moving the cursor to another linked field, the List button in the ribbon was inactive.
6897 / An XML import using import.exe would ignore the first XML-element if the destination field was multilingual and if other source fields were mapped to different languages of the same field.
6904 / The Thumbnailstab on the Brief display showed record numbers instead of object numbers.
6905 / Adlib crashed when opening theF1 contextualHelp from within theFind data for the field...window.
6917 / A Search wizard search on the Current location barcode access point in the Internal object cataloguemade Adlib crash.