Second Revision
Calais School Committee
Organizational Meeting
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
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The Calais School Committee met on Wednesday, November 8, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. for their organizational meeting following the municipal election. Attending were Robert Greenlaw, Joe Footer, Kevin Niles, Thomas Robb and Superintendent Ronald Jenkins.
I. Call to Order
Superintendent Jenkins called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the board in the Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence.
II. Election of Chairman
The Superintendent called for nominations for Chairman.
A. Joe Footer nominated Bob Greenlaw for Chairman.
B. Motion by Thomas Robb, second by Joe Footer, unanimous vote to cease nominations.
C. Unanimous vote to elect Bob Greenlaw as Chairman.
III. Election of Vice Chairman
Chairman Bob Greenlaw called for nominations for Vice Chairman.
A. Thomas Robb nominated Joe Footer for Vice Chairman.
Joe Footer nominated Thomas Robb for Vice Chairman.
B. Motion by Bob Greenlaw, second by Kevin Niles, unanimous vote to cease nominations.
C. Vote of 3 yes, 1 abstention, 1 absent to elect Joe Footer as Vice Chairman.
IV. Consent Agenda
There were no adjustments to the agenda.
Second Revision
Calais School Committee
Organizational Meeting
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Page 2
V. Present communications to the School Committee received from the community
Sue informed the board that the Commissioner of Education had visited the Calais Elementary School because of the Momentum Program.
VI. Public Participation
None noted
VII. Superintendent’s Update
Superintendent Jenkins informed the board that the Commissioner of Education, Bob Hasson had visited the Calais Elementary School. Jim Moulton was here for the teacher workshop day, the new bleaches at CMS/CHS are being installed and that the HVAC system at the elementary school will be worked on starting on the 21st of November.
VIII. New Business
A. Motion by Bob Greenlaw, second by Kevin Niles, unanimous vote to hire Apryl Norris as and Ed Tech I at Calais Alternative School as recommended by the Superintendent.
B. Motion by Joe Footer, second by Kevin Niles, unanimous vote to hire Zachary Benner as Teacher at Calais Alternative School as nominated by the Superintendent.
C. Motion by Joe Footer, second by Bob Greenlaw, unanimous vote to appoint Lauren Remington as J.V. Girls’ Basketball Coach as recommended by the Superintendent.
D. Motion by Joe Footer, second by Thomas Robb, unanimous vote to hire Carrie Cropley as Ed Tech III to work as the Student Service Coordinator at SCRTC.
E. Motion by Kevin Niles, second by Joe Footer, vote of three yes, one no to accept the First Reading of Policy GBCC – Employee Use of Cell Phones/Electronic Communication Devices.
IX. Old Business
None noted.
Second Revision
Calais School Committee
Organizational Meeting
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Page 3
X. Upcoming Meetings
November 21, 2017
December 5, 2017
December 19, 2017
XI. Request Future Agenda Items
None noted.
XII. Executive Session
None noted.
XIII. Adjournment
Motion by Joe Footer, second by Thomas Robb, unanimous vote to adjourn at 8:00 p.m.
Ronald Jenkins, Superintendent of Schools