Helping Hands Club: BC
Advisors: Mrs. Hulse and Mrs. Mikitiuk
Description for website: Students will participate in and help organize various volunteer activities throughout their school and community. Students will learn leadership skills and the importance of giving back to their community. The club will meet on Wednesdays beginning October 18th through December 20th from 3:25 P.M. - 4:25 P.M.
Meeting Dates/Tentative Activity Agenda:
1. October 18: Creating flyers for neighborhood Trick-or-Treat for Canned Goods
2. October 25: Trick-or-Treat for Canned Goods (visiting nearby homes for canned goods)
3. November 1: Raking leaves on school grounds or at Meadow Breeze Park
4. November 15: Garbage Clean-Up at Meadow Breeze Park
5. November 29: Organize and ship letters to soldiers from Brass Castle School students (school-wide)
6. December 6: Organize cookies and create cards for local heroes
7. December 13: Choose and practice holiday caroling songs/end of club party
8. December 20: Caroling at neighborhood homes
Washington Township School District
Helping Hands Club Permission Slip
Advisors: Mrs. Hulse and Mrs. Mikitiuk
Students in fourth, fifth, and sixth grade will participate in and help organize various volunteer activities throughout their school and community. Students will learn leadership skills and the importance of giving back to their community. The club will meet on Wednesdays beginning October 18th through December 20th from 3:25 P.M. - 4:25 P.M. Possible activities include Trick-or-Treat for Canned Goods, caroling, and outdoor community preservation.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mrs. Hulse or Mrs. Mikitiuk.
Mrs. Hulse:
Mrs. Mikitiuk:
Please review and sign the permission slip below and return it to your child’s homeroom teacher as soon as possible. Permission slips must be returned by October 13, 2017. We will be accepting up to 30 students into this club, on a lottery basis.
By signing below, you and your child agree to serving the community with a positive attitude, will be picked up promptly at 4:25 P.M., and attend each meeting to the best of your ability. Parent/Guardian signature gives permission for your child to participate in club activities at Meadow Breeze Park and in the neighborhood surrounding Brass Castle School. Please note that students with 2 late pickups, will not be permitted to continue in the After-School Club.
Print Student Name: Student Signature:
Parent/Guardian Signature: Date:
Parent/Guardian Phone Number:
Student Homeroom Teacher:
Emergency Contact Name: ______Phone #: ______
Helping Hands Club: Mrs. Hulse and Mrs. Mikitiuk