Team Name: ______________________________________ Due in class on Feb 16th.
Team Project One - Heat Engine
Engineering 112 Team Project
Recall that the projects are 15% of the course grade.
Objective: Each team is to produce one engine powered by thermal expansion and contraction of rubber bands. Each team is responsible for designing and building one rubber band heat engine prior to the day of the competition.
Regulations: 1. The engine must be made of only the following:
(a) a metal ring that is about 12 inches in diameter
(b) rubber bands
(c) heat source such as an iron or heat lamp
(d) a low friction bearing
(e) metal coat hangers, tape, zip ties
2. The rubber bands must be used only as the spokes of the metal ring.
3. The rubber bands cannot break during the rotation of the ring.
4. The heat source cannot have a fan. For example, hair dryers may not be used.
5. If an engine poses any threat to safe competition, the judge reserves the right to disqualify it.
6. There will be a five-minute time limit to prepare your engine before the ring rotations are counted. The ring should have a mark or flag on it. This will be used to count the number of rotations.
7. Heat is to provide the sole source of power for the engine.
8. The bearing can be from old hard drives, CD-ROM drives, floppy drives, etc. You may contact your instructor for parts like these.
9. The engines will be demonstrated in the classroom.
10. The ring must start from rest. The motion should begin when the heat source is placed by the rubber band spokes. The team members may not touch the engine or heat source once the timer starts.
11. Questions about these rules should be directed to your instructor during class or during office hours prior to the day of the competition.
Team Scoring: 10 points will be awarded to each team that shows up with a viable engine. 10 points will be earned for each ¼ rotation made by the ring in a 10 minute period. Fractional rotations will be measured to one quarter of a rotation. 10 to 100 points will be deducted for rule violations.
S = Showing Up Score
N = Number of ¼ Rotations
Team Grade = S + 10 N
The maximum score possible is 100.
Team Meetings: Team meetings are required to finish this project. As a group the team must find a time outside of class in which all members can meet. For example, the team can meet after class and use one of the labs in department with the aid of your instructor.
Date at Time of First Team Meeting:_________________________________________
Team Roles: All team members are required to participate in the vehicle design and construction.
Gatekeeper: The gatekeeper will make sure that all team members attend team meetings. The gatekeeper will release the metal ring from rest during practice and on the day of the competition. The gatekeeper will look for ways to reduce the friction in the engine.
Name_____________________________ Email:_______________________________
Time Keeper: The time keeper must always be equipped with a watch or timer at team meetings. The time keeper will time the practice runs and make sure that the team has a vehicle completed before the day of the competition. The gatekeeper will look for ways to increase the rotation rate of the ring.
Name_____________________________ Email:_______________________________
Recorder: The recorder will turn in this form on the day of the competition and keep a record of scores during practice runs. The recorder will make sketches of the spoke design and try to find ways to improve the efficiency of the engine based on the design of the spokes.
Name_____________________________ Email:_______________________________
Facilitator: The facilitator will organize team meetings for the vehicle design and construction via email, phone, or after class discussions. The facilitator will be responsible for the implementation of the bearing.
Name_____________________________ Email:_______________________________
Optimist: The optimist will encourage team members to participate in the vehicle design and construction and remain optimistic at all time. Yeah!
Name_____________________________ Email:_______________________________
Individual Scoring: As a team discuss how each team member contributed to this project. Suppose that the team is paid for the project. For this project, what percentage of the income should go to each team member above? Enter your team answers in the blanks below.
Gatekeeper: ______ Time Keeper: _____
Recorder: ______ Facilitator: _____ Optimist: _____