GrantAgreementNumber / 600680FullProjectTitle / ICT Transfer Concept for Adaptation, Dissemination and Local Exploitation of European Research Results in Central Asia’s Countries
ProjectAcronym / eINTERASIA
TitleofDeliverable / Communication Plan
DeliverableNumber / D 6.6.1
Work‐package / WP6
DisseminationLevel / PU=Public
DeliverableNature / R=Report
ContractualDeliveryDate / June 30th, 2013
Author(s) / ViktoriyaBrazhnikova (BISAM),
Leonid Gurevich (BISAM),
Leonid Novickis (RTU)
projectoutcomes,includingidentificationoftargetgroupsanddisseminationchannels:dissemination via academic channels, networking, demonstrators of EU research results.
Document Approval
Person / Role / PartnerMichael Boronowsky / PQAM / UniB / TZI
Version / Status / Author / Date / Changes0.1 / Draft / L.Novickis / 10.05.2013 / Template for Initialdraft
0.2 / Draft / BISAM / 06.06.2013 / Additions to the initial draft
0.3 / Revised version / L.Novickis / 12.06.2013 / Minor corrections
0.4 / Revised version / M.Boronowsky
Woronowicz / 14.06.2013 / Improve quality
0.5 / Revised version / L.Novickis / 19.06.2013 / Update version
Executive Summary
The document describes communication and dissemination strategy. It incorporates a plan of messages for targeted audience groups and taking into account local needs and requirements. The target audience, the concept of tools, and the kind of content are defined by the primary content of the eINTERASIA Project and the nature of its products. It is expected that these products will be greatly demanded in the Central Asian (CA) region. This demand is stipulated by a high education level of the population, availability of many research institutes, universities, technical vocational education and training facilities, as well the by the policy of economic modernization implemented by the governments of CA countries. In particular, a large-scale state program of an accelerated industrial and innovative development has been implemented in Kazakhstan. Education reforms have been carried out, new science management model is being developed, small and medium business development is actively stimulated. Important socio-economic transformations have been taking place in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan. All that implies that the eINTERASIAProject is of high relevance for business,for governments, academic circles and public organizations of Central Asian countries. In addition, the project communication foresees a continuous feedback loop towards the stakeholders implementing HORIZON2020.
Table of contents
1.Generic Dissemination & Communication Strategy
2.Tools to be used to disseminate the research knowledge and project’s results (HOW to disseminate?)
3.Networking...... 8
4. Preliminary timetable of technological workshops and information days………………….………..9
5. List of the tasks and roles of the partners………………………………………………………..…………….……11
6. Deliverables and milestones……………………………………………………………………………………………..….12
1.Generic Dissemination& Communication Strategy
Dissemination is based on three major concepts (Figure 1):
1) Dissemination items; 2) Dissemination activities; 3) Target groups.
Activities are aimed at disseminating the project’s achievements outside the project to the relevant stakeholders within the partner regions and in Europe. Main target groups of the communication and dissemination activities are: ICT service and technology transfer providers, research institutes, universities, technical and vocational education and training (TVET) organizations,forwarding and transport companies, regional policy makers, public authorities competent for developing innovation structures, representatives of civil society, media and other stakeholders as main beneficiaries of eINTERASIA results. The project will nominate a responsible information person who oversees the preparation and implementation of the communication plan. The communication plan includes:
- To define communication strategy (target audience, focus on positive achievements and the benefits they bring, measures selection, plan in terms of financial and time expenditure);
- Communication via the mass media (press, TV and radio);
- Externally oriented Web sites;
Publications (electronic project newsletters, project proceedings, scientific journals, publications in national languages etc.);
- Presentations (international conferences, seminars, workshops, project events, regional meetings etc.);
- Audiovisual media (CDs, DVDs);
- External resources (Commission and specialist Web sites – CORDIS Wire, Alpha Galileo etc.).
Communication strategy
Figure 1
Dissemination items (WHAT to disseminate):
Concept, ICT solutions and EU research projects results:
- ICT transfer models and general concept,
- Internet-based Software Framework,
- Set of ICT solutions, multi-agent models, Web technologies as theoretical platform,
- Visualization models,
- Web-designing and programming approaches,
- Results of EU research projects obtained by eINTERASIA consortium partners.
The ICT community and innovation managers are beneficiaries of standardized knowledge transfer (KT) capabilities and thereof resulting innovation.
As an outcome of the INTERREG project Bonita, ICT acted as icebreaker finding the path to a coherent approach for the management of KT and innovation process quality. The role of the innovation managers’ community is to extend the given methodological approach addressing the various user needs and purposes for exploiting the full extent of technological and non-technological innovations.
eINTERASIA is piloting the process oriented knowledge transfer of in eLogistics from industrialized to developing countries. The quality and continuous excellence of research in these key content areas are crucial for ensuring European industrial leadership and hence attracting conference participants
Target groups(to WHOM disseminate?) of the communication and dissemination activities are:
- Relevant IT solutions providers,
- Academic organizations (universities, research institutes),
- Technical vocational education and training (TVET) organizations
- Innovation & technology support organizations (technological centres, parks),
- Business incubators and professional associations,
- Local authorities,
- Representatives of SMEs and civil societyand other stakeholders as main beneficiaries of innovation support measures.
2.Tools to be used to disseminate the research knowledgeand project’s results (HOW to disseminate?)
- Set of Showrooms: following the main ideas of the concept of showroom establishing and maintaining developed by UniB within the frameworks of adjacent project BONITA , two showrooms for demonstration and promotion of EU projects and eINTERASIA results will be established in Kazakhstan and Tajikistan.
- Project flyer: It will be designed at the beginning of the project (project goal, objectives, and consortium) and disseminated to relevant technology developers and providers in Central Asia, as well as to all events, workshops, conferences and exhibitions attended by the consortium partners.
- Web-sites:eINTERASIA will create a Web-site with a public area for the project’s promotion and restricted area for consortium partners and external partners. The Web-site of the eLOGMAR-M project ( will be considered as a prototype when creating the eINTERASIA web-site. Strong references to related projects’ web-sites, for instance, BONITA and eLOGMAR-Mwill be established.
- The project’s multi-media DVD: A 10 minutes audiovisual DVD presentation will be created to present the project’s objectives, the introduction to partners’ organisations, innovative IT&T solutions and technology transfer concept.
- Virtual Development and Training Centre Saxony-Anhalt (Magdeburg, Germany) – the infrastructure of VDTC (communication platform and training environment) will be used for virtual-interactive training and dissemination of results over global networks.
- A network of related Web-sites developed by the partner organisations under different coordinated activities.
- A series of workshops will be used both by consortium partners for bilateral consultations inside consortium and by external partners (potential customers) for learning more about innovative solutions.
- Dissemination via academic channels. Academic network established during TEMPUS Programme’s project PERSEUS “Plan to Establish Research Science Enterprise Oriented Universities for the benefit of Society“ within the following Central Asian regions:
•Tajikistan: Tajik University of Commerce, Khujand branch of Technical University of Tajikistan, Khorog state University, Kulyab State University, Kulyab Branch of the Tajik Technological University, Tajik Technical University named after M.S.Osimi
•Kyrgyzstan:Business Club, Issyk-Kul State University, Jalal-Abad University of Economics And Entrepreneurship, Kyrgyz Economical University, Kyrgyz State National University Bishkek, Ministry of Economical Development and Trade, Ministry of Education and Science, Talas State University, Teachex Academy
•Kazakhstan: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty Technological University, Auezov South - Kazakhstan state university (SKSU), Karaganda Economical University, West-Kazakhstan State University named after MakhambetUtemisov
- Publishing three volumes of the project “Newsletters” in e-form and their dissemination among IT and eLogistics communities.
- Other dissemination means: Dissemination via the mass media, publications in scientific magazines and journals, presentations at the international conference/ exhibitions.
BISAM will implement a study for the expansion of the database and will collect contact information.
Designed measures will increase the impact of the project making the project achievements widely available: kick-off and final event to which politicians from partner regions will be invited (amongst others); user friendly and informative project Web site will be an important dissemination instrument, electronic newsletters will contain information on carried out activities and results and selection of news, press releases, international conferences and regional workshops attracts both specialists from logistics and ICT sectors, showrooms will be used as a platform for demonstration and promotion of ICT solutions.
-Network of Showrooms established within BONITA and eINTERASIA projects will be used for solutions promotion and demonstration.
-Networking with adjacent projects BONITA and eLOGMAR-M
-Networking session proposal submission for the EC ICT 2013 Conference “Create, Connect, Grow” (Vilnius, November 2013).The title of Networking session: Towards standartised knowledge and innovation capacity..
-CollaborationwiththeotherEUprojectManuVAR(IFFisinvolvedin thisproject)willbeaimed atpromotion of3DvisualizationmodelamongindustrialpartnersofManuVAR
- Preliminary timetable oftechnologicalworkshopsandinformationdays
1)WS1(kick-offmeeting). Location:Germany,Magdeburg / Bremen.Duration:5days. Responsible: UniB,IFF.
Kick-offmeeting issplitintotwoparts: 1st (March 2013)washeldinMagdeburg (FraunhoferIFF)andthe2nd (June 2013) –inBremen (UniversityofBremen). UniBandIFFaretwomajorprovidersofEUICTprojectsresultsandtheyhave necessaryinfrastructuretodemonstrateadvancedITsolutions:CentreforComputingTechnologywithits showroom inBremen, andVirtualRealityandDevelopmentCentreinMagdeburg.
- Tointroducethepartner organizations toeachotheractivities,
- Tospecifyandacceptconsortiumagreementanddetailedwork plan,
- Todiscussdisseminationandcommunicationstrategy,
- TodemonstrateEUprojectsresearchresults.
2)WS2.Location:Kazakhstan, Astana.
Month: September2013. Duration:3days.
Responsible:Astana Innovations.
- Introduction toEUprojectsresearchresultstolocalpotential end-users,
- ITtransfer inKazakhstan,
- ModernVirtualRealitytechnologies.
Month:March 2014.
Duration:3days. Responsible:RTU.
- Demonstration ofShowroom,
- Internet-basedbusinessmodelineLogistics,
- Intelligentsoftwaredevelopment,
- Reviewmeeting.
4)WS4.Location:Tajikistan,Dushanbe.Month:October 2014.
Duration:3days. Responsible: TUT.
- ShowroominTUT,
- Multi-agentbasedmodelsdevelopment,
- Meetingwithlocalpotential end-users.
5)WS5.Location:Lithuania, Vilnius.
Month:March 2015.
Duration:3days. Responsible: MITSOFT
- ICTtransferconcept,
- LocalachievementsinICTarea,
- NetworkingwithEuropeanprojectsandinitiatives(BONITA,IST4BALTetc.),
- Reviewmeeting.
Month:May 2015.
Duration:3days. Responsible: UIFA
- StrategiccooperationbetweenEuropeanandCentral Asia’scountries ineLogistics,
- Meetingwithpotential andusers,
- PreparationofeINTERASIAfinalevent.
7)WS7.Location:Kazakhstan, Almaty.
Month: September 2015.
Duration:3 days. Responsible: BISAM.
Theproject’sfinalWS–a“conference –like”event.
- Finalpresentationoftheproject’sresults(softwaredemonstrators,setof“Newsletters”, flyers,videoclips, multi-media DVD),
- Validationreport,
- Discussion withlocalstakeholders,
- Businessplanforcommercializationbeyondtheproject,
- Reviewmeeting.
Upto100potential usersfromtheCentral Asianregion(Uzbekistan, Tajikistan,KyrgyzRepublic, Kazakhstan, andTurkmenistan)willbeinvitedtotakepartinthefinalevent.eINTERASIAnewsletters(3volumes) willbedisseminatedduringthe finalconference.
The preliminarytimetable maybecorrectedduringtheproject period takingintoaccounttheproject seasonstarting month and local conditions .
- List of the tasks and roles of the partners
No -Tasks - [ Month ]
6.1DefinitionofDisseminationCommunicationstrategy [month4]
6.2Creating andprintingtheproject’sflyersandposter [month5]
6.3Creating Multi-mediaDVD [month28]
6.4Web-sitedeveloping [month 4]
6.5Disseminationthrough thenetwork ofshowrooms. Networkingwithotherprojects.
6.6Promotion attheinternationalconferencesandexhibitions. Organization ofproject’sWSs.
Person-Months per Participant
Participantnumber / Participantshortname / Person-monthsperparticipant1 / RTU / 6.00
3 / Fraunhofer / 3.16
5 / UABMIT-SOFT / 2.00
6 / Астана Innovations / 10.00
7 / BISAMCentral Asia / 22.50
8 / UIFA / 6.00
9 / TUT / 2.50
Total / 64.16
- Deliverables and milestones
Delive- rable Number / DeliverableTitle / Lead benefi- ciary number / Estimated indicative person- months / Nature / Dissemi- nation level / Month
D6.6.1 / CommunicationPlan / BISAM / 0.50 / R / PU / 4
D6.6.2 / Project website / IFF / 1.50 / O / PU / 4
D6.6.3 / Project flyer / TZI / 0.50 / O / PU / 5
D6.6.4 / Project poster / TZI / 0.50 / O / PU / 5
D6.6.5 / Multi-mediaDVD / IFF / 1.50 / O / PU / 28
D6.6.6 / Intermediate reportondissemination andcommunicationactivities / BISAM / 0.50 / R / PU / 12
D6.6.7 / Intermediate reportondissemination andcommunicationactivities / BISAM / 0.50 / R / PU / 24
D6.6.8 / Consolidated reportondissemination andcommunicationactivities / BISAM / 1.00 / R / PU / 30
Total / 6.50
Description of deliverables
D6.6.1)CommunicationPlan:Thedocument willdefinecommunicationanddisseminationstrategy.Itwill incorporate aplanofmessagestargetedattheend-usersandtakingintoaccountlocalneedsandrequirements. Thetarget audience,theconceptoftools,andthekindofcontent willbedefined. [month4]
D6.6.2)Project website:Project website.[month4]
D6.6.3)Project flyer:Project flyer[month5]
D6.6.4)Project poster:Project poster[month5]
D6.6.5)Multi-mediaDVD:Thedeliverablewillprovideinformationconcerning thewholeprojectperiodinuser-attractive form(shortvideoclip,fragments ofinteractive websites, promotion material etc.).[month28]
D6.6.6)Intermediate reportondissemination andcommunicationactivities:Intermediate reportondissemination andcommunicationactivities. [month12]
D6.6.7)Intermediate reportondissemination andcommunicationactivities:Intermediate reportondissemination andcommunicationactivities. [ month24 ]
D6.6.8)Consolidated reportondissemination andcommunicationactivities:Thedocument willconsolidate informationonallkindsofdissemination andcommunicationactivitiesduringtheproject. [month30]
Schedule of relevant Milestones
Milestone number / Milestone name / Lead benefi- ciary / Month / CommentsMS61 / Arrangement ofKick-offmeeting / IFF, TZI / 1/4
2013 / WSminutes
MS62 / PreparationofCommunicationPlan / BISAM / 4 / Deliverable6.6.1
MS63 / Creating theprojectWeb-site / IFF / 4 / Deliverable 6.6.2
MS64 / Creating andprintingtheprojectflyer / TZI / 5 / Deliverable6.6.3
MS65 / Creating andprintingtheprojectposter / TZI / 5 / Deliverable6.6.4
MS66 / Arrangement ofWS2 / AI / 7 / WSminutes
MS67 / Arrangement ofWS3 / RTU / 13 / WSminutes
MS68 / Arrangement ofWS4 / TUT / 20 / WSminutes
MS69 / Arrangement ofWS5 / MIT-SOFT / 25 / WSminutes
MS610 / Arrangement ofWS6 / UIFA / 27 / WSminutes
MS611 / Creating ofmulti-media DVD / IFF / 28 / Deliverable6.6.5
MS612 / Intermediate andConsolidatedreportson dissemination communicationactivities / BISAM / 30 / Deliverable6.6.6–6.6.8
MS613 / Arrangement ofWS7 / BISAM / 30/31 / WSminutes
How the project’s achievements / advantages will be measured:
─ A list of criteria for evaluation of TTC effectiveness is formed by using procedure of “expert opinions”. BISAM from Kazakhstan will be involved to manage this activity.
─ User group from Developing Economies and EU countries will be involved in a validation process of the proposed solutions and concepts. This group will be formed using the possibilities of adjacent projects eLOGMAR-M (Baltic Regional Competence Centre with eLogistics and Maritime Applications). The consortium partner UIFA from Central Asia will involve its 42 members in validation process. The consortium partner BISAM Cental Asia from Kazakhstan will involve local corresponding technology providers (SMEs, business incubators, associations) in validation process. Users’ feedback: based on users’ opinion an integrated value will be formed. It reflects how the application of innovative ICT solutions influences on users’ satisfaction with promoted services level.
Dissemination and communication activities will be closely related to Information Society international policy dialogues between EU and target countries (Astana Economic Forum etc.).