The CDC reports that nearly one in sixty-eight children are affected by an ASD. Scientific evidence indicates that ASD is largely genetic. Although there is currently no data for the prevalence of ASD in adults one could assume, due to its genetic nature, that the same one in sixty-eight figure might apply to adults.*
40 to 50 percent of marriages do end in divorce (APA, 2013).*
Relationships are hard work. Couples trying to communicate through “the curves of Asperger syndrome and autism”* face even more difficult challenges in navigating and sustaining healthy relationships.
ASD relationship expert Eva A. Mendes provides advice straight from the couples counseling room in her new book, MARRIAGE AND LASTING RELATIONSHIPS WITH ASPERGER’S SYNDROME (AUTISM SPECTRM DISORDER) [2015, Paperback: $23.95, ISBN: 978-1-84905-999-2, 264pp].Using proven strategies that can easily be applied in day-to-day life, Mendes’ practical ideas help couples face the challenges that arise in relationships where one or both partners are on the autism spectrum.
“In my work as a couples counselor and group leader, I observed that even though the circumstances of each neurodiverse couple were different, they all struggled with similar issues. I saw the same themes come up over and over again.”* By demystifying many aspects of ASD, Mendes offers couples unique ideas for positive change.
Including tips for creating a relationship schedule, making expression of appreciation and gratitude a part of every day and finding mutually satisfying activities and special interests to engage in with your partner, Mendes’ warm advice and wise insight can help turn a relationship around.
“Couples employing these ready to use solutions will find a beacon of hope helping to pave their way to better understanding and harmonious relationships.”
—from the foreword by Stephen M. Shore, EdD, Clinical Assistant Professor at Adelphi University, internationally known author, speaker, and individual on the autism spectrum
MARRIAGE AND LASTING RELATIONSHIPS WITH ASPEGER’S SYNDROMEis not just another clinicalresource. Full of sound advice, helpful case studies and practical tips for couples in the trenches, it is a book that should be on the shelf of every couples, relationship counselors and therapists library.
*Mendes, p 24
*Mendes, p 25
*Willey, Liane Holliday, endorsement
*Mendes, p 16
400 Market Street, Suite 400, Philadelphia, PA 19106 T: 215-922-1161 F: 215-922-1474To request a media copy, receive additional information or schedule an interview with the author, contact Katelynn Bartleson at:
215-922-1161 •
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Inc.