Minutes of the Meeting of
Date and Time:Monday11thSeptember 2017 – 7.30pm
Place:Acorn Hall, Church Crookham Community Centre
Councillors:Michael Burford (MB), Helen Butler (HB) (Chair), Jeremy Silvester (JS), Debbie Moss (DM);Cristina Harris (CH).
Also present:Claire Inglis (Clerk)
There was1memberof the public present.
Helen Butler was elected Chair in absence of Michael Burford at the commencement of the meeting / Actions168/17 / Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence have been received from Richard Martin, Jenny Radley and Gill Butler
169/17 / To Approve the minutes
The minutes of the meeting held on Monday14th August2017were signed as a true record of the meeting
170/17 / Dispensations – to receive any written request for disclosable pecuniary interest dispensations from members.
No requests were received.
171/17 / Declarations of Interest relating to any item on the agenda
No declarations of interest had been received
172/17 / Chairman’s Announcements
No announcements were made.
173/17 / Public session
No comments from the public were made.
174/17 / Play areas at Crookham Park
To agree a response to Hart DC regarding the content of the play areas at Crookham Park.
The planning officer responsible for the discharge of conditions for the play areas has given the parish council the opportunity to voice its concerns regarding the content of the play areas as Hart DC feel that the content is insufficient to promote the expected level of activity and therefore they do not comply with Harts policy standards.
It was resolved that the following response should be sent to Hart DC:
The Parish Council take on maintenance of the LAPS, LEAPS etc. a year after installation and following a ROSPA inspection which confirms the correct and safe installation of equipment. Therefore the Parish Council subject to this ROSPA inspection would not have any concerns over the equipment.
The Parish Council believe it is HDC’s duty to ensure that the equipment complies with the planning application and its policy standards as it mentions in its email and discussions with Taylor Wimpey should agree changes if they do not meet these standards in your view.
Proposed HB, seconded JS, all in favour. / Clerk
175/17 / Southwood Golf Course consultation
To decide whether to respond to Rushmoor BC consultation on the future of Southwood Golf Course and if so what the response should be. Closing date 29th September.
The proposal is to convert the golf course to SANG.
The golf course is proposed for SANGS (Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space) as part of the Rushmoor BC Local Plan so that developers will contribute towards alternative green space for its residents to enable housing stock to be fulfilled elsewhere in the borough.
The Parish Council considered that this would be to compensate for developments such as proposed at Pyestock. This may have an impact on Church Crookham with increased traffic and therefore the preservation of open, green space is important.
It was resolved to respond to the survey to state that “Church Crookham Parish Council welcomes the retention of green space such as the golf course to prevent erosion of and provide protection for such land from development and to compensate residents for the development proposed in the Rushmoor BC Local Plan”
Proposed JS, seconded DM, all in favour / Clerk
176/17 / Consideration of current Planning Applications
Reference: / 17/01809/HOU
Address: / 29 The Verne Church Crookham Fleet GU52 6LU
Proposal: / Erection of a first-floor extension over the existing garage and single storey rear/side extension
Expiry date: / 12th September 2017
Decision: / No objection proposed MB, seconded JS, all in favour
Reference: / 17/01936/FUL
Address: / Buttercups Day Nursery 14 Tweseldown Road Church Crookham Fleet GU52 8DE
Proposal: / Single storey side extension
Expiry date: / 12th September 2017
Decision: / No objection proposed HB, seconded MB, all in favour
Concern was raised over the loss of parking for staff and the expansion creating a requirement for additional staff, therefore parking on the road. Request HDC to check the parking and operating hours make the extension a viable proposal.
Reference: / 17/01939/HOU
Address: / 44 Rounton Road Church Crookham Fleet Hampshire GU52 6JH
Proposal: / Single storey rear extension, following demolition of existing conservatory.
Expiry date: / 12th September 2017 to submit via email to
Decision: / No objection proposed DM, seconded JS, all in favour
Reference: / 17/01987/HOU
Address: / 51 Rounton Road Church Crookham Fleet GU52 6JH
Proposal: / Single storey rear extension
Expiry date: / 12th September 2017
Decision: / No objection proposed JS, seconded MB, all in favour
Reference: / 17/02098/HOU
Address: / 10 Coniston Way Fleet Hampshire GU52 6RS
Proposal: / Garage conversion and a single storey front extension
Expiry date: / 27th September 2017
Decision: / No objection proposed CH,seconded JS, all in favour
Request HDC to check parking is adequate for extension.
177/17 / Review of information from weekly lists:
Reference / 17/01559/HOU
Address / 4 Nepal Gardens Church Crookham Fleet GU52 8LL
Proposal / First floor side extension
Decision / Grant
CCPC comment / No objection
Reference / 17/02016/LDC
Address / 3 Laburnum Gardens Church Crookham Fleet Hampshire GU52 8UZ
Proposal / Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for a proposed loft conversion with
rear dormer.
Decision / Grant
Reference / 17/01758/FUL
Address / 40 Florence Road Fleet Hampshire GU52 6LQ
Proposal / Erection of a dwelling house with associated parking and amenity
Decision / Withdrawn
CCPC comment / Objection
Reference / 17/01339/TPO
Address / 16 Wynne Gardens Church Crookham Fleet Hampshire GU52 8EQ
Proposal / Crown reduce Oak tree by around 4-5 metres and crown thin by 20%
Decision / Grant
Reference / 17/00075/HOUMC
Address / 38 Kukri Gardens Church Crookham Fleet GU52 8EU
Proposal / Rear balcony creating direct garden access
Decision / Appeal allowed
Enforcement Cases Closed Between 16 August 2017 and 22 August 2017
Reference / 17/00095/XPLAN3
Address / Co-op 100 Aldershot Road Church Crookham Fleet Hampshire GU52 8JR
Complaint / Non-compliance with the approved plans of application 15/00459/FUL
Conclusion / Planning Application Approved
Enforcement Cases received Between 23 August 2017 and 29 August 2017
Reference / 17/00220/OPERT
Address / 11 Ryelaw Road Church Crookham Fleet Hampshire GU52 6HZ
Complaint / Alleged single storey rear extension element of development not being built in
accordance with approved plans of 15/03003/HOU (2015/JB/4 REV E)
Reference / 17/00223/OPERT
Address / 41 Award Road Church Crookham Fleet Hampshire GU52 6HQ
Complaint / Siting of a Mobile Home
178/17 / Date of the next Hart DC planning meeting: Wednesday 13th September 2017
179/17 / Date of next meeting: Monday 25thSeptember 2017
There being no further business the meeting closed at 20.09pm
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