We would like to know your views about policing and what it is like to live/work in your area. The result of this survey will help inform policing, fire and rescue and community planning partnership priorities within the Argyll and Bute council area.

Please provide your home or work post code

Q1. How concerned are you about crime in your neighbourhoold? Or the area you work?

Very concerned
Fairly concerned
Not very concerned
Not at all concerned

Q2. To what extent do you think the amount of crime has increased or decreased over the past year within this area?

Decreased a lot
Decreased a little
Remained the same
Increased a little
Increased a lot

Q3. How safe do you feel in your neighbourhood? Or the area you work?

Very safe
Very unsafe

Q4. Could you indicate from the list below what is/is not a problem in your neighbourhood? Or area you work?

Issue / Problem / Not a problem
Assault/Violent Crime
Bogus Workers/Callers
Cars being stolen/broken into
Domestic abuse/violence
Drug dealing/misuse
Serious and organised crime
Homes being broken into
Litter/fly tipping
Rowdy behaviour e.g. hooliganism, loutish behaviour, drunkenness
Speeding motorists
Theft of personal property e.g. bikes, tools
Youths causing annoyance
Street drinking
Dog fouling
Neighbour disputes e.g. loud parties, fighting/shouting
Deliberate fire raising
Minors asking you to buy alcohol

Q5. Your community policing team would like to prioritise local policing issues in your area of the area you work.

In order to assist us with this task from the list above select 5 issues that most concern you in your area (1 being the highest and 5 being the lowest)






Q6. Who provides home fire and safety and home security visits?

Home Fire Safety Visits / Home Security Visits
Scottish Fire and Rescue
Police Scotland
Argyll and Bute Council

Q7. Do you have a fire escape plan?


Q8. Do you have a smoke alarm and carbon monoxide alarm in your home?

Yes / No / Does it work?
Smoke alarm
Carbon Monoxide Alarm

Q9. How often do you test your alarms?

Daily / Weekly / Monthly / Annually
Smoke Alarm
Carbon Monoxide Alarm

About your community

Q10. Do you work or volunteer for a voluntary or community organisation? (This could include any organisation which is not either a public body or independent sector).


Q11. If you do, are you aware if the costs of the group or organisation are met by fundraising or funded from other income streams?

We fundraise locally as a group
We have funds from Health, Argyll and Bute Council or another public body
We apply for funds from a variety of sources
I don’t know this

Q12. If you do not currently volunteer, would you be interested in doing so?

Yes, with support
Not at this time

If yes or yes with support, please give your name and email address or phone contact.


Email or phone number:

Q13. There are groups which offer support to older people in your area.

Are you aware of these?


Are you able to give me their names?

Q14. Do you consider your area to be neighbourly and friendly?



Q15. Would your local area like to see more support for particular groups of people?


If so, which groups? (e.g. older, homeless, young people)

Q16. Would you like to complete a more detailed follow-up survey?


If you answered yes to this question please provide your name and address.

Post Code:

Please return completed surveys to:

Or send to Sgt Mark Wilson, Lochgilphead Police Office, Lochnell Street, Lochgilphead, Argyll, PA31 8JJ


Q1. What makes you feel unsafe within your community?

Groups of people hanging around
Individuals hanging around that you were suspicious of
Poor lighting
Previous experience
Things you have read in the newspapers
Things you have heard from people locally
General feeling of being unsafe in the dark
Noisy or anti-social behaviour from groups of people.
Another reason please specify below

Q2. In relation to the question about how safe you feel in your community what do you feel could be improved to enhance the security?

Increased or improved street lighting
Environmental improvements
Additional police patrols
Installation of CCTV
Out of hours anti social behaviour officers
Other please specify below

Q3. Are there any other comments you wish to make with regards the policing of your local area.

Q4. What would you like to see in your community which would make it feel a more supportive community? Tick all that apply.

Better connections between neighbours and people
More interest and activity groups
Easier access to support for people who are anxious or depressed and need that bit of help
More information about what is being decided by community planning partners (this means by AB Council, Police, Health, Fire and Rescue etc)
Better local community facilities e.g. village halls, community centres etc.
If Yes - What sort of facilities would you to see? Please write below

Please return completed surveys to:

Or send to Sgt Mark Wilson, Lochgilphead Police Office, Lochnell Street, Lochgilphead, Argyll, PA31 8JJ