Modesto Junior College
Accreditation Council Notes
February 11, 2016
Members / Representing / Present / AbsentBrenda Thames, Chair / Administration / √
Curtis Martin, Co-Chair / Academic Senate President / √
William Tumblin, Student / ASMJC / √
Tanya Smith, Evaluations / CSAC / √
Brian Greene, Librarian/Faculty Accreditation Chair / Academic Senate/Faculty / √
Ellen Dambrosio, Librarian / Academic Senate / √
Julie Trejo, Financial Aid Technician / Recorder (Non-Voting Member) / √
Abdul Khan, Student / ASMJC / √
Julie Trejo, Financial Aid Technician / CSEA / √
Kristina Godinez, Accounting Analyst / CSEA / √
Vacant / Administration / √
Vacant / Academic Senate / √
Vacant / Academic Senate / √
Vacant / Academic Senate / √
Tri-Chair Members / Representing / Present / Absent
Jennifer Hamilton, Dean of BBSS / Standard I / √
James Todd, Vice President Student Services / Standard II / √
Albert Alt, Vice President College & Administrative Services / Standard III / √
Jill Stearns, President / Standard IV / √
Chad Redwing, Professor – Humanities / Standard I
Kevin Alavezos, Professor – Office Administration / Standard IV / √
Glen Stovall, TRIO SSS Program Technician / Standard II / √
Debbi Partridge, Multimedia Technician / Standard IV / √
Theresa Stovall / Guest / √
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Brian Green at 2:34 p.m. Quorum was not met.
II. Action Items
a. Approval of Agenda
Action Item:No Quorum
b. Approval of Meeting Minutes (11/12/2015)
Action Item:No Quorum
III. Continuing Business
1. Discussion of Brian Greene’s role in Accreditation Council – Mr. Martin and Mr. Greene will meet and to come up with clear plan on role and position structure of Mr. Greene as Faculty Accreditation Chair and Co-Chair of the Accreditation Council.
2. Standard Updates
a. Kristina Godinez provided an update as to Standard I group meetings. The group has been working on completing the templates and is on track to finish in March.
b. Standard II has not met yet but a joint Instruction and Student Services Council meeting is scheduled for February 16th during which a work group will be identified.
c. Standard III has met and is making progress towards completing the templates. They have some questions that will need input by VP Al and Vice Chancellor Theresa Scott.
d. Standard IV has met and was well represented by constituency groups. They have another meeting scheduled in February and expect to be finished completing the templates in March.
IV. New Business
1. Review of membership and the need for a clear definition of quorum and membership. This will be revisited once reviewed.
2. Two substantive change proposals were submitted to ACCJC in the fall, one for distance education and another for the new Respiratory Care BA program. We were asked to make some technical updates to the distance education report (e.g. reference the 2014 eligibility requirements and standards) and three other areas: 1) the comparability between student’s success rates in distance education and face-to-face classes; 2) Authentication of student identity; and 3) evidence of student readiness. Brian Greene is working with the Distance Education Committee to make the necessary updates and expects to have a revised draft in early March.
3. Updating Board of Trustees on Accreditation.
a. Informal discussion of authorship of accreditation report and schedule for completing the work this summer.
b. Ms. Dambrosio raised a question as to expectation for templates. Mr. Greene said templates should have links to evidence and some overview narrative to help bring things into context.
c. Mr. Greene was asked to serve on a site visit team to Southern CA. We need to identify someone else to chair the March 10th meeting or reschedule it. Recommendation to proceed has been suggested as to not delay the process.
V. Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned at 3:37 p.m.
Next meeting: 3/10/2016; 2:30-3:30 p.m. CAT Building 262
AC: 2/11/16