Challenger Middle School
Course: Yearbook Advisor: Mrs. Nowakowski
Course Description: In this year long class students design and produce the school yearbook. Students use digital cameras, Photoshop, and a web-based program to create the yearbook.
Grading: Students’ grades are based upon successful completion of assignments. Assignments include, but are not limited to, taking pictures; designing pages; completing pages; connecting with their assigned teachers; and completing computer assignments. A student’s total points are calculated into a percent. The following scale is used:
90-100% = A; 80-19% = B; 70-79% = C; 60-69% = D; 0-59% = F.
Students are expected to be on time and ready to work each day. They need to complete assignments and return all equipment per the directions given.
Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns by either leaving a message at the school or sending me an e-mail to .
I look forward to a wonderful year!
Kelly Nowakowski
Challenger Middle School
858-586-7001 ext. 4202
Please sign and return the bottom portion.
I have read and understand the course syllabus for yearbook.
Student Name (Please print) Date
Student Signature Parent Signature
Parent E-mail