Article I
Section 1: The name of the organization shall be: The Student Occupational Therapy Association
Section 2: The purpose of this organization shall be: to foster spirit of professional unity among students. To provide awareness of an affiliation with the Occupational Therapy profession at large and specifically the national, state, and local associations. To provide support and services to Occupational Therapy Students.
Article II
There shall be two types of membership:
- Voting Membership shall be open to any enrolled Ohio State University Occupational Therapy Student who has paid the membership fee.
- Associate Membership shall be open to any enrolled Ohio State University Occupational Therapy Student who chooses not to pay dues. These students will not have the opportunity to vote.
Article III
Section 1: Section 1: Election of Officers:
Officers shall be elected during Fall Semester and independently running meetings in the Spring Semester. Newly elected officers will have full responsibility during the last meeting of the Fall Semester and shall serve until the election the following year.
Section 2: those officers elected shall be:
Section 2: those officers elected shall be:
President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, AOTA/OOTA Student Delegate, Publicity Membership Chairperson, Student-Faculty Liaison, Recruitment Liaison, Ways and Means Development Director, and Service Co-Chairs.
Article IV
Section 1: The voting Executive Board shall consist of all elected officers.
Section 2: The Executive Board shall be given the power to fill any vacancies occurring on the Board during the normal term of office, with a majority vote of voting members present at a General Business Meeting.
Section 3: A non-voting member of the Executive Board will consist of a volunteer first year liaison in fall semester.
Article V
Section 1: The organization shall hold at least one (1) general meeting each month in which school is in session.
Section 2: The Executive Board shall meet at least once each month in which school is in session.
Section 3: Other meetings shall be scheduled as desired by the Executive Board.
Section 4: The majority of the Executive Board shall schedule Events after taking into consideration class schedules.
Article VI
Section 1: Amendment of this Constitution shall require one (1) week prior notification to the membership and a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of those Voting members present at a general meeting.
Article VII
Section 1: We adhere to The Ohio State University non-discrimination policies – “discrimination against any individual based upon protected status, which is defined as age, ancestry, color, disability, gender identity or expression, genetic information, HIV/AIDS status, military status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status, is prohibited” for membership in the OSU Student OT Association is all membership criteria are met.
- Only paid, “Voting Members” of SOTA shall have voting privileges, however, all Occupational Therapy Students and Associate Members are welcome to attend SOTA-sponsored events.
- Only Voting Members shall hold Executive Board Offices.
- Membership dues shall be set by two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the Executive Board based on the budget.
- The Executive Board shall decide on the timing of the election of offices at the end of the Fall Semester. The election of officers must be by confidential ballot. All other decisions will be made through oral or electronic vote, unless otherwise requested by a voting member.
- SOTA shall sponsor at least one (1) fundraising activity for the purpose of helping to send voting SOTA members to the National AOTA Conference. The money shall be distributed among those who participate in the fundraiser(s).
- The Executive Board shall submit a budget prior to election of officers to be voted on by the voting membership at a general meeting. This budget shall not consist of more than seventy percent (70%) of funds budged for the ASD Representative to attend a National Conference.
- The Executive Board shall be responsible for the agenda, time, and place of the general meetings. The Executive Board shall have the power to authorize and approve non-budgeted expenditures under fifty ($50.00) dollars for the Treasurer.
- A quorum shall consist of the majority of the voting membership in attendance at a general meeting.
- Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, shall be the accepted authority in any parliamentary dispute and led by the Secretary.
- By-laws shall be amended by a majority vote of those voting members in attendance at a general meeting.
- A voting member may place an absentee ballot if the member makes a request to an Executive Board Member before the election.
- SOTA executive officers (President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary) may be removed upon removal from the OSU Occupational Therapy program, GPA lower than 3.0, or for unacceptableor unprofessional behaviors.
- Removal of general voting members will occur upon removal from the OSU Occupational therapy program or for unacceptableor unprofessional behavior, or by not paying SOTA dues.
- The duties of the officers shall be:
- Shall preside at all meetings attended.
- Shall appoint ad-hoc committees with the approval of the Board.
- Shall call to order all extra meetings the Board deems necessary.
- Shall appoint chairs for all committees and community service projects.
- Shall accept responsibility for organizing and implementing all election procedures.
- Shall meet with SOTA adviser at least once per month.
- After graduation, will make efforts to maintain contact information for all classmates and keep the division updated on classmates.
- Must complete OSU Student Involvement: Student Organizations President training in the beginning of the fall semester.
- This position is not available as a co-chair position
- Shall appoint someone to purchase and maintain stock of soda products for fundraising.
- Shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the President.
- Shall be responsible for review and revision of the Constitution
- Shall chair Big O – Little T (Big Opportunities for Little Therapists) organizational committee and the Big O – Little T events.
- Shall organize all programs (including refreshments) and guest speaker appearances at general SOTA meetings, if desired.
- Shall organize a meet and great for incoming students their first Summer Semester.
- This position is not available as a co-chair position
- Shall act as the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Student Council Representative
1. Shall record all business conducted at all general, and all Board meetings, and shall maintain a file of these meetings to be open to all Voting Members.
2. Shall promptly take care of all correspondence as directed by Executive Board.
3. Shall chair a committee for the collecting of addresses, phone numbers, and birth dates and the typing of the SOTA enrolled student roster.
- The enrolled student roster will be completed by the fourth (4th) Friday of the Fall Semester.
- Shall get permission from all Occupational Therapy students to list their name in the enrolled student roster.
- SOTA advisor shall receive a copy of all minutes of general and officers meetings.
- Shall lead the Robert’s Rule of Order, Revised, in case of any parliamentary dispute.
- This position is not available as a co-chair position
- Shall collect, record, disperse, and account for all monies of this organization.
- Shall pay all approved debts.
- Shall meet with advisor once per semester to review books.
- Shall be responsible for dividing the funds for SOTA related activities or responsibilities.
- Shall ensure the newly elected Treasurer has access to the SOTA bank funds.
- Shall have name removed from all financial accounts at the time of leaving office.
- Must complete OSU Student Involvement: Student Organizations Treasurer training in the beginning of the fall semester.
- This position is not available as a co-chair position
Publicity-Membership Chairperson:
- Shall be responsible for publicizing all club events and activities well in advance of each other.
- Shall maintain SOTA bulletin board and calendar of birthdays and events.
- Shall provide articles for OTProgram Newsletter and updated slides of event for the LCD slide show.
- Shall maintain a list of all paid SOTA members.
- Shall appoint the committee to plan the end of year banquet for graduating students.
Assembly Student Delegate:
- If funds are available, shall attend the annual meeting of the American Student Committee of the Occupational Therapy Association and the Ohio Occupational Therapy Association.
- Shall advise the AOTA and OOTA Board of Directors as to issues as they are advised by the group they represent.
- Shall keep SOTA members informed of ongoing state and national issues pertaining to Occupational Therapy.
- Shall review OOTA mailings and report information to the student body.
- Shall post minutes from AOTA and OOTA meetings and conference.
- Shall remind voting SOTA members about paying AOTA and OOTA dues and registering for the AOTA and OOTA Conference.
- Shall appoint an assistant to the position.
Student-Faculty Liaison:
- Will attend one faculty meeting per month to discuss the concerns of the students and to communicate faculty concerns to the students.
- Shall notify all students of the meetings in order to allow for their input.
Ways and Means Chairperson(s):
- Shall appoint and direct all fund-raising events.
- Shall create a committee representing students from current OTcohorts on campus.
- Shall report to the treasurer in writing a record of all incoming and outgoing funds.
- Shall be responsible for organizing the purchase of a class gift donated to the Occupational Therapy Department.
- Shall be responsible for delegating committees for the annual Jane Case-Smith 5K in the Fall Semester.
Recruitment Liaison:
- Coordinate SOTA members to assist division faculty in recruitment of new students.
- Shall lead the school backpack awareness committee in the fall.
Service Chairperson(s):
1. Coordinate at least one service opportunity for OT students per month.
2. Plan, coordinate, and implement OT Global Day of Service opportunities for all OT students on campus
3. Engage all OT students on campus in service opportunities throughout the year.
4. Shall create a committee representing students from current cohorts on campus.
5. Shall be responsible for delegating first year co-chairs to run the annual Wheelchair
Rugby event in the Spring Semester.
First Year Student Representative
- Shall be a member of the SOTA board
- Shall represent the interests of the first year students and function as a liaison.
- Shall facilitate first year student’s involvement in SOTA related activities.
- Shall facilitate first year representation on Service and Ways & Means Committees.
First year Fundraising Chair:
- Shall be a member of the SOTA board
- Shall assist in all fundraising events
- Shall assist in creating committees representing students from current OTcohorts on campus
- Shall report to the treasurer in writing a record of all incoming and outgoing funds
- Shall facilitate first year representation on the Ways & Means Committees.
First Year Service Chair:
1. Shall be a member of the SOTA board.
2. Shall assist in the coordination of at least one service opportunity for OT students per month.
3. Shall assist in planning, coordinating, and implementing OT Global Day of Service opportunities for all OT students on campus
4. Engage all OT students on campus in service opportunities throughout the year.
5.Shall facilitate first year representation on ServiceCommittees.