1. Family name / HORSKA, doc. Dr. Ing.2. First name / ELENA
3. Date and place of birth / 28. 2. 1969, Nitra
4. Nationality / Slovak
5. Marital status / Married, 1 child
6. Country / Slovak republic
7. Education
1984 – 1987
1987 – 1991 / SecondaryTrade School in Nitra
SlovakUniversity of Agriculture in Nitra, Faculty of Operational Economics
1991 - 1994 / SlovakUniversity of Agriculture in Nitra, Faculty of Operational Economics
Granting of adegree a„Doctor of philosophy “ in the field of studies : „Business and economic theory and management of agri – food complex, forestry and wood – processing enterprises “ in 1996.
2004 / Habilitation (doc.)
The Faculty of Economics and Management the SlovakUniversity of Agriculture in Nitra
Thesis: „Forming of strategic market position in conditions of competitive co - existence at the food market
Subject area:„Economics and management in agriculture, food–processing industry and forestry.“
8. Professional experiences
1994 – until now
2003 – until now
2003 – until now
2004 – until now / University professor: Department of Management and Marketing, The Faculty of Economics and Management, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
Teaching of courses:
Marketing, International Marketing, European Consumer and Consumer Behavior
Vice-dean for International Relations and Public Relations
Member of editorial of the scientific journal: Acta Oeconomica et Informatica, proffes. journal Slovak Choice
Member of the Scientific Board at the Faculty of Economics and Management
9. Study stays and lecturing abroad
2007 / Agricultural College Deventer, Holland
(monthly study stay concerning marketing )
University of Delaware, USA
(monthly study stay concerning international marketing )
Cornell University, USA
(two - months study stay concerning agrarian and international marketing )
Agricultural University Godollo, Hungary
(study stay CEEPUS concerning agrarian and international
marketing, consumer behavior in Central Europe and Hungary )
University of Delaware, USA – monthly lecture stay concerning agrarian and international marketing
ABO AKADEMI TURKU, Finland - weekly lecture stay SOCRATES concerning international marketing and comparative study in consumer behavior in different countries of Central and Eastern Europe
Regional Consultation Centre, Ministry of Interior, Bucharest, Romania
(weekly study stay concerning the cooperation in area of international projects on European citizenship and life-long education)
Lecturing Pan-European Institute, TurkuSchool of Economics and Business, Turku, Finland(September, 2 weeks, topics: International Marketing Management and Regional Diversity of the European Market: focus on Slovakia and Central Europe)
98th EAAE SEMINAR Presentation: Towards to the future success in the European markets : highly innovative food products from Slovakia. Chania, Greece, 29.6 - 2.7. 2006.
Lecturing atUniversity of Bari, Italy, University of Cordoba, Spain
10. Language ability / English language – active
Russian language – active
Spanish language – a beginner
Jean Monnet Modul: 2006 – 1903/001-001: European consumer and consumer behaviour (2006 – 2009)
VEGA 1/3757/06(The Slovak Science and GrantAgency) : Factors of successfulness of agri-food enterprise’s internationalization in the SlovakRepublic (2006-2008)
In academic year 2004 / 2005: a local coordinator of mobility project CEEPUS H – 138.
Contractor of 3 mobility projects Leonardo da Vinci( years 2005 – 2007) :
SK /05/A/F/EX-5024076 : „ Transfer of managerial KNOW- HOW and developing contacts with practice to improve the quality of professional education“
SK/05/A/F/EX-503 4109: „ Developing the Professional Skills in Area of Economic and Market Research”
SK/06/A/F/EX-602 4094: “Competitiveness, Innovations and Growth in Theory and Practice.”
SocratesGrundtvig 2GRU2/2006/17-k-NR-1: Multicultural education for European citizenship (2006 – 2009)
SK-05/06-BA-010 The Path of Internationalisation and Integration in the Europe of Regions, Slovak-Austrian Research Cooperation ASO (2006 - 2007)
VEGA (The Slovak Science and GrantAgency): „Strategic management in agri- food enterprises ( 2000 )
„Marketing Vertical Chain: production, processing and retailing of selected agri – food commodities in SR.“ ( 2003 – 2005 )
VEGA (The Slovak Science and GrantAgency) : Applying of marketing tools in conditions of agri – food processing industry after accession SR into the EU ( 2005 – 2007 )
University textbooksand teaching texts, chapters in books and monography:
HORSKÁ, E.: European Marketing: Marketing across Different Countries and Cultures. In Monography book: The Path of Internationalisation and Integration in the Europe of Regions. Economica: Bucharest, 2007 (Forthcoming)
HORSKÁ, E.: International marketing. Nitra: SPU, 1998, 108 p. ISBN 80-7137-442-3
HORSKÁ, E.: Some readings of international marketing. Nitra: SPU, 2000, 109 p. ISBN 80-7137-701-5
HORSKÁ, E. – UBREŽIOVÁ, I.: Management and marketing at international environment.Nitra: SPU, 2001, 418 p. ISBN 80-7137-884-4
BIELIK, P. – BLCHÁČ, J. – ROHÁČIKOVÁ, O. – HORSKÁ, E.: Financialmarkets and its influence on efficiency of agri – food enterprises. Monografy. Nitra: SPU, 2003, 145 p. ISBN 80-8069-293-9
GOZORA, V. - BOJŇANSKÝ, J. - HORSKÁ, E. a.i.: Factors of successfulness of enterprises in agri – food complex in Slovakia. Nitra : Agroinstitut, 2003. 233 p. ISBN: 80-7139-100-X
NAGYOVÁ, Ľ. - HORSKÁ, E.: Consumer protection on the internal EU market. International Trade with Agricultural Products in the EU : Distance learning in agrarian law of the EU. Nitra : Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita (SPU), 2003. 124 s. , s. 67-83. ISBN: 80-8069-186-X
UBREŽIOVÁ, I. - HORSKÁ, E. - MIŽIČKOVÁ, Ľ. a.i.: International management and business. Nitra : The SlovakUniversity of Agriculture (SPU), 2005. 126 p. ISBN: 80-8069-619-5
Scientific journals:
HORSKÁ, Elena - UBREŽIOVÁ, Iveta. 2005. Globalization and internationalization process in the selected branch of the Slovak food industry. In Acta agraria et silvestria. 2005, s. 83-88. ISSN: 0065-0919
HORSKÁ, Elena - UBREŽIOVÁ, Iveta. 2005. Geographical and business distance and its influence on international business cooperation. In Vestnik Saratovskogo gosudarstvennogo sociaľno-ekonomičeskogo universiteta. 2005, s. 36-39. ISSN: 5-87309-449-7
HORSKÁ, Elena - BIELIK, Peter - DZIEMBALA, Malgorzata. 2005. Some Assumptions and Expectations of Perspectives for Regional Integration Development in Central and Eastern Europe. In Management. 2005, s. 69-75. ISSN: 1820-0222
HORSKÁ, E. – NAGYOVÁ, Ľ.: Marketing of potatoes and products from potatoes in SR and in the USA. Acta oeconomica et informatica. ISSN 1335-2571, 1, no. 2, p. 48 – 55, 1998
UBREŽIOVÁ, I. – HORSKÁ, E.: Importance of culture in international management. In : Economic revue. Journal. 2002, s. 40 – 47. ISSN 1212-3951
REPKA, I. - UBREŽIOVÁ, I. - HORSKÁ, E.: Managerial and marketing vertical line of the production, processing and consumption of milk and milk products in Slovakia. In: Agroekonomika. Časopis Instituta za ekonomiku poljoprivrede i sociologiju sela, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Novi Sad. 2003, p. 91-94. ISSN: 0350-5928
HORSKÁ, E. - UBREŽIOVÁ, I.: Innovation management as a tool of qualitative changes in the food processing industry. In: Agricultural Economics. 2003, p. 361-364. ISSN: 0139-570X
UBREŽIOVÁ, I. - HORSKÁ, E.: Position of milk processing companies in competitive environment. Nitra: SPU, 2/2003. In: Acta oeconomica et informatica. 2003, s. 41-45. ISSN: 1335-2571
UBREŽIOVÁ, I. - HORSKÁ, E.: Analysis of price competitiveness of consumer milk and milk products in chosen dairies. In: Agriculture. 2003, p. 16-23. ISSN: 0551-3677
HORSKÁ, E.: Enlargement of the European Union - a new economic and social reality for agrobusiness entities. In: Agricultural Economics. 2004, s. 353-357. ISSN: 0139-570X
HORSKÁ, E. - BIELIK, P.: Integration of the SlovakRepublic to the European Union:Opportunities and Threats for Business Sphere. In: management. 2004, s. 19-22. ISSN: 0354-8635
HORSKÁ, E. - UBREŽIOVÁ, I.: Marketing orientation at the creating the region development projects. In: Acta agraria et silvestria. 2004, s. 121-125. ISSN: 0065-0919
HORSKÁ, E.: Modern marketing in the business practice - the source of competitive advantage in the global market. In: Agricultural Economics. 2004, s. 572-576. ISSN: 0139-570X
UBREŽIOVÁ, I. - HORSKÁ, E. - DOBÁK, D.: Comparison of production economics of sowed/ sown pea (pisum sativum L.) in Czech and Slovak republic. In: Agriculture. 2005, p. 68-72. ISSN: 0551-3677
KAPSDORFEROVÁ, Z. - HORSKÁ, E.: Strategy ofvalorization of typical product on the foreign market.In: Acta oeconomica et informatica. 2005, p. 14-18. ISSN: 1335-2571
Papers in scientific proceedings, conference papers :
HORSKÁ, Elena - OREMUS, Peter - ŠAJBIDOROVÁ, Zuzana. 2005. Marketing and managerial approaches to private label penetration at globalized food market. In Beijing International Conference on applied Business Research. China : Beijing, 2005, s. 1-5. ISBN: 7-900177-73-6
UBREŽIOVÁ, Iveta - HORSKÁ, Elena. 2006. Developing of International Business in Agri-Food Sector in Slovakia:Theoretical and Practical Issues. In Brno International Conference on Applied Business Research 2006. : MendelUniversity of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno, 2006, s. 842-846. ISBN: 80-7157-985-8
SAUNDERS, Sarena E. - HORSKÁ, Elena. 2006. Private Label Networks in Central and Eastern Europe: Towards a Cooperative Approach. In Zborník príspevkov na CD + abstrakty z 22nd Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Group Conference "Opening the network New perspectives in industrial marketing and purchasing". : Universita Bocconi Milan, 2006, s. 1-10.
SAUNDERS, Sarena E. - HORSKÁ, Elena. 2006. Towards the Success of Private Labels: A Central and Eastern European Perspective.In Zborník príspevkov na CD + zborník abstraktov 22nd Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Group Conference "Opening the network New perspectives in industrial marketing and purchasing". London : MiddlesexUniversity, 2006, s. 1-13. ISBN: 1 904750 49 4
HORSKÁ, E.: Influence of foreign trade between Hungary and Slovakia on diversification of supply at food market: Vision 2000, Godollo, 2000, s. 63 – 69
HORSKÁ, E.: Modificationof supply as a factor ofpenetration at the foreign market. In : Agrarian sector before entry of CzechRepublic to the EU. Proceedings of conference papers,Prague 19. 1. 2001: ČZU, 2001, p. 123 – 126, ISBN 80-213-0714-5
HORSKÁ, E.:Present approach to formulation of the marketing strategy in conditions of competitive co – existence at the food market. In: MVD 2000, Nitra: SPU 2000, p. 303 – 308, ISBN 80-71371-715-5
HORSKÁ, E.- NAGYOVÁ, Ľ: Influence of chosen factors on food consumption in SR and in the world. In : Nutrition and foodstuffs for the third millenium. Almanacfrom science conference. Nitra: SPU, 2000. p. 103 – 112, ISBN 80-7131-742-2
HORSKÁ, E.: New trends in agrarian marketing management. In: Proceedings from international scientific conference „VIII. nemzetkozi agrárokonómiai tudományos napok“. Gyongyos: SZIE, 2002, s. 31 – 36, ISBN 963 9256 89 7
HORSKÁ, E.: Formulating and positioning of supply as afactor of entrepreneurial success. In : Proceedings from the third scientific conference inRačková valley24. – 25. október 2002. Nitra: SPU, 2002, p. 74 – 78. ISBN 80-88943-18-3
UBREŽIOVÁ, I. – HORSKÁ, E.: Managerial and marketing accesses to increase the competitiveness of the Slovak agri-food enterprises on the domestic and foreign markets. In: Zborník zmedzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie „Innováció, a tudomány és a gyakorlat egysége az ezredforduló agráriumában.“ Debrecen: Debreceni egyetem mezogazdaságtudományi kar, 2002, p. 167 – 171, ISBN 963 9274 259
HORSKÁ, E.: Importance of external attributes of product in consumer orientation. In : MVD 2002. I. part Economy and management of enterprises in the process of globalisation. Nitra, SPU, 2002, p. 109 – 112. ISBN 80-8069-027-8
NAGYOVÁ, Ľ. - HORSKÁ, E.: Consumer behaviour at the food market in Slovakia. In : Business, quality and finance in enterprises – determinants of competitiveness II Prague : The Czech University of Agriculture , 2003, p. 38-42. ISBN: 80-213-1048-0
NAGYOVÁ, Ľ. - KAPSDORFEROVÁ, Z. - HORSKÁ, E.: Strategy how to launch Slovak national specialities on the EU markets. In : Agrarian perspectives, XII., I. part. Prague : TheCzechUniversity of Agriculture, 2003, p. 298-304. ISBN: 80-213-1056-1
NAGYOVÁ, Ľ. - HORSKÁ, E.: Marketing strategy of sheep cheese on the foreign market. In : Proceedings from international science conference . Nitra : The SlovakUniversity of Agriculture (SPU), 2003, p. 191-196. ISBN: 80-8069-184-3
HORSKÁ, E. - BIELIK, P.: Integration of the Slovak republic to the European Union: opportunities and threats for business sphere. In: Menadžment - ključní faktori uspeha. Zbornik Apstrakata. Beograd : Fakultet organizacionih nauka Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2004, ISBN: 86-7680-021-9
BIELIK, P. - GURČÍK, Ľ. - HORSKÁ, E.: Competitiveness of the Slovak Agricultural Producers. In: Zborník z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie. : University of Zagreb, 2004, s. 81-85. ISBN: 953-6025-09-4
NAGYOVÁ, Ľ. - HORSKÁ, E. - ŠAJBIDOROVÁ, M.: Consumer protection on the internal EU market. In : Almanacfrom international science conference. Brno : Mendel agricultural and forestry university, 2004, p. 150-156. ISBN: 80-7302-078-5
HORSKÁ, E. - BÍROVÁ, I. - KAPSDORFEROVÁ, Z.: Regional specialties as a contribution to development of image of the region and local market. In : Proceedings from scientific conference with international participation . Bratislava: Economic university (EU), 2004, p. 33-38. ISBN: 80-225-1944-8
BIELIK, P. - HORSKÁ, E. - BIELIKOVÁ, N.: Globalization, new economy and transformation of agriculture.. In: Bangkok International Conference on Applied Business Research. BICABR (CD nosič). Bangkok : KasetsartUniversity, 2004, p. 1-10. ISBN: 974-537-621-3
HORSKÁ, E. - TURČEKOVÁ, N.: Trade and Business in the globalized world - trends and opportunities. In: Bangkok International Conference on Applied Business Research. BICABR (CD nosič). Bangkok : KasetsartUniversity, 2004, p. 1-7. ISBN: 974-537-621-3
HORSKÁ, E. - DZIEMBALA, M.: Regional diversity of European market and European marketing. In : Almanacfrom international seminar with international participation (CD) “Factors of enterprise success in conditions of European agrarian market ". Nitra : FEM SPU, 2005, p. 71-75. ISBN: 80-8069-615-2
HORSKÁ, E. - DZIEMBALA, M.: Regionálna diverzita európskeho trhu a európsky marketing. In: Zborník z vedeckého seminára s medzinárodnou účasťou (CD) "Faktory podnikovej úspešnosti v podmienkach európskeho agrárneho trhu". Nitra : FEM SPU, 2005, p. 71-75. ISBN: 80-8069-615-2
HORSKÁ, E. - OREMUS, P. - ŠAJBIDOROVÁ, Z.: Marketing and managerial approaches to private label penetration at globalized food market. In: Beijing International Conference on applied Business Research. China : Beijing, 2005, p. 1-5. ISBN: 7-900177-73-6
UBREŽIOVÁ, I. - HORSKÁ, E.: Structural policy of the European Union with regard to the SlovakRepublic conditions. In: Perspectives of regional development in the Europe of regions. Gődőllő : Institute of agricultural, 2005, p. 39-45. ISBN: 963-9483-52-4
HORSKÁ, E. - KAPSDORFEROVÁ, Z.: Some aspects of consumer protection at the food market. In : Proceeding. The SlovakUniversity of Agriculture (SPU), 2004, p. 29-34. ISBN: 80-8069-313-7
Other professional journals:
HORSKÁ, E.: Culture and consumption. In: Slovak choice. Monthly magazine of management trade. 2002, p. 34 – 36. ISSN 1335-9266
HORSKÁ, E.: Building strategic position. In: Slovak choice. Monthly magazine of management trade. 2002, p. 34 – 36. ISSN 1335-9266
HORSKÁ, E.: Expansion politics and entrepreneurial practice. In: Slovak choice. Monthly magazine of management trade. 2002, p. 34 – 35. ISSN 1335-9266
HORSKÁ, E.: Customer does shopping also with eyes. In: Slovak choice. Monthly magazine of management trade. 2002, p. 34 – 35. ISSN 1335-9266
HORSKÁ, E.:Supply and competitive advantage. In: Slovak choice. Monthly magazine of management trade. 2003, p. 34-35. ISSN: 1335-9266
UBREŽIOVÁ, I. - HORSKÁ, E.: What is consumer asking for ? In: Slovak choice. Monthly magazine of management trade . 2003, p. 34-35. ISSN: 1335-9266
UBREŽIOVÁ, I. - HORSKÁ, E.: How to stand up to competition ? In: Slovak choice. Monthly magazine of management trade. 2003, p. 34-35. ISSN: 1335-9266
HORSKÁ, E.: Duel between classics and innovator. In: Slovak choice. Monthly magazine of management trade. no.1, 2003, p. 28-29. ISSN 1335-9266
HORSKÁ, E.: Consumer patriotism. In: Slovak choice. Monthly magazine of management trade . 2003, p. 34 – 35. ISSN 1335-9266
HORSKÁ, E.: Experience as apart of marketing strategy. In: Slovak choice. Monthly magazine of management trade. 2003 p. 36 – 37. ISSN 1335-9266
HORSKÁ, E.: Slovakia in EU – searching for opportunities. In: Slovak choice. Monthly magazine of management trade. 2004, p. 32-33. ISSN: 1335-9266
HORSKÁ, E.: How to be prosperous at common market. In: Slovak choice. Monthly magazine of management trade. 2004, p. 32-33. ISSN: 1335-9266
UBREŽIOVÁ, I. - HORSKÁ, E.: Enterprise culture and entrepreneurial success. In: Slovak choice. Monthly magazine of management trade. 2004, p. 30-31. ISSN: 1335-9266
HORSKÁ, E.: Europe of regions – what do we supply and to whom ? In: Slovak choice. Monthly magazine of management trade. 2004, p. 32-33. ISSN: 1335-9266
HORSKÁ, E.: Quality, typical product and imidge of region. In: Slovak choice. Monthly magazine of management trade. 2004, p. 34-35. ISSN: 1335-9266
HORSKÁ, E.: Competition will be more exacting. In: Slovak choice. Monthly magazine of management trade. 2004, p. 28-29. ISSN: 1335-9266
HORSKÁ, E.: Quality of product – a challenge for future. In: Slovak choice. Monthly magazine of management trade. 2004, p. 34-35. ISSN: 1335-9266
HORSKÁ, E.: Economic diversity in Europe. In: Slovak choice. Monthly magazine of management trade. 2005, p. 38-39. ISSN: 1335-9266
HORSKÁ, E.: Ideas and inspirations – everywhere around us. In: Slovak choice. Monthly magazine of management trade. 2005, p. 42-43. ISSN: 1335-9266
HORSKÁ, E.: Every 12th Irish person is doing business. In: Slovak choice. Monthly magazine of management trade. 2005, p. 42-43. ISSN: 1335-9266
HORSKÁ,E.: Economic diversity in Europe /2. In: Slovak choice. Monthly magazine of management trade. 2005, p. 38-39. ISSN: 1335-9266
HORSKÁ, E.: Inspirations from the country of Santa Klaus. In: Slovak choice. Monthly magazine of management trade. 2005, p. 38-39. ISSN: 1335-9266
HORSKÁ, E.: Path of Romania to the EU In: Slovak choice. Monthly magazine of management trade. 2006, p. 38-39. ISSN: 1335-9266
HORSKÁ, E.: Global versus local face In: Slovak choice. Monthly magazine of management trade. 2006, p. 38-39. ISSN: 1335-9266
HORSKÁ, E.: Global processes, local consequencies. In: Slovak choice. Monthly magazine of management trade. 200, p. 38-39. ISSN: 1335-9266
HORSKÁ, E.: Consumer preferences on market of meat and meat products. Vedecká konferencia smedzinárodnou účasťou, Nitra: Agroinštitút 1999
REPKA, I. – UBREŽIOVÁ, I. – HORSKÁ, E.: Managerial and Marketing Vertical Line of the Production, Processing and Consumption of Milk and Milk Products in Slovakia. Simpozijum – Naučna Dostignuča U Stočarstvu I Konkurentnosť Poljoprivrede – sa medunarodnim učešćem. Univerzitet u Novom Sadu Poljoprivredni Fakultet, Herceg Novi,