Experienced Research Scientists

(for non-assigned positions)



The applicants who have to fill in and submit this administrative file are only those who do not apply on line.

Please visit contact the Recruitment Service

r further information about INRA open competitions

To be read before completing this file

Before completing this file

  • It is strongly recommended that applicants contact the director of the unit which they would like to joinbefore applying, to make sure that the unit is in a position to recruit them to carry out the proposed project. The complete list of INRA research units is on our international web site in English (, select ‘Who are we / Organisation / Find us’, then ‘INRA directory’).
  • You must check whether you meet all eligibility requirements before submitting your application. Please refer to the guide for applicants – experienced research scientist open competitions (for non-assigned positions) - for list of requirements. This guide may be downloaded from - select “Careers & jobs”. You may also ask the recruitment service for a copy ( 01-42-75-94-13/91-40 or  ).

Completing the application package

Each application package will include an administrative file and a scientific file.

Thisadministrative fileconsists of the following forms. Please complete these forms with maximum details.

bisStatement of personal intent

 Personal information

bisDegrees and experience

Request for “équivalence” (if necessary)

Request for special arrangements and other information (if necessary)

Survey questionnaire

We recommend that you prepare thescientific filewith the greatest care: it is after reading this file that the jury will select you or not for the second round of the selection process. You must refer to the guide for applicants for details and contents of the scientific file.

What documents must you send in with your application package?

To be complete, your application package must include the following:

  • The administrative file, fully completed according to the instructions provided in the guide for applicants,
  • The scientific file compiled according to the instructions provided in the guide for applicants, saved in PDF on USB flash drive or CD-Rom
  • All the supporting documents required for the assessment of your application eligibility, saved in PDF on USB flash-drive or CD-Rom:

-required degree,

-work contracts or certificates justifying years of experience specifying employer, position and the dates of the beginning and end of contract,

  • If necessary, the supporting documents required for your request for “équivalence” (degree, scientific work experience, years in a research post), saved in PDF on USB flash drive or CD-Rom,
  • If necessary, the supporting documents required for special arrangements during examination, saved in PDF on USB flash drive or CD-Rom.

Submitting your application package: to whom and when?

  • The completed application package must be submitted before 1st September 2017 (please refer to decree declaring the recruiting session open on: select "Careers & jobs"), postmarked no later than 1st September 2017. You may send it by mail – allow for sufficient postage - or file it in person with:


Pôle Recrutement

Concours CR1

147, Rue de l’Université – 75338 PARIS CEDEX 07 – France

  • Please note that INRA will not cover any postal fees or customs duties. Please allow for sufficient postage. If you send your package from abroad, please check for potential customs duties.

You are reminded that if your application package is mailed with insufficient postage, submitted or mailed after submission deadline, your application will be rejected.

2017 INRA ERS (for non-assigned positions) open competitions 1


Statement of intent to apply



I, the undersigned, declare that I am applying for the following Experienced Research Scientist open competition (non assigned positions).

I would like to be part of the following unit :

  • Research center to which the unit belongs (ex.: Centre de Jouy-en-Josas) :
  • Research unit (specify the number and the name of the research unit ex.:UMR 1131 Santé de la Vigne et Qualité du Vin) :
  • Pilot scientific division (ex.: Biologie et Amélioration des Plantes) :
  • 1st co-pilot scientific division (ex.: Santé des Plantes et Environnement) :
  • 2nd co-pilot scientific division (if necessary) :

My scientific project :

Make sure you submit a complete application package before submission deadline. Please proof-read your scientific report for layout, spelling or diagrams. No extra material may be added nor changes be made to any part of your scientific file after this deadline (e.g.: articles recently published or accepted, new version of your dissertation or scientific report…).

Signed in (city/town) ,




FORM  bis

I hereby certify on my honour that all the information I have provided is true and accurate. I will provide INRA with all the necessary supporting documents and declare I am aware that:

My application will be rejected if this application package is incomplete,

If any of the information provided proves to be false or inaccurate, my application will be considered as null and void.

 I certify that my application contains the following documents:

The administrative file, fully completed, and the supporting documents

The scientific file on CD-Rom or USB flashdrive

Signed in (city/town)






Last name:

First name:

Date of birth (day/month/year) // Nationality:

AdDress(please notify our service of any change of postal or email address during the recruiting session) :

Street number and street name:

Additional address details:

Postcode: City: Country:


Phone number 1:

Phone number 2:



Inra, Number and title of the research unit:

My identification number:

Other information (if necessary):

University (specify):......

Other establishment (specify):

Private sector (specify name of company):


Status :

Tenured (specify the post and the grade)

Permanent contract employed

Postdoctoral fellow (in the strict sense of the word)

Agreenskill contract

Temporary teaching and research assistant (only for French contact)

Other status (specify) :


Please note that to be authorised to apply for Experienced Research Scientists open competitions, you must hold one of the following degrees and have accomplished 4 years in a research post. Please refer to the guide for applicants – Experienced Research Scientists open competitions (for not-assigned positions) for further details.

 Specify degree(s) held:

French “doctorat”

«Doctorat de 3ème cycle» or «doctorat d’Etat» (french diploma)

Foreign PhD

Other degree, specify :

 Please specify:

A) For French “doctorat” or “doctorat de 3ème cycle” or “doctorat d’Etat”

The date it was conferred (obligatory):

The title of the thesis:

The name of the establishment conferring the diploma:

Thesis supervisor’s name :

Laboratory (ex: laboratoire de pathologie infectieuse..) :

The organization to which the laboratory is affiliated (ex: INSERM, CNRS, Université Paris VI) (obligatory):

The source of funding for the doctoral thesis (obligatory):

B)Other foreign or French degrees :

Name of university/school, city and country (obligatory):

Date of conferral(obligatory):

Degree :

Title of research thesis or dissertation :

 For candidates who are already civil servants with tenure (eg: CR2, engineer, etc), you must enclose a statement of positions held.Your employer's human resources department will supply this document.

2017 INRA ERS (for non-assigned positions) open competitions 1

FORM  bis


Specify details of four years’ work experience in a research post

Please attach work contracts or certificates specifying dates of beginning and end of contract, saved in pdf on uSB KEY or cd-rom (1 PDF FILE PER CONTRACT)
Supporting documents which are neither in French nor in English must be translated into French or English by a sworn translator. Applicant has to attach the supporting document AND its translation.
Please note:If you cannot enclose certificates or contracts justifying a period of work, please do not include the period on this form.
Duration of contract(s) / Workplace / Financing establishment (if different from host establishment) / Status and activities
From (year/month/day)
/ /
To (year/month/day)
/ / / Name of establishment:
private sector
public sector
City and country:
Type of contract (tenured, permanent contract, short-term contract, post-doctoral contrat, other…): / Name of establishment:
private sector
public sector
City and country: / Status(employee, grantee):
Activities and missions:
From (year/month/day)
/ /
To (year/month/day)
/ / / Name of establishment:
private sector
public sector
City and country:
Type of contract ((tenured, permanent contract, short-term contract, post-doctoral contrat, other…): / Name of establishment:
private sector
public sector
City and country: / Status(employee, grantee):
Activities and missions:
From (year/month/day)
/ /
To (year/month/day)
/ / / Name of establishment:
private sector
public sector
City and country:
Type of contract (tenured, permanent contract, short-term contract, post-doctoral contrat, other…): / Name of establishment:
private sector
public sector
City and country: / Status(employee, grantee):
Activities and missions:
From (year/month/day)
/ /
To (year/month/day)
/ / / Name of establishment:
private sector
public sector
City and country:
Type of contract (tenured, permanent contract, short-term contract, post-doctoral contrat, other…): / Name of establishment:
private sector
public sector
City and country: / Status(employee, grantee):
Activities and missions:
From (year/month/day)
/ /
To (year/month/day)
/ / / Name of establishment:
private sector
public sector
City and country:
Type of contract(tenured, permanent contract, short-term contract, post-doctoral contrat, other…): / Name of establishment:
private sector
public sector
City and country: / Status(employee, grantee):
Activities and missions:

2017 INRA ERS (for non-assigned positions) open competitions1

FORM  (4 pages)


Complete this form only if:

  • You do not meet the degree requirement but can provide proof of scientific work or qualification (refer to the guide for applicants).
  • A part of or all your research work experience has not been performed in a French or foreign public research establishment nor in a French or foreign public higher education establishment.
  • You do not meet neither the degree requirement nor 4 years’ experience in a research work but can provide proof of scientific work or qualification.

Indicate which specialised Scientific Commission your request should be submitted to, the choice is determined by the specific topics of your research work and publications.

Whatever the grounds for your request:
 Fill in the relevant sections with maximum details.
 Submit this completed form with your application package. All requested supporting documents must be enclosed with your application package or sent before application deadline (September 1st, 2017). After this deadline, no document can be added.
Specify below which commission will review your request
I hereby request that the Specialised Scientific Commission (SSSC) named hereafter assesses my scientific work and/or degree in order to benefit from an “équivalence” waiver (refer to the guide for applicants for list of Commissions) :
Number :
Important: Choose the relevant committee with regard to your scientific field (work or degree).
Supporting documents which are neither in French nor in English must be translated into French or English by an officially approved translator. Applicant has to attach the supporting document AND its translation, saved in PDF on USB key or CD-Rom.

2017 INRA ERS (for non-assigned positions) open competitions 1

FORM  bis (continued)

Specify grounds for request / Attach the following supporting documents
(saved in PDF on USB key or CD-Rom)
foreign degree:
Specify name, date of conferral and title of thesis
Date of conferral :
Name of school, city and country:
Title of thesis : / Degree
Specify grounds for request
scientific work:if you do not meet the degree requirement and/or you have not worked in a research post for at least 4 years. List a minimum of 2 articles published in a journal with a peer review policy and (if necessary), any other document justifying scientific work. / Attach the following supporting documents
(saved in PDF on USB key or CD-Rom, 1 PDF file per document)
 / Peer-reviewed article
 / Peer-reviewed article
Any document justifying scientific work

You may add as many lines to this table as you need.

FORM  bis (continued)

years in a research post:
The 4 yearsin a research post must have been performed in a French or foreign public scientific establishment or in a French or foreign public higher education establishment.
If you have performed a part of or all your 4 years’ research work experience in a public or private establishment other than those specified above please complete the section below with the concerned periods only.
Duration of contract(s) / Workplace / Financing establishment (if different from host establishment) / Status and activities / Supporting document
(saved in PDF on USB flash drive or CD-Rom, 1 PDF file per contract)
From (year/month/day)
/ /
To (year/month/day)
/ / / Name of establishment:
private sector
public sector
City and country:
Type of contract (tenured, permanent contract, short-term contract, post-doctoral contrat, other…): / Name of establishment:
privé / private sector
public / public sector
City and country: / Status(employee, grantee):
Activities and missions: / Contract
From (year/month/day)
/ /
To (year/month/day)
/ / / Name of establishment:
private sector
public sector
City and country:
Type of contract (tenured, permanent contract, short-term contract, post-doctoral contrat, other…): / Name of establishment:
privé / private sector
public / public sector
City and country: / Status(employee, grantee):
Activities and missions: / Contract

FORM  bis (Continued)

Duration of contract(s) / Workplace / Financing establishment (if different from host establishment) / Status and activities / Supporting document
(saved in PDF on USB flash drive or CD-Rom, 1 PDF file per contract)
From (year/month/day)
/ /
To (year/month/day)
/ / / Name of establishment:
private sector
public sector
City and country:
Type of contract (tenured, permanent contract, short-term contract, post-doctoral contrat, other…): / Name of establishment
private sector
public sector
City and country: / Status(employee, grantee):
Activities and missions: / Contract
From (year/month/day)
/ /
To (year/month/day)
/ / / Name of establishment:
private sector
public sector
City and country:
Type of contract ((tenured, permanent contract, short-term contract, post-doctoral contrat, other…): / Name of establishment:
private sector
public sector
City and country: / Status(employee, grantee):
Activities and missions: / Contract
You can add as many lines as necessary. You can use another sheet for that purpose.
Please attach work contracts or certificates specifying dates of beginning and end of contract, saved in PDF on usb flash drive or cd-rom
Supporting documents which are neither in French nor in English must be translated into French or English by a sworn translator. Applicant has to attach the supporting document AND its translation.

2017 INRA ERS (for non-assigned positions) open competitions1


(if needed)



I hereby request for special arrangements to be made during examination with regard to my disability


Specify the arrangements required :
If you don’t need any special arrangement, write «None». / Official disability card
Medical certificate by an authorised French Medical doctor stating which arrangements are required

I am exempted from producing my degree (PhD)

Mothers or fathers of three children at least as high-level athletes can compete without fulfilling the conditions regarding degrees in accordance with French law n° 84-610 dated 16 July 1984.
I am exempted from producing my degree as a mother or father of three children at least
I am exempted from producing my degree as a high-level athlete / Family record book and sworn statement
Official list of high-level athletes

*Attached documents must be saved in PDF on USB key or CD-Rom



SURVEY Questionnaire (to be completed)
Please indicate how you obtained the information about the opening date of this competition (do not specify how you obtained this form). Please give only one answer.
A. By e-mailing or newsletter
 Specify its name:
B. On Internet (other than
 Specify website :
C. You have seen an advertisement
 Where? :
D. In a magazine or newspaper
 Specify the name :
E. During a show or forum
 Specify the name :
F. Other
 Specify:

2017 INRA ERS (for non-assigned positions) open competitions 1