This is a great way for your guests to introduce themselves to the others.

Once you have begun your party, tell everybody that you are going to pass around a spool of thread and that they are to take a piece “as long as they think they will need”. They will begin asking… “need for what, etc.” You smile and say, oh it could be for anything, just take a piece as long as you think you will need, and pass the spool. Of course they might think well whoever comes closest to going around their waist, etc. Or if they see the person sitting next to them take a real short piece, they will take a real long piece. After everybody has taken their thread, you tear off a piece and wrap it once around your finger and hold telling them they have to do the same. They will have to talk about themselves for as long as it takes to wind the rest of the thread around their finger. Start by telling them about yourself and your business (so take a longer piece). It can get wild if somebody has taken a long thread!


Have your guests work in two to three groups based on how many people are in attendance. Give each group a Shape O Toy. Have one person from each group dump the shapes on the floor or nearby coffee table. This is going to be a relay. One person will start. When I say go, they pick up a shape and place it in the ball through the correct shape hole. When they are successful, they pass the ball to the next person in the group, where they pick up a shape and place it in the ball through the correct shape hole. Continue this process until one group finishes first and yells, “Tupperware!!” The team that wins, receives a game prize.