Christine Sato Memorial Scholarship in Philosophy
Anticipated Award: $800
(Awards are approximate and apply to Spring Semester enrollment.)
Scholarship Criteria- Currently enrolled full-time as a SHPRS undergraduate philosophy major
- Minimum 3.5 GPA
- Preferred criteria which will be used in the selection process include:
2)preference for a student who has worked or is currently working to help meet educational expenses
3)preference for a student who has done community service or volunteer work, or has been involved in leadership or campus organizations
Scholarship Parameters
The Christine Sato Memorial Scholarship in Philosophy of approximately $800 will be awarded to an undergraduate philosophy major in the School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies. The student recipient must be enrolled as a full-time student at ASU for the spring semester, with the intention of continuing in the fall. Consideration will be given to students based on the completed application and required essay.
Application Procedure
Eligible students may apply by submitting the following information:
1 - Christine Sato Memorial Scholarship in PhilosophyApplication
Applicant’s name should appear on every page.
All applications must be submitted single-sided (including required attachments) in the original application format.
2 - Student Academic Records
Copy of unofficial current ASU transcript or DARS Report and/or a copy of unofficial transfer transcript(s), if any,
from each school attended, including grades from your most recently completed semester and cumulative GPA
3 – Recent resume (optional, but recommended)
Only complete applications will be considered!
Submit all materials to:
About the Christine Sato Memorial Scholarship in Philosophy
Christine Sato graduated magna cum laude with a B.A. in Philosophy in 1990 and went on to earn a Master of Accountancy at ASU in 1996. Christine passed away on March 8, 2003, and since that time, her former co-workers, family and friends have sought a way to appropriately honor her memory. An endowed scholarship was created in December of 2004 to do just that. Christine is remembered as a “kind and gentle spirit . . . one who brought a sense of humor and adventure with her wherever she went.”
Christine Sato Memorial Scholarship in Philosophy Application
Name: (Last, First Middle Initial) / ASU ID# (Ex.: 1200XXXXXX)Local Address
City / State / Zip Code
Home/Mobile Phone / Work Phone / ASU Email Address
Home Address
City / State / Zip Code
ASU College/Department / Major
Current Academic level
Freshman (up to 24 credit hours) Sophomore (25-55) Junior (56-86) Senior (87+)
Credit Hours Expected Next Year / Anticipated Graduation (month/year)
Are you an Arizona resident? (for tuition/fee purposes)
Have you worked or are you currently working to help meet educational expenses?
If yes, please list job title, employer and dates of employment.
Please describe your community service, volunteer work, or involvement in leadership or campus organizations:
Please explain why you selected philosophy as your major and how it will prepare you for your future (limit 250 words):
Applicant’s Name:
FOR ENTERING FRESHMENPlease attach a copy of your high school transcripts which includes grades from your most
recently completed semester, SAT or ACT scores; and class percentile ranking (unofficial copies are acceptable).
High School Cumulative GPA / High School Name and Address
Please attach a copy of your college transcripts, which include grades from your most recently completed semester (unofficial copies are acceptable).
Number of Credit Hours completed to date:
Colleges attended, other than ASU:
Among other rights afforded to me under Federal Legislation commonly known as “The 1974 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act,” as amended, I understand that I have the right to specify the name of each and every individual to whom my records are released.
I further understand that I may waive my right to specify the name of each scholarship donor or scholarship committee to whom my records are released as long as such records are used only in connection with the selection process. I hereby authorize the Department of Philosophy to gather and release all records maintained by the office concerning me. Such records may contain the following:
- A copy of my unofficial transcript.
- Letters of recommendation bearing specifically on my application for scholarship.
- Other documents and information relating to my academic performance.
- Documents and information relating to my financial status.
Signature of Applicant Date
By signing or typing my name, I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate. Further, I give the school/program permission to verify my academic information.