I.S.239 Name______


And Then There Were None- Project Rubric

Outstanding / Good / Approaching Standards / Needs Improvement / No
FINAL PRODUCT / All of the necessary items have been submitted. The project reflects effort and complexity. / All of the necessary items have been submitted. The project generally reflects effort and complexity / Most of the necessary items have been submitted. The project reflects some effort and complex ideas. / Many of the necessary items were not submitted. The project lacks effort and complexity. / n/a
VOCABULARY / Exhibits skillful use of vocabulary that is precise and purposeful. / Exhibits reasonable use of vocabulary that is precise and purposeful. / Exhibits minimal use of vocabulary that is precise and purposeful. / Lacks use of vocabulary that is precise and purposeful. / n/a
ORGANIZATION / Intro hooks the reader. Transitions are in place and contribute to the fluency. Closing statement is powerful and reinforces the purpose. / Intro hooks the reader. Transitions are in place but may reflect minor lapses in fluency. Closing statement is strong and reinforces the purpose. / Intro attempts to hook the reader. Transitions are mostly easy to follow but fluency may be interrupted. Closing statement is present but may not leave an impact on the reader. / Hook may be ineffective or unrelated. Transition may create confusion and often interrupt the fluency. Closing statement does not bring the argument to an end. / n/a
MECHANICS / Student proofread all work. There are few errors relating to spelling and/or grammar. The paragraph is easy to read and flows nicely. / Student proofread the work. There are minor errors relating to grammar and/or spelling. The paragraph is easy to read and generally flows nicely. / Student shows some evidence of proofreading the work. There are many errors relating to spelling and/or grammar. The paragraph’s flow is interrupted. / Student lacks proofreading skills. There are excessive errors relating to spelling and/or grammar. A flow is not presented in writing. / n/a
PERSUASION / Student successfully incorporates elements of persuasion (as discussed in class). / Student generally incorporates elements of persuasion (as discussed in class). / Student loosely incorporates elements of persuasion (as discussed in class). / Writing lacks elements of persuasion (as discussed in class). / n/a
ELABORATION / Student makes a clear point and maintains it. The student effectively incorporates in-depth reasoning, accompanied by at least 3 substantial forms of evidence. Elaboration is specific and developed, and fulfils the required task. / Student makes a clear point and maintains it. The student incorporates some in-depth reasoning, accompanied by at least 3 substantial forms of evidence. Elaboration is mostly specific and developed, fulfilling the required task. / Student makes a point that wavers at times. The student attempts to incorporate clear reasoning and some evidence but may demonstrate a disconnect. Elaboration is general in fulfilling the required task. / Student attempts to establish a position but lacks clear reasoning and evidence to support. Does not fulfill the criteria. Elaboration is sparse and lacks detail, leaving the task unfulfilled. / n/a
WORKS CITED / Student successfully uses MLA format for both works cited page and in-source citation. / Student successfully uses MLA format for both in-source citation and works cited page but may reflect minor errors in formatting. / Student uses MLA format for both in-source citation and works cited page but many errors are presented. / Student attempts to use MLA format but fails to demonstrate understanding through works cited page and/or in-source citation. / n/a
