e-Hardware Designer including printed circuit boards with 15 years experience,Advanced skills sets in high speed design including mixed signal with RF layouts, Parametric 3D modeling and drafting per ANSI Y 14.5 standards, IPC Designer certification and FCC General Radio Telephone Operator License.


Aeroflex Colorado Springs, CO contracted Aug 15 to Sept. 2 2005

Working in the Radhard Microelectronics Dept. Iintroduced a customized stack up solution for printed circuit boards required for peripheral and array type testing uBGA’s on an ATE, test fixture, not previously testable at this location. As a long time user of DxDesigner, I was quickly able to fracture each high pin count BGA symbolfor capture and create schematics for multiple devise runs. To prevent compilation errors within DxDesigner, legacy naming conventions were updated to reflect unique RLP and corporate attribute identifications. The preferred PCB fab vendor was consulted to insure produce-ability of the new printed circuit board stack up and constraints.The library parts were completed with decals from custom IC sockets data, integrated within the PADS suite of software. Routing strategies were proven with a first pass, using the AutoRouter HSD (BlazeRouter).

Volunteer ProjectsReference PCB’sRigid Flex and uBGA donatedFeb to August/2005

Consulting with Advanced Circuits a proof of capability was successfully established for the design of rigid flex between CAD/CAM design and fabrication. ACCEL pcad 2004 was used for the projectFLEX1_2004.GBR.ZIP.Asecond project incorporating an uBGA mixed componentpackages, ie. Quad – BGA; was tested to establish“new concurrent design rules” and constraints in a PADS Power PCB and Power Logic environment.A third project undertaken, involved architectural design and planning for the proposed building site for review at Forward Township Board within the Autodesk REVIT 6.1 and AutoCAD applications.

Andrew Corporation Warren, NJcontracted May 19 to Aug. 6 2004

The primary job is to develop a lab test board for testing and verification of an RF carrier based system. The heart of the system features an ALTERA 1020 pin uBGA in conjunction with 1.3-Gbps SERDES(Serializer/Deserializer) circuitry. A high priority was placed in the development of auto routing configuration, design rules and constraints in competition with manually digitizing techniques in use, for technicallydemanding board designs in progress. A combination of manual routing was reserved for sensitive differential nets plus extreme clock rates and then autorouting was initiated. Change tracking was handled with DxDataManager, DxData book and SAP PLM.Cross probing and ECO synchronization was established between PADS Power PCB and View Draw. The result was a 14 layer multi impedance stripline stackup with differential routing and multiple bus classes including USB.

Volunteer Projectscadcando officeIBM workstation donatedJune 2002 to March 2004

This was a very productive and intellectually rewarding period of learning and implementing four new technologies. A web presence was needed as a base for implementing CAD projects. To this end three separate web sites were designed and launched. Two public sites and one private share point project collaboration site on oceansblu server. The primary web development software was FrontPage.A business owner friend needed some ideas and plans for some exterior architectural work. CAD work was accomplished after measuring the site and using AutoCAD and Mechanical Desktop.

A series of printed circuit board templates or seed files were created to test the capability of the PADS environment to model HDI ( high density interconnect ) types of printed circuit boards. Five types were identified and are available for download at

A long dormant interest in FPGA design had finally turned to action with the launch of training in applications and software (VHDL) (VERILOG) required in the design of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) and Complex Programmable Logic Devices (CPLD).

Harris Corporation WA. – Contracted - Jan. 14 to Apr. 6/2002

As PCB designer and coordinator for a wireless voice and data system project, it was critical that a multi tasked approach was employed with a real team effort brought to bear in such a “start from zero” product. A serious amount of technical and software experience was needed for this job including PADS Power PCB, Blaze router, View logic, Hyperlynx. Hyperlynx simulation was crucial and implemented in the following way. A preliminary plan for this board 10 layer stack up, x, y geometries and clearance constraints was undertaken. Run simulation, document results and get approval of responsible engineer. The resulting data is entered into CAD then a layout and routing of the Hub PWB begins. BoardSim analysis was then run to check the completed CAD design for PWB signal integrity, crosstalk and EMC violations. Prototype Change Orders tracking (PCO) are applied to parts, circuit configurations and documentation as per AGILE PDM. Engineering analyzes concurrent analog circuits and RF layouts including, IF (intermediate frequency) modulators, mixers, and low power FET drivers. At the same time all mechanical changes were monitored with AutoCAD software’s DXF format to insure form fit and function with connecting hardware & packaging including connectors, custom sheet metal RF shielding and Gore gaskets. All library parts for this project were engineered to IPC-SM-782 specifications with special variances given to geometry and markings allowed for critical RF components. To prevent compilation errors within DxDesigner, legacy naming conventions were updated to reflect unique RLP and corporate attribute identifications. This was especially significant given the corporate wide effort to standardize design practices underway.All completed designs required post processing including Gerber generation, DFM analysis, assembly drawings, CAM Plus, fab documentation and transmission to the board fabricator and contract assembly shops undertaken with corporate standards and guidelines.

Dow Corning Corning,NY– Contracted – Feb. 13 to May 4/2001

Multiple and concurrent projects included designs involving photonic laser pump circuit cards of varying complexity. A tight data relationship between the mechanical engineers and electrical engineers was required to design fiber optic elements onto the printed wiring boards that also required bonding to metal heat sinks. All mechanical changes were monitored with AutoCAD software’s DXF format to insure form fit and function with connecting hardware & packaging including connectors, custom heat sinking. As a long time user of View Draw it was easy to generate the needed symbols for all the projects as required and generate schematic documentation and capture. Although View Logic was long in use with the hardware engineers, View Draw was relatively new to the CAD department as a schematic capture tool; most designers were previously using powerlogic. This made it important for me to respond as a help desk person and resident guru, including the use of PADS Power PCB. A dire software glitch was soon identified, involving View Logic’sconfiguration file and PADS Power PCB’sASCI input. I took corrective action without help from the vendor (Innoveda) to the absolute joy of the departmentand me.

Harris Corporation WA. - Contracted – Sep. 5 to Dec. 22/2000

The original commercial approach to a wireless based wan was underway. Many types of PCB level components were developed for the final stages of the technology including large major hub cards 15,000+ pins in piggy backed configurations with daughter cards and other smaller boards including power supplies and RF modules. Hyperlynx simulation was crucial and implemented in the following way. A preliminary plan for this board 10 layer stack up, x, y geometries and clearance constraints was undertaken. Run simulation, document results and get approval of responsible engineer. The resulting data is entered into CAD then a layout and routing of the Hub PWB begins. BoardSim analysis was then run to check the completed CAD design for PWB signal integrity, crosstalk and EMC violations.Circuits included layouts for IF (intermediate frequency), modulators, demodulators, mixers, and medium power RF modules. All RF circuits were manually routed while all digital circuits were autorouted with the SPECCTRA auto router, including custom DO files per each PCB topology. A maximum usage of all functions within Power PCB and View Logic were brought to bear on a very fast paced engineering cycle.Prototype Change Orders tracking (PCO) are applied to parts, circuit’s configurations and documentationasper AGILE PDM. Library parts required but that are not immediately available from the librarian or component engineer will be made on the fly and entered into AGILE control for later qualification and purchasing. All completed designs required post processing including Gerber generation, DFM analysis, assembly drawings, CAM Plus, FABdocumentation and transmission to the board fabricator and contract assembly shops undertaken with corporate standards and guidelines.

Eaton Corp – PA.Contracted - Apr. 20 to Jul. 2/02

Printed circuit boards designed for high currents and higher voltages are required here, for applications involving electrical power chain management at the facilities level. These boards are mixed signal analog & digital type designs targeted for the control, monitoring, and efficient use of electrical power. It was clear that a thorough understanding of the tool sets including PADS Power PCB, Power Logic and SPECCTRA autorouting were going to be required. I was happy to act once again as a software help desk for PADS Power PCB, as the tool was just being introduced to the engineering department. All mechanical changes were monitored with AutoCAD software’s DXF format to insure form fit and function with connecting hardware & panelboards including cabling.

Library parts required but that are not immediately available from the librarian or component engineer will be made on the fly and entered into document control for later qualification and purchasing. All completed designs required post processing including Gerber generation, DFM analysis, Bill of materials. A new Excel BOM format entry system was designed as an intermediary repository for input into a new corporate PDM being implemented. All completed designs required post processing including Gerber generation, DFM analysis, assembly drawings, CAM Plus, FAB documentation and transmission to the board fabricator and contract assembly shops undertaken with corporate standards and guidelines.

AMP Salem NC.Contracted – Nov. 8/1999 to Feb. 12/2000

To identify the physical characteristics of interconnection components required for CAT5e and CAT6 type cabling, a large amount of RF compensated printed circuit boards were designed. The designs consisted of a highly progressive incrementally changed set of circuit boards on palletized break away strips that were tested in the lab using network analyzers, the data was then recorded then compiled for examination within Access databases by engineering and management. ACCEL PCAD was used in the copy paste circuit function to create accurate variances in copper geometries. AutoCAD with DXF was required to developing palletized board outlines within PCAD for the circuits from archived data. Selected trials were the results from Ansoft simulation models and data. CAT5e was attained.

Sparton Elec. Deleon Springs, FL. Contracted – Aug. 15 to Sep. 1/1999

An existing medical product requiring a redesign for a small printed circuit board was required including additional library parts including symbols and patterns within the ACCEL PCAD environment. A schematic capture revision was required for the printed circuit board. Strict mechanical integration was maintained with documentation generated from 3D models.

Orbital MD. – Contracted – Feb. 8 to Mar. 18/1999

Orcad schematic capture, PADS Power PCB and AutoCAD software,were used on this project.

Filling in for the senior designer, who was undergoing surgery, my full technical capabilities would be required for the NASA special payloads project until his return. The mission was nothing less than an overhaul of Hubble’s critical systems to continue operating. The boards were very demanding level-C produce-ability and needed to function in extreme environments. Critical also were the spacecraft mechanical interface part locations within payload slot to PCB features and discrete component locations for thermal profile analysis. It was soon apparent that the legacy library component data was completely out of specification and would need to be redesigned and documented within mil spec documentation. All pressure was applied to continue with the 15 year old legacy library data to meet the scheduled launch date. However, after long debate it was demonstrated to managers and engineers that a catastrophic failure would likely occur unless the library data was brought up to date. NASA eventually delayed launch for the repair mission to Hubble Telescope to a later date. The repairs were eventually made to Hubble; resulting in stunning new scientific data and pictures.

IBM Micro-ElectronicsHopewell Junction, NY. – Contracted – May 11/98 to Jan 8/99

300mm foundry

Redesigning E-beam technology required much higher speed circuit boards than previously used at these locations in New York. Surface mount libraries were important to mitigate the problems of high speed and high density digital, analog circuits required for the new E-beam machines under construction. Previous designs were done using through hole technology.All library parts for these projects were engineered by suggestion to the IPC-SM-782 specification with special variances given to geometry and markings allowed for critical RF components. Dxdatabook was administered and enforced to manage all the new library parts including symbols for the View Logic schematics and PADS Power PCB decals and part types for the pcb’s that I would be designing. Digital proto types were routed quickly with customized DO files in the SPECCTRA auto routermaintaining VME card and bus rules. Circuit boards were standardized to mate with racks and cabinets in the system. Mechanical assemblies were detailed in AutoCAD, to match board requirements. All completed designs required document revision control, post processing including Gerber generation (I introduced the file zip utility), DFM analysis, assembly drawings, CAM Plus, fab documentation, transmission to the board fabricator and assembly shops undertaken with corporate standards and guidelines.

Watkins & Johnson Gaithersburg, MD. – Contracted – Feb. 2 to Mar. 7/1998

Communications equipment for military customers was the primary business at this location requiring a security clearance. Printed circuit boards complied with all mil spec standardsincluding CAGE Codes and master drawing sets and secure vault storage. Although PADS Power PCB and Orcad capture and PowerLogic design applications were employed at the design level, very strict documentation standards were maintained within the AutoCAD environment. Traditional revision tracking flowed from an Oracle Database through CAD Management and to hard copy.

Harris Corp. NC. – Contracted - Jun. 23 to Dec. 12/1997 As drafting and documentation manager for the telecommunications testing and monitoring division, all drafted materials were maintained to a current revision status for production lines and pre-released designs for engineering projects. This would include mechanical systems detailing, hardware & software revision maintenance, cable drawings, schematic drawings, master drawing sets for new printed circuit designs including microprocessor based PCB’s s including layouts for IF (intermediate frequency), modulators, demodulators, mixers, and medium power RF modules. All RF circuits were manually routed while all digital circuits were auto routed with the native ACCEL auto router. Revision status was tracked using Source Safe PDM and hard copy to locked file cabinets. A software help desk was established for engineers using ACCEL PCAD and AutoCAD. To maintain legacy drawings on vellum, a mechanical drafting table was available and used almost daily. All completed designs required post processing including Gerber generation, DFM analysis, assembly drawings, CAM Plus, FAB documentation and transmission to the board fabricator and contract assembly shops undertaken with corporate standards and guidelines.

SRC (Cray) Colo. Springs, CO. – Contracted– Jan. 26 to Apr. 4/1997The first super computer that used off the shelf components conceived by the legendary Dr. Seymour Craywas under way at his start up company. A very heavy use of View Draw for schematic capture was required. 20,000 pin schematics were not unusual and nested symbol pin busses were in great demand. A constant supply of custom schematic part symbols needed to be created for use in schematics that were under going daily if not hourly changes. A backplane for the prototype had to support very high currents and clock edges in the 1 ns speeds. Plane interstitial ground vias and power vias had to collectively, be calculated to handle the high currents ~ 400 amps on the return side of the heavy gage bolted on power connectors. PADS Power PCB was used to design this very critical component. Of course when prototyping something new a mechanical requirement is necessary; this was accomplished with the use of Autodesk products AutoCAD and Mechanical Desktop. A network based filing system was used for tracking changes and released designs to manufacturing.

AT&T Bell Labs (Lucent) PA. – Contracted – Dec. 10 to Jun. 14/1996