General Board

Commission Report Form

Commission On: / Statistics and Finance
Presiding Officer: / Bishop Clement W. Fugh
General and/or Connectional Officers: / Dr. Jeffrey B. Cooper
Dr. Richard Allen Lewis
Vice Chairperson: / Rev. Harold R. Mayberry
Secretary: / Mrs. Valerie Gary Bell
Actions Taken:
  1. Received the Report of the CIO/General Secretary/with commendations.
*Website redesign complete with new features
*AME meeting app fully functional
*General Board Orientation Handbook
*Working to enhance website archives of the Judicial Council Database of past decisions
*Connectional Electronic Communications Protocol completed and functional to insure consistent cohesive flow ofofficial information
*The Official Minutes of the 2016 General Conference (Volumes 1&2) have been printed and distributed
  1. Received the Report of the CFO/Treasurer/with commendations
*2016 General Conference final report, fully paid for with surplus of 346,514
*Completed General Conference Survey
*2017-2020 Connectional Budget approved with -0- increase
*Received unqualified Audit opinion (21st)
*Line of credit paid in full (10th)
*All Episcopal Districts current with Quarterly payments
*Quarterly Payment Schedule Sept. 15 Dec. 15 March 15 June 15
  1. Episcopal District Audit Reports received:
  1. Episcopal District requests for funding within the District, which have no impact on the Connectional Budget, reviewed and approved:
*Districts 3,6,8,11,12
  1. As directed by the General Conference, committee established to review Episcopal District Connectional Budget Allocations. Chairman-Rev. Mark Griffin
Rev. Harold Mayberry
Rev. Ronald Braxton
Rev. Tyronda Burgess
Mrs. Ladonna Liggins
Rev. Newton Dixon
Mr. Michael Cousin, Jr.
Rev. David W. Green
Rev. Henry Belin
Mrs. Valerie Gary Bell
Each Episcopal District will be asked to make available either hard or electronic copies of complete set of pastoral reports for 2016-2017, and 2017-2018, as a basis for data gathering.
The following Episcopal Districts have submitted the Pastoral Reports:
Hard copies 3,10,12,16
Electronic versions: 8, 13
  1. Requested update of the Zero Based Budgeting Process to be shared with the Commission.

Bishop Clement W. Fugh, Chairman
Dr. Richard Allen Lewis, CFO
Dr. Jeffrey B. Cooper, CIO
  1. Mrs. Edna Sharp
  2. Mrs. Valerie Gary Bell
  3. Rev. James H. Harris
  4. Rev. Larry Bell
  5. Rev. J. Edgar Boyd
  6. Rev. Dr. William H. Watley
  7. Rev. Dr. Norvel Goff, Sr.
  8. Rev. Michele Goodloe
  9. Rev. Bobby Cox
  10. Rev. Tyronda Burgess
  11. Mr. Reginald McGill
  12. Dr. Dorothy Henderson
  13. Rev. Walter Reid, Jr.
16. Rev. Newton Dixon
19. Rev. P. J. Mengoai
At-Large members:
Rev. Dr. Harold R. Mayberry
Mr. James Alexander (YA)
Rev. Henry A. Belin III
Rev. Dr. Ronald Braxton
Rev. Tyrone Broomfield
Rev. David Cousin
Mr. Michael Cousin, Jr. (YA)
Rev. Dr. David W. Green, Sr.
Rev. Mark Griffin
Mrs. Ladonna Liggins
Rev. Julius McAllister, Jr.
14. Rev. Alvin Attah
15. Ntomethemba Rachel September
17. Rev. Martin Chama
18. Mrs. Beatrice Mutokoa
20. KwandokuheKhumal (YA)