Volunteer Application Form
We have such a diverse range of areas, that there are many opportunities for volunteers to help. Wherever you wish to volunteer we are likely to have a place that suits you perfectly!
Whether you’re interested in running group activities, would like to support an older person in their own home or just fancy having a cup of tea with some of our care home residents we want to hear from you!
As a large charitable organisation offering a wide variety of services to older people, we have an on-going need for volunteers, with or without experience, to help us in many different ways.
If you wish to become involved with the organisation, please complete the form below, highlighting the area(s) you are interested in, and any relevant information about yourself. You are assured of a warm welcome!
Personal Details
Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Forename: Surname:Address: Telephone Number:
Mobile Telephone:
Email Address: Date of Birth:
Areas of volunteering you are interested in: (Please tick as many boxes as appropriate)
Caring Care Home Individuals Day Centres
/ Befriending / / Organising Group Activities / Gardening / / Morning Coffee/Afternoon Tea rounds
/ General administration (volunteer newsletter, help organise volunteer events)General
/ Driving / Escorting (Shopping trips, Outings, Hospital visits)
/ Helping with organisation of events for service users Helping with events (planning, running stalls, hospitality)
*Name of Volunteer Role applying for (if known):………………………….
* Brunelcare site or location you would like to volunteer please state:……………
Relevant skills/experience:
(Please indicate any qualifications or past experience you may have in the areas that you are interested in)
Previous Volunteer Experience
Number of hours and preferred days of volunteering you can provide per week:
What days/times suit you best for a meeting to discuss the volunteering opportunity:
Names and Addresses of Two Referees If possible, please provide details of a former employer.
Relationship to referee: / 2.
Relationship to referee:
In view of the vulnerable client group we care for, if your application to become a volunteer is successful we may ask you to complete a Disclosure & Barring Service application form. Do you have any objection to completing this form if required to do so? / YES/NO
How did you find out about volunteering for Brunelcare?
Thank you for completing this form and registering your interest in helping people make the most of their lives.
Upon receipt we will contact you and arrange a suitable time to meet and discuss how you would like to help us and we will endeavour to find you a perfect placement.
Please remember you don’t need specific experience of working with older people, it is your willingness and commitment that we value.
We promise to advise and support you all the way.
Thank you once again for your interest.
Please return this form to:Liz Ehlers
Volunteer Co-ordinator.
Head Office,
Prospect Place,
/ /
Registered as a Charity (201555) and registered at the Housing Corporation (LH0269). A company limited by guarantee registered in England (601847)
Please complete this form and return with the completed application form.
It is Brunelcare’s policy to appoint the most suitable person for each role, regardless of age, ethnic origin, race, gender, marital status, class, culture, religious belief, political allegiance or sexual orientation.
Personal Details
Date of Birth:
Male Female
Ethnic Monitoring
Applicants are requested to tick the relevant boxes below to enable the association to monitor its equal opportunity policy. Monitoring is recommended by the Codes of Practice for the elimination of racial discrimination and for the elimination of discrimination on the grounds of sex. This information is used for no other purpose and will be treated as confidential.
Please tick one box from the list below to indicate your ethnicity and nationality.
Any other white background - please specify …………………….
White and Black Caribbean
White and Black African
White and Asian
Any other Mixed background – please specify ……………………..
Asian, Asian British, Asian English, Asian Scottish, or Asian Welsh
Any other Asian background – please specify …………………………….
Black, Black British, Black English, Black Scottish, or Black Welsh
Any other Black background – please specify …………………………….
Chinese, Chinese British, Chinese English, Chinese Scottish, Chinese Welsh, or other ethnic group
Any other background – please specify …………………………….
Please bring the relevant documents with you when you are invited to attend a meeting to discuss the volunteer role.
Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks (previously CRB checks)
Documents the applicant must provide
The Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) and the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) have merged into the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). CRB checks are now called DBS checks.
The person going through a DBS check (the applicant) must give their employer original documents (not copies) to prove their identity.
The documents needed will depend on the route the application takes. The applicant must try to provide documents from Route 1 first.
Route 1
The applicant must be able to show:
- one document from Group 1, below
- 2 further documents from either Group 1, or Group 2a or 2b, below
At least one of the documents must show the applicant’s current address.
Route 2
If the applicant doesn’t have any of the documents in Group 1, then they must be able to show:
- one document from Group 2a
- 2 further documents from either Group 2a or 2b
At least one of the documents must show the applicant’s current address.
Route 3
Route 3 can only be used if it’s impossible to process the application through Routes 1 or 2.
For Route 3, the applicant must be able to show:
- a birth certificate issued after the time of birth (UK and Channel Islands)
- one document from Group 2a
- 3 further documents from Group 2a or 2b
At least one of the documents must show the applicant’s current address. If the applicant can’t provide these documents they may need to be fingerprinted.
Group 1: Primary identity documents
Document / NotesPassport / Any current and valid passport
Biometric residence permit / UK
Current driving licence photocard - (full or provisional) / UK, Isle of Man, Channel Islands and EU
Birth certificate - issued at time of birth / UK and Channel Islands - including those issued by UK authorities overseas, eg embassies, High Commissions and HM Forces
Adoption certificate / UK and Channel Islands
Group 2a: Trusted government documents
Document / NotesCurrent driving licence photocard - (full or provisional) / All countries outside the EU (excluding Isle of Man and Channel Islands)
Current driving licence (full or provisional) - paper version (if issued before 1998) / UK, Isle of Man, Channel Islands and EU
Birth certificate - issued after time of birth / UK and Channel Islands
Marriage/civil partnership certificate / UK and Channel Islands
HM Forces ID card / UK
Firearms licence / UK, Channel Islands and Isle of Man
All driving licences must be valid.
Group 2b: Financial and social history documents
Document / Notes / Issue date and validityMortgage statement / UK or EEA / Issued in last 12 months
Bank or building society statement / UK and Channel Islands or EEA / Issued in last 3 months
Bank or building society account opening confirmation letter / UK / Issued in last 3 months
Credit card statement / UK or EEA / Issued in last 3 months
Financial statement, eg pension or endowment / UK / Issued in last 12 months
P45 or P60 statement / UK and Channel Islands / Issued in last 12 months
Council Tax statement / UK and Channel Islands / Issued in last 12 months
Work permit or visa / UK / Valid up to expiry date
Letter of sponsorship from future employment provider / Non-UK or non-EEA only - valid only for applicants residing outside of the UK at time of application / Must still be valid
Utility bill / UK - not mobile telephone bill / Issued in last 3 months
Benefit statement, eg Child Benefit, Pension / UK / Issued in last 3 months
Central or local government, government agency, or local council document giving entitlement, eg from the Department for Work and Pensions, the Employment Service, HMRC / UK and Channel Islands / Issued in last 3 months
EU National ID card / - / Must still be valid
Cards carrying the PASS accreditation logo / UK and Channel Islands / Must still be valid
Letter from head teacher or college principal / UK - for 16 to 19 year olds in full time education - only used in exceptional circumstances if other documents cannot be provided