North East Essex Public, Patient and Carer Engagement Expenses document
NHS North East Essex Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) recognises the importance of patient, public and Carer involvement in the planning and development of local health services.
We are developing a formal policy which is more wide ranging that just mileage claims. In the interim we are asking members of the public, patient and carers to use the form below in appendix 1.
The process in which to claim expenses has changed. From April 1st 2013 people claiming are expecting to complete an invoice. We have provided some guidance for you to explain how to complete any part should you require assistance.
What can you claim for?
Travel expenses: 45p per mile by car
Bus/ rail fare on production of receipt
Taxi fare by prior agreement with the CCG
Training courses: Cost of training course (to be approved in advance)
Travel expenses
The following are not routinely reimbursed by the CCG but on occasions, service users may be asked for specific levels of involvement which incur additional expenses, such as:
· Interpreter
· Subsistence (food and drink)
· Stationery
· Accommodation
People should contact the CCG in advance via our e-mail address or call 01206 286712 if an expense is require prior approval
INVOICE for Public Engagement Expenses (North East Essex Clinical Commissioning Group)1. Your Details / Invoice to
Attn: PPCE Team
06T Payables K575
Phoenix House
Topcliffe Lane
2. Date (DD/MM/YYYY) / 3 Email Address
4: Invoice Number / PO Ref: / XXSMORGAN
In making and submitting this claim, I certify that:
· I have not previously claimed for any of the occurrences.
· Where claiming for public transport or other costs I have provided relevant receipts.
· Any mileage claimed is in respect of actual distance travelled by car in order to fulfil my duties.
· To the best of my ability, I have sought the most cost effective means available.
5. Quantity / 6. Expense Type / 7. Description / 8. Total
9. Your bank details / 10. Invoice Total
Bank name / Total Due / £
Sort Code
Account Number
Invoice Payable to:
Instructions for completing:
INVOICE for Public Engagement Expenses
1. Your Details / Please enter your name and address in the boxes provided.2. Date / Please enter the date of your claim in the following format DD/MM/YYYY so for the First of June 2013 please enter 01/06/2013
3. Email Address / Please enter your email address in the box provided (optional)
4. Invoice number / Each invoice will need a unique reference to you. For example SmithApril1 or april2013. It can be anything as long as each invoice is different
4. Quantity / For each of your expenses you should enter the appropriate number, for example for mileage claims please enter the number of miles, for public transport the number of journeys etc.
5. Expense Type / Please describe what you are claiming for. For example Mileage
6. Description / Please explain the purpose of the expenses. For example Local Engagement Forum
7. Total / The total cost for any particular expense you are claiming for
8. Your bank details / You are going to have to type in your bank details so your expenses can be transferred directly into your account. We no longer issues cheques
9. Invoice Total / The combine total of all your expenses
You can return your invoice as follows:
North East Essex CCG
North East Essex PCT
Turner Road
Direct / Attn: PPCE Team
06T Payables K575
Phoenix House
Topcliffe Lane