Sidney Public Schools Board of Trustees Minutes 3/12/2018

March 12, 2018

A regular meeting of the Sidney Public Schools Board of Trustees was held Monday, March 12, 2018at 6:30 PM in Room 102 of Central School on posted notice by the clerk. Present were Trustees Ben Thogersen, Randy Iversen, David Seitz,Craig Steinbeisser, Kelly Dey and Dennis Lorenz. Also in attendance were Superintendent- Monte Silk, Clerk- Nicole Beyer, Student Representative- Lauryn Barnhart, Central Principal- Sara Romo, Middle School Principal- Kelly Johnson, Curriculum/ Federal Programs Director- Thom Barnhart,.West Side Principal- Jon Skinner and High School Vice-Principal- Loretta Thiel. Absent was:High School Principal- Brent Sukut.

At 6:30PM ChairmanSteinbeisser called the meeting to order welcoming the visitors in attendance: Martin Morales- Transportation Supervisor, Zach Yockim- IT Supervisor, Susan Joy and Gary Schoepp from the Sidney Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture, Bill Vanderweele with the Sidney Herald, Carl Dynneson- SEA Representative, Keenan Earle, Ben Stevens, Max Peters, Maddie Peters, Carrie Peters, Nicole Franklin, Staci Lange-Rice, Alison Troxel, Marnee Averett, Janet Spracklin, Jocee Cundiff, BreeAnn Messer, Joel Krautter, Sawyer Thogersen, Morgan Folstad. Mr. Steinbeisserstated an opportunity for community comment on non-agenda items would be provided at the end of the meeting. Those wishing to address the board were asked to fill out the Audience Participation form and give it to the clerk to be recognized.

The meeting began with Carl Dynneson representing the SEA introducing members who are serving on the Negotiations Committee: himself, Nicole Franklin, Carrie Peters, Marnee Averett and Janet Spracklin. They reiterated the procedure utilized to date requesting notification of intent to negotiate and requested, in an effort to expedite settlement, Trustees set a day of the week to meet weekly going forward and consider bringing a proposal to the initial meeting. Discussion resulted in Tuesday, March 20, 2018, as the initial meeting with Tuesdays the day of choice going forward. Trustees related contract areas they are interested in addressing but declined to have a full proposal available.

Martin Morales, Transportation Supervisor, reported on the new route bus that had arrived and was sitting outside for Trustee inspection. He also reported the new low capacity activity bus has been utilized and most recently, was in Miles City with choir members. He reiterated a need for drivers stating pay appeared to be an issue when interested people contacted him. Discussion then followed on concerns involving parents and the use of bus loading/unloading zones. Recently, an accident occurred in the high school oval due to parents parking in fire lanes which are bus loading/unloading zones.

Middle School Principal, Kelly Johnson, provided handouts with information regarding the area Dollars for Scholars program stating that many employees serve as volunteer board members for Dollars for Scholars and for many community service organizations.

West Side Principal, Jon Skinner, presented a handout to Trustees regarding perceived safety/security vulnerabilities as West Side. He also included articles of interest regarding things that good boards do and don’t do.

Mr. Lorenzmoved to approve the minutes of the special meetings held January8th, February 20th and 26th(as corrected changing the Chair listed from Dey to Steinbeisser) 2018 and the regular meeting held February 12, 2018, as well as the February2018 claim warrants 231092 to 231126 in the amount of $182,649.15. Ms. Deyseconded the motion which passed 6to 0.

The January ASB report was reviewed and the following transfer approved 6 to 0 on a motion by Ms. Dey and second by Mr. Thogersen.

$218.60 From Acct 107HS Library to Acct 126 Talon Purchase 10 assorted cases of candy


Lauryn Barnhart, Senior Class ASB Representative,provided the following informationwith the Trustees:

- Prom is this weekend with decorating underway and scheduled to be completed Thursday;

- The Math Competition scheduled for last week and cancelled due to weather will be held next Monday;

- Key Club recently sponsored a pie in the face contest to raise money for the Governor’s Project to benefit the homeless;

- Juniors will be taking the ACT test on March 20th in the High School gym;

- Choir is currently attending a music event in Miles City;

- Softball and track practices began today;

- BPA is currently in Billings competing in their state competition;

- FFA is preparing for state and donkey basketball;

- National Honor Society has discontinued homework club on Wednesdays and it preparing for their annual induction ceremony;

- Academic Olympics will be attending a competition in Glasgow and the Cheer/Dance team is competing in Lewistown;

- Third quarter ends Friday. Spring break is next week with school resuming on Tuesday, April 3rd;

- FCCLA is also preparing for their state competition and have recently opened the Morning Grind coffee for students every day; and

- Practices for the spring play, “The Beverly Hillbillies” have begun with performances scheduled for mid-April.


Superintendent Silk reported the following tothe Trustees:


- April committee meetings are scheduled for Monday, April 2nd, which is the first day back to school after spring break. Mr. Silk suggested postponing meetings for one week or holding a combined committee meeting/board meeting in April; and

- Thiel Brothers have secured all pertinent building permits and begun work on the Central roof.


- Cara Lokken-Frandsen from Middle School Special Education Teacher to Middle School Math Teacher


- Lynette Farr – Grade 2 Teacher- end of the 2017-18 School Year

- Ken Stennes – IT Technician as of the end of May 2018

- Chris Merica – Activities Director effective at the end of his current contract

Current Enrollment:

- October 2017 totaled 1323- February 2018 totaled 1290

Gary Schoepp and Susan Joy representing the Sidney Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture extended a big thank you on behalf of the Chamber to the Trustees and Sidney Schools for working with them to bring tournaments to Sidney.

Due to inclement weather, all committee meetings scheduled for March 5, 2018, were cancelled and incorporated into tonight’s meeting.


New Hires

- Rylee Gonzalez – Middle School Special Education Aide

- Leonard Larson – High School Custodian

- Steve O’Toole – High School Assistant Track Coach

- Jordan Nesper – High School Assistant Track Coach

- Ryan Waters – Middle School Track Coach

New Hires are approved as presented pending results of background checks and fingerprint clearances.

New Substitute Teachers

- Lisa Hepburn

Reference checks have been completed. Approval is pending results of background checks and fingerprint clearances.

First Reading of Proposed Safety Manual Revisions:

The following sections were reviewed by the Safety Committee. The changes are mostly edits of language rather than substantive amendments.

- Section K Athletic Physical Ed Rules- Section L Lab Safety Rules

- Section M Stage and Auditorium- Section N Asbestos Hazard Emergency

- Section O Playground Safety- Section P Accident Investigations Guidelines

2017-2018 Student Attendance Agreement: Fairview student Grade 9 to attend Sidney High School

Coach Bus Rentals:

- Leadership Montana to transport members to OneOK, Sidney Sugars and Stockman Bank

- Sidney Wrestling Club will travel to Denver March 15-18

- Mr. Silk also reported Fairview Public Schools borrowed a cruiser to allow their boys’ basketball team to travel to state in Butte. Their cruiser experienced a radiator issue at their district tournament and was not drivable for state with parts unavailable in time.

Approval will result in charges to Leadership Montana and Sidney Wrestling Club as per the Transportation Bus Form and acknowledgement of use by Fairview Public Schools.

Following discussions on the Fairview bus rental and the change in number of high school track coaches versus the need for middle school track coaches, Mr. Seitzmoved to accept the Consent Agenda as presented. Mr. Lorenz seconded the motion which passed 6 to 0.


Discussion of District Safety and Security Measures

- Access Control including buzz-in system, key fobs, camera surveillance at all doors with constant monitoring, metal detectors etc.

- Video Surveillance currently available with Mr. Yockim weighing in on current equipment available and quality fo video.

- Briefly mentioned intrusion detection and event-triggered communications

- Mr. Yockim expressed the need to explore purchasing generators to operate safety lights, phone systems and doors that are key fobbed particularly when experiencing power outages that affect the District’s ability to contact parents as earlier this month

- Trustees expressed the desire to balance cost versus effectiveness and to take the time to research options and what would best serve the District; and

- Mr. Thogersen voiced a desire to utilize board policies currently in place- take a tough stand when dealing with bullying issues and other student/staff safety issues. Let the public know this won’t be tolerated.

Audit for Utility Cost Savings

Following review of a proposed contract with McKinstry for providing a district-wide energy audit for utility cost savings at a cost of $35,622, Mr. Thogersen moved to accept the contract as presented with the inclusion of airhandler systems in the actions to be performed section. The motion passed 6 to 0 on a second by Mr. Iversen.

2017-2018 Oil and Gas Revenue and Multi-District Agreement

The Trustees reviewed 4th quarter oil and gas estimates available on May 1, 2018. Estimates indicate oil and gas revenues for both Districts will be in excess of the budgeted amounts; approximately $135,752 in the elementary and $870,270. Following discussion on options available for these funds, Mr. Thogersen made a motion to transfer oil and gas revenue in excess of budgeted amounts in the Elementary District to the Building Reserve Fund (161). Mr. Seitz seconded the motion which passed 6 to 0.

Mr. Thogersen moved to approve a three year multi-district agreement between High School District #1 and Elementary District #5 to transfer $500,000 of excess oil and gas revenue currently in the high school Flexibility Fund to the Interlocal Cooperative Agreement in the Elementary District (Fund 182). Mr. Lorenz seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Administration recommendations are to earmark funds as follows:$100,000 for technology- security upgrades and classroom chromebooks; $200,000 for teacher salaries to regulate class sizes and energy audit expenses; and, $200,000 for building projects such as the Central roof, Central cafeteria, costs of energy audit recommended improvements and other facility additions/needs.

Mr. Lorenz then moved to transfer High School oil and gas revenue in excess of budgeted amounts to the High School Building Reserve Fund (261). The motion passed 6 to 0 following a second by Mr. Thogersen.

Resolution of Intent to Impose and Increase in Levies for 2018-2019

- Clerk Beyer presented copies of the resolutions for High School District 1 and Elementary District 5 proposed for adoption and publication in the newspaper prior to March 31, 2018 as required by law.

- The estimated net increase across all budgeted funds in Elementary District 5 is $5,179 or .19 mills based on the taxable valuation for 2017-2018

- The High School District anticipates a net decrease of$49,530 or 1.12 mills based on 2017-2018 taxable valuation.

Mr. Thogersen moved to approve the Resolution of Intent to Impose an Increase in Levies for both Elementary District 5 and High School District 1 as presented. Mr. Seitz seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Consider Setting a General Fund Levy Amount for the May Election for Operation of the Districts

- Clerk Beyer provided copies of the 2018-2019 Elementary and High School General Fund budgets based on the Preliminary Budget Data Sheets provided by the Office of Public Instruction (OPI).

- Utilizing oil and gas revenue and tuition to help fund the overBASE budgets, no levy is required to reach the highest available budget in each District.

- Estimated oil and gas revenue needed in the high school general fund to reach the highest budget without a vote is projected to be less than used in 2017-2018 and the budget is estimated to be $3,556,866 versus $3,537,953 for the current year

- Estimated additional oil and gas revenue needed to fund the elementary general fund budget for 2018-2019 is about $13,685 to reach the highest budget without a vote of $6,758,109 compared to $6,750,911 for 2017-2018.

Mr. Thogersen moved to accept the recommendation of administration to not run a levy election in May 2018 to fund either the 2018-2019 High School District #1 or Elementary School District #5 General Fund Budgets. Ms. Dey seconded the motion which passed 6 to 0.

ChairmanSteinbeisser provided an opportunity for Community Comment on non-agenda items: None

With no further business to come before the Trustees, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM


Board Chair

Approved: ______



District Clerk