Directorate D: External cooperation, communication and key indicators
Unit D-1: Statistical Cooperation with European and Mediterranean countries /

Doc. PGSC/2010/05

Meeting of the

Policy Group on Statistical Cooperation

6 - 7 October 2010

Sarajevo, Hotel Europe

Start: 9.30 am

Progress made in conducting adapted global assessments and light peer reviews

Point 4 of the Agenda

This document presents the progress made in conducting light peer reviews (LPRs) of the NSIs and adapted global assessments (AGAs) of the statistical systems in candidate and potential candidate countries as well as ENP East countries.


In November 2009, Eurostat unit D1 launched a three-year project aiming at conducting LPRsof the NSIsand AGAs of the statistical systems in candidate and potential candidate countries as well as ENP East countries. Eurostat contracted a private company (ICON-INSTITUT) to assist in implementing this project.

The implementation of LPRs and AGAs follows the framework presented at the PGSC meeting in October 2009 (see document PGSC/2009/05 Rev. 2 on CIRCA). LPRs are based on the structure and procedures of the ESS peer reviews and are designed for candidate and advanced potential candidate countries. The objectives of LPRs are as follows:

  • to assess compliance of the reviewed NSI in particular with Principles 1-6 and 15 of the European Statistics Code of Practice,
  • to evaluate the coordination role of the NSI within the statistical system,
  • to highlight good practices suitable to foster compliance with the Code,
  • to recommend improvement actions needed in view of fully complying with the Code.

AGAs are based on traditional global reviews of statistical systems but specifically adapted to the potential candidate countries and ENP East countries aiming at aligning their statistical systems with European standards. AGAs have the following main objectives:

  • to assess the administrative and technical capacity of the reviewed statistical systems,
  • to assess the statistical law and other legal acts and its respect of the European and international recommendations and principles,
  • to assess the mechanisms used by the NSI to coordinate the statistical system,
  • to review the medium and long-term planning mechanisms in place,
  • to propose a list of actions to be undertaken in order to improve and strengthen the statistical system,
  • to assess the statistical production against the acquis.

Each LPR and AGA is conducted by a team of two experts, also called peersin LPRs or assessors in AGAs. The expertsare provided by the contractor and approved by Eurostat. One of the experts is responsible for the overall coordination, organisation and reporting in the AGA/LPR process. Additionally, experts from EFTA and UNECE participate in AGAs, including missions, for the ENP East countries. In the case of LPRs and AGAs in candidate and potential candidate countries, observers from the group of reviewed/assessed countries may participate in missions after the prior agreement of the reviewed/assessed country. Besides the experts and observers, representatives of Eurostat participate in allassessments/reviews.

In the case of LPRs one mission is conducted to each country reviewed whereas for AGAs up to two missions can be conducted for each country assessed. Before the assessment mission, the assessing team asks the NSI to provide all necessary documents for conducting the LPR/AGA and to reply to a questionnaire. The result of the mission is a draft assessment report sent to the NSIfor comments. The final report is published on the Eurostat CIRCA website dedicated to the statistical cooperation with the candidate and potential candidate countries:

Eurostat encourages each NSI to publish the final assessment report on its website.

Timetable for LPRs and AGAs

It is foreseen to conduct two LPRs and three AGAs per year in the 2010-2012 period. Eurostat asked the countries to send an official request in order to formally start conducting an LPR/AGA.On 4 December 2009a letter was sent to all candidate and potential candidate countries and on21 October 2009 to all ENP East countries (as well as Central Asian countries) which participated in the Management Seminar on Global Assessments in Yalta in September 2009. Additionally, on 14 December 2009 a letter was sent to Azerbaijan.All candidate and potential candidate countries replied.Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey and Serbia requested an LPR, whereas Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99 requested an AGA. The ENP East countriesAzerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova and Ukraineasked Eurostat for conducting an AGA.

Having considered the first draft of the timetable discussed at the PGSC meeting in October 2009 and analysing the countries' requests, Eurostat worked out the following timetablefor LPRs and AGAs:

  • in 2010, an LPR in Croatia and in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and an AGA in Montenegro, Albania and Azerbaijan;
  • in 2011, an LPR in Serbia and Turkey, and an AGA in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Ukraine;
  • in 2012, an AGA will be conducted in Belarus and Moldova. An LPR for two countries and an AGA for one more country are to be decided.

Progress in implementing the AGAs and LPRs in 2010

The AGA for Montenegro and the LPR for Croatia have been successfully finalised. The AGA for Azerbaijan is well advanced.The AGA for Albania and the LPR for the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia have been launched and the preparations for the missions are progressing well.

TheAGA of the statistical system in Montenegro was launched at the beginning of February 2010. The global assessment was carried out by a team composed of two experts: Mr Günter Kopsch as leading expert (former director in DESTATIS) and Mr Jan Byfuglien (Statistics Norway). The assessment mission was held from 8 to 12 March 2010. One representative of Eurostat, two observers from Albania and one observer from the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia participated in this mission as well. Mr Kopsch sent the final AGA report to MONSTAT on 26 May 2010. After the final language check, Eurostat sent the final version of the report to MONSTAT on 14 June 2010 and published it on the CIRCA website dedicated to the statistical cooperation with the candidate and potential candidate countries at the beginning of July.

Eurostat launched the LPR of the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) in Croatia in the middle of January 2010. The peer review was conducted by a team composed of two experts: Mr Günter Kopsch (leading expert) and Mr Stanislav Drápal (Vice-President of the Czech Statistical Office). The review visit in Croatia was heldfrom 29 March to 1 April 2010. Representatives of Eurostat, one observer from the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and one observer from Turkeyparticipated in this mission as well.Mr Kopsch sent the final LPR report to the CBS on 27 May 2010. After the final language check, Eurostat sent the final version of the report to the CBS on 4 August 2010 and published it on the Eurostat CIRCA website at the beginning of September 2010.

The AGA of the statistical system of Azerbaijan was launched in the middle of February 2010. The global assessment is conducted by Eurostat in cooperation with EFTA and UNECE. The AGA in Azerbaijan is carried out by a team composed of the following experts: Ms Hana Šlégrová as the leading expert (Czech Statistical Office) and Mr Peter Hackl (former Director General of Statistics Austria) as well as Mr Jan Byfuglien from EFTA and Mr Carsten Hansen from UNECE. The first assessment mission was held from 14 to 18 June 2010. The experts produced the first draft of the assessment report. The second assessment mission is scheduled for October 2010. Representatives of Eurostat participate in the assessment missions.

Eurostat launched the LPR of the State Statistical Office (SSO) of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedoniaat the end of April 2010. The peer review is conducted by a team composed of two experts: Mr Günter Kopsch (leading expert)and Ms Hana Šlégrová. The review mission is to be held on 2-5 November 2010. Representatives of Eurostat, one observer from Serbia and one observer from Turkeywill participate in this review as well.

Eurostat launched theAGA of the statistical system of Albania at the end of June 2010. The global assessment is carried out by a team composed of Mr Günter Kopsch (leading expert) and Mr Jan Byfuglien. The first mission is to be held on 20-24 September 2010 and a second mission may take place in November 2010. Representatives of Eurostat, two observers from Kosovo and one observer from Bosnia and Herzegovina will participate in the assessment as well.