Letter of Intent Deadline: September 15, 2017

Application Review Deadline: October 12, 2017

Application Deadline: November 2, 2017

For Fulton, Montgomery, and Saratoga County-based Individual Artists and Non-Profit Organizations

Project Coordinator Information:



Arts Education Grant Request Amount: $

Arts Focus:

Project Title:

Non-Profit Organization
(Please complete if lead applicant is an organization)

Executive Director: Email:

Mailing Address: Phone:



Date of Incorporation:

Fiscal Year:

NYS Assembly District and Representative/s:

NYS Senate Representative/s:

U.S. Congressional District and Representative/s:

Individual Artist

(Please complete if lead applicant is an individual artist)

Name: Email:
Mailing Address:

Address of Primary Residence:



NYS Assembly District and Representative/s:

NYS Senate Representative/s:

U.S. Congressional District and Representative/s:

Fiscal Sponsorship (if applicable)

If your non-profit organization is sponsoring an out-of-county individual artist complete this section. Please note: The Fiscal Sponsor is responsible for completing all necessary paperwork, handling funds, and ensuring the project plan is completed.

Sponsored Artist or Organization:

Sponsored Party Mailing Address:

Sponsored Party Website:

Sponsored Party Email: Phone:

Grant History

(For the Non-Profit Organization or Individual Artist)

Have you or has your organization received Arts Education Funding (formally called AIE LCB) or been involved in an Arts Education Project?

If yes, list year(s) and amounts received:

Year: Amount: $
Year: Amount: $
Year: Amount: $

Year: Amount: $

Year: Amount: $

Have you or has your organization ever applied directly to NYSCA for funding? ____Yes ____No

If yes, list year(s), program, and funding amounts received, if any:

Year: Program: Amount: $

Year: Program: Amount: $

Year: Program: Amount: $

Year: Program: Amount: $

Year: Program: Amount: $

NOTE: Organizations that applied directly to NYSCA for FY18may NOT apply for Arts Education 2018 funding.

NP Organization Mission Statement (original - as stated on tax exempt):

Non Profit Organization or Individual Artist Activities: (Please highlight your professional experiences or organizational program activities – include a one or two sentence description for each.)

Community Arts Education Grant - Project Description Questions
Answer the following questions using no more than five typed, 8.5” x 11” pages in 11pt.-sized font.

1. What will the artist and students do during the three-day project? Please be specific.

Community AE Residency Example:

The Friends of the local public library are interested in applying for an Arts Education Grant that entails having individual artist, Georgia O'Keefe, facilitate a three day, 2 hour per day, painting residency with a small group of senior learners. Students will learn the history of painting and general painting techniques, and more specifically, about outdoor landscape painting. Preregistration is required through the Library's website; the short-term residency / workshop will take place from 6pm-8pm in Classroom B at the Library. The Friends are requesting funding support to cover Georgia's teaching fees, promotional expenses related to marketing the residency/workshop, and travel expenses for the artists to travel to the library.}

2. Who is involved in planning and implementing the project, and when will they meet?

3. How will student learning be evaluated? What methods and tools will be used? Please be specific. (List the learning goals your project focuses on. Provide specific examples.)

4. What teaching role will the artist/s play in the project?

6. How many core student learners are participating in the residency? (A “Core Group of Students” is a set of students (youth or senior learners) who meet with the same individual artist for a minimum of three teaching sessions. Each session is a “Contact Session”

6. Who is responsible for promoting / marketing the residency? What tools will you use? How will you make the local community, parents and school community aware of your arts education project? Who is responsible for sharing the residency with the school and general public?

7. A completed budget is required, to download a2018Community Arts Education Grants Budget Form (Excel File) visit

Certification And Release

The undersigned certifies that he or she:

  1. is a principal officer of the applicant organization with authority to obligate it;
  2. has knowledge of the information presented herein is accurate and true;
  3. has read the guidelines for Arts Education Grants, incorporated herein by reference, that his/her application complies with and is made subject to said guidelines;
  4. is aware of Federal Regulation 504 relating to the accessibility of the handicapped to programs and facilities;
  5. on behalf of the applicant also releases Saratoga Arts, which is the administrative unit for Arts Education Grants in Fulton, Montgomery, and Saratoga Counties, its employees and agents with respect to damages to property or materials submitted in connection herewith. The applicant further agrees that in the event the applicant commences litigation against Saratoga Arts, and/or the New York State Council on the Arts, then, in that event, the applicant shall be fully liable for any and all costs, including attorneys’ fees incurred by Saratoga Arts and/or the New York State Council on the Arts, their employees and agents in defense of the subject litigation;
  6. declares that all statements contained in this application are true and correct;
  7. understands that false or incorrect information in the application may lead Saratoga Arts to request the return of funds awarded through this application and may disqualify the applicant and applying organization from this and future Arts Education Grant opportunities.

Applying Non-Profit Organization
Executive Director/Board President/Head of Municipality



Applying Individual Artist



Fiscally Sponsored Artist (if applicable)


Fiscally Sponsored Organization (if applicable)

Partnering Community Organization (if applicable)

Application Checklist

All applications, budgets, and support materials will be submitted via email to Grants Administrator at

Non-Profit Organization

_____Application Form & Budget – 1 Copy

_____Supplementary Materials For NP Organization Only – 1 Copy

_____Non-Profit Board of Directors List (name/address/phone/occupation/affiliations)

_____Artistic/Administrative Personnel List (name/address/phone/project role)

_____Resumes or Bios of Artistic & Administrative Personnel (on above list)

_____Non-Profit Financial Statement

_____Artistic Support Materials (see guidelines below)

_____Non-Profit proof – 1 Copy

___IRS letter granting tax-exempt status___NYS Board of Regents Charter

___Unit of Local Government___NYS Charities Registration

___Incorporation Certificate under Section S.402 of NYS Not-for-Profit Law ______

Individual Artist

_____Application Form – 1 Copy (Original with original signatures)

_____Supplementary Materials for Individual Artist Only – 1 Copy

_____Artistic/Administrative Personnel List (name/address/phone/project role)

_____Artist Resume

_____Resumes or Bios of Artistic & Administrative Personnel

_____Support Letter from Community Partner

_____Artistic Support Materials

_____Proof of Residency (2 of the following - 1 copy each):

_____Drivers License

_____Copy of current Federal or New York State tax return (block out figures)

_____Voter Registration Card

_____Copy of dated Lease or Mortgage Agreement

____Artistic Support Materials

Applicants are asked to submit artistic samples that represent their organization’s work from the last three years.Choose the medium appropriate for the project and artistic discipline of the involved artists.


oDigital Images – Color images or BW, maximum of 5 each labeled with Number, Title & Date of Work. Include a numbered Image List with Number, Title, Artist, Date of Work, Medium and Dimensions. Note: 3-D artists may submit two views of each piece for a max. of 10 images.

oLiterary Work – Maximum 10 pages, typed, double-spaced. Include a Title Page labeled with Artist Name, Title and Date of Work. Poetry may be single-spaced, each poem on a separate page.

oAudio MP3 Tracks, or audio links found on Vimeo or Youtube– Maximum 10 minutes. Specify which tracks to be played. Label with Artist Name, Title and Date of Work.

oVideo links to Vimeo or Youtube – Maximum 10 minutes. Label with Artist Name, Title and Date of Work.

oWebsites – Maximum 2 websites may be listed on a single piece of paper, each with a description of what is displayed

oNew Articles - Maximum of 3


o Type your application and budget

o Gather all artistic support materials electronically

o Submit application, budget, and artistic support materials electronically to Grants Administrator

o Incomplete applications not accepted

o Keep a copy of your application for your records

Would you like your application reviewed for feedback prior to the application deadline on November 2, 2017? Submit your application to Grants Administrator, by October 12, 2017 at !