Associate Secretaries of the Senior Tutors’ Committee
The Senior Tutors’ Committee is seeking two Associate Secretaries to commence work on 1 September 2016. Candidates should have extensive tutorial experience in Cambridge, including current or recent experience of the role of Senior Tutor. The Associate Secretaries work with the Secretary of the Senior Tutors’ Committee in carrying through the Committee’s business so that the Colleges work effectively together and with the University on matters of undergraduate and graduate education, welfare and admissions. The Associate Secretaries will take on some specific areas of responsibility, but the exact details of the portfolios will subject to discussion with the successful candidates.
There are two positions, one for three years with the possibility of one renewal of a further three years, and one for two years with the possibility of one renewal of three year. There is regular appraisal. Remuneration arrangements are flexible and the posts may involve either an additional stipend or payment towards buy out from a College or University post, and applicants holding College or University offices should discuss arrangements with their Head of House and/or Head of Department as appropriate. The pensionable salary for the offices is at step 68 of the University’s scale of stipends, currently £68,085 for a full-time appointment. The Associate Secretaries will be remunerated at 20% of a full-time appointment.
Further details may be seen at
Potential candidates are encouraged to discuss the post informally with the incoming Secretary of the Senior Tutors’ Committee, Dr Mark Wormald, Pembroke College. Applications, including a curriculum vitae, the names of two referees, and a personal statement of the particular interests from the portfolio of responsibilities and how the candidate sees their roles in the post, should be sent to Mrs Alice Benton, Executive Secretary of the Senior Tutors’ Committee, 17 Mill Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1RX, or by email to to arrive no later than 21 March 2016. Interviews will be conducted on 27 April, 2016.