AP EconomicsMr. Ehnes
2nd Quarter 9 Week AP Economics PROJECT
- This project will cover the span of the 2nd quarter of the school year. (9weeks)
- Your task is to establish a group of 2 people or decide to do this solo.
- You will present your project ideaon the due date listed below. This should be done in a professional manner, similar to a business proposal. I will approve or redirect your project proposal.
- The main point of the project is to immerse yourself in the business world. You are to create an idea that permits you to establish a hypothesis, then set out to test your hypothesis, and subsequently collect data. You should have your data collected and start working on the conclusion by December 15, 2015.
- Please do not wait until the last minute with this project. Consider the time schedule below.
- There will be check-ups to ensure that everything is progressing smoothly.
- Last week of the quarter you will present your project to the class. Your presentation should be professional. You are expected to dress in business attire when presenting. Presentations should be approximately 3-4 minutes.
- Your presentations can be in the form of a video, powerpoint format, or skit with illustrations. (See me for any other presentation format you might come up with) On the day of the presentation you should have any files on a flashdrive. I will provide the computer and TV monitor.
- In order to keep presentations flowing, I will hold up a sign showing that you have 1 minute left for your presentation. Please adhere to the time limits so that all presenters have adequate time.
***This should be a fun and creative project, as well as, informative. Enjoy the process***
Schedule: 11-6-2015Project proposal written out, list of group members
11-23-2015Project check-up #1. Turn in paper documenting progress.
12-15-2015Project check-up #2. Turn in paper documenting progress.
12-16-2015Presentation Sign-up
1-4-2016Projects due, begin presentations
Examining and testing stock options
USA vs. China, Comparative Living
Grassbusters: Promotions
Acquire quality clothing goods from Goodwill, and resell them on ebay for a profit
Analysis of the economic impact of the potential Davis Garage resolutions
Dickey’s BBQ - Opening a Restaurant in a bad economy
Jim Cramer from Mad Money vs. My picks vs. Market indexes
prices of heating will vary based on the seasons
College/University Analysis: Is It Worth It?
The Economics of Formula 1
FED Bond Buybacks
Types of Monetary Incentives
Financial Planning
Food Delivery Service
Investments: Learned how to research 3 stocks and followed them for 8 weeks
Game Theory
To study the recession’s effect on consumer confidence and people’s spending habits in the holiday season
Lunch delivery service: Price elasticity of demand
Storage wars