Peter StoettPage 110/27/2018
Peter J. Stoett, PhD
Current Position and Recent Highlights:
Dean and Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Oshawa, June2017-present
Professor, Department of Political Science, Concordia University, Montreal, 1998-2017;
Department Chair 2005-2011
Director, Loyola Sustainability Research Centre, Concordia University, 2012-2017
Provost Fellow for Sustainability at Concordia University, 2013-2017
Senior Research Fellow, Earth Systems Governance Project
International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change (IHDP), now part of the Future Earth consortium
Provost Visiting Scholar Fellowship, University of Tasmania, Australia, March-April 2017
Leverhulme Visiting Scholar in Climate Justice, Reading University, U.K., May-June 2016
Erasmus Mundas Visiting Scholar (European Commission), International Institute for Social Studies, The Hague, Netherlands, April-July 2013
Fulbright Visiting Research Chair in Canadian-American Relations, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington D.C., January-June 2012
Member, Concordia Board of Governors, August 2009-June 2011; Member, Concordia Senate Committee on Academic Planning and Priorities, 2008-2010
Co- Series Editor, with Owen Temby:Environmental Governance: Local-Regional-Global Linkages, book series with SUNY University Press, 2014-present
Academic Teaching/Employment/Fellowship Experience
Professor, Department of Political Science, Concordia University, Montreal:
Hired June 1998; tenured June 2003; obtained full professorship June 2010.
Departmental Chairperson from June 1st, 2005, to May 31st, 2011 (two terms).
March-April 2017: Provost’s Visiting Scholar Fellowship, Faculty of Social Science, University of Tasmania, Hobert, Tasmania, Australia; research and guest lectures.
May-June 2016: Leverhulme Visiting Scholar in Climate Justice, Reading University, U.K., May-June 2016; research and PhD student mentorship.
April-July, 2013:Erasmus Mundus Visiting Scholar, Mundus MAPP Consortium, International Institute of Social Studies (University of Rotterdam), The Hague, Netherlands; taught a course on global governance and conducted research on international law.
January-June, 2012: Fulbright Visiting Research Chair in Canadian-American Relations, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Canada Institute, Washington, D.C. Researched transborder environmental relations, completed a book publication with University of Toronto Press, engaged in Wilson Center activities.
June, various years between 2006-2009: Visiting Professor and Academic Advisor, United Nations’ University for Peace, San Jose, Costa Rica; Master’s level courses and online tutorials on Global Governance and Environmental Security.
June-August 2011 and June-August 2012: Visiting Professor, IMT Institute for Advanced Studies/Scuola di Dottorato, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy; PhD courses on International Institutions and Law.
Prior to June 1998:
Fall 1997: McMaster University, part-time Sessional Lecturer.
Summer 1997-1998: University of Guelph, SSHRCC Post-doctoral Fellow and Research Associate, part-time Sessional Lecturer, and online course development.
1996-1997:Brock University, full-time Sessional Lecturer.
Winter 1996: University of Waterloo, part-time Sessional Lecturer.
1995-1996:University of Guelph, full-time Visiting Assistant Professor.
Summer 1995: University of British Columbia, part-time Sessional Lecturer, and Simon Fraser University, part-time Sessional Lecturer.
Fall 1994-Summer 1995: University of British Columbia, full-time Lecturer.
1993-1994:Queen’s University, part-time Sessional Lecturer; distance education course development.
Ph.D.(1994), Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario
Concentrations: International Relations; Comparative Politics of Developing Countries.
Dissertation: Atoms, Whales, and Rivers: Global Environmental Security and International Organization. Supervised by Dr. Charles Pentland, Queen’s University. External examiner: Dr. Robert Boardman, Dalhousie University.
M.A.(1990), University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario
Concentrations: International Development; Canadian Government and Politics.
Thesis with Distinction: Globalism and Canadian Responses to Apartheid. Supervised by Dr. Richard Little.
Hons. B.A. (1988), University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario
Major: Political Studies; Minor: History
Thesis, First Class: Nuclear Proliferation in South Asia. Supervised by Dr. Henry Wiseman.
Certificate in Executive Education for Sustainability Leadership, Harvard University, T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Centre for Health and the Global Environment, July 2015.
Administrative Leadership and Service at Concordia University
- July 2017-present: Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Oshawa, Canada. Responsible for leadership and management of the Faculty.
- November 2012-March 2017: Director of the Loyola Sustainability Research Centre, housed within the Loyola College for Diversity and Sustainability, Faculty of Arts and Science; 32 full members from 13 different departments, 20 associate members; thematic focus on biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation and adaptation; hosts 1-2 major academic conferences a year; co-ordinates and contributes to interdisciplinary grant applications; supervision of student interns; etc.
- July 2105-January 2016: Interim Principal of the Loyola College for Diversity and Sustainability, Faculty of Arts and Science; responsible for day-to-day operation of the College and longer-term planning and publicity drives; etc.
- June 1st, 2005 – May 31st, 2011: Chairperson, Department of Political Science; 25-35 full-time faculty members, 20 part-time teachers; 6 staff members; 1,600 Political Science Undergraduate Majors; 200 Minors; 150 graduate students (MA and PhD). Chair duties/initiatives included budget oversight, curriculum development, chairing of several committees, development of two minors (Human Rights and Sustainability Studies), implementation of the new PhD program.
- Appointed the first Provost Fellow for Sustainability at Concordia University, November 2013 to February 2017: leadership in advancing the sustainability studies research and pedagogy agenda across campus; member of the Provost Fellows circle, which communicates with the President’s Executive Group; co-chair of the Sustainability Sub-Committee on Teaching, Learning, and Research; developing web content, and an online certificate; co-ordinated Concordia’s membership in the UNEP’s Global Universities Partnership in Environment and Sustainability; design of a compost awareness campaign;etc.
- Member, Concordia Board of Governors, August 2009 – June 2011; attended all Board meetings, attended gala dinners and fundraising events, communicated with Senate committees, reviewed budgetary information.
- University Operational & Environmental Sustainability Sub-Committee, November 2013-2017; works with the Vice-President, Services, to reduce the ecological footprint of the entire university campus.
-Member, Executive Committee, Board of Governors, Jan-June 2011; sets agenda for Board meetings, discusses senior hiringand budgetary matters.
- Member, Personnel and Promotions Committee, Board of Governors, July 2009-June 2011; approves senior hires, sabbaticals, and search committees.
- Elected member, Provost Search Committee, 2012-13; interviewed candidates for the vacant Provost position and recommended the new hire.
- Elected member, Department Personnel Committee, Department of Political Science, June 2013-June 2015; reviews academic, teaching, and service reviews of faculty in the department and approves recommendations from hiring committees on new hires.
- Member, Department Research Committee, Department of Political Science, 1999-2000, 2005-2011, 2014-2015.
- Member, PhD Admissions Committee, Department of Political Science, 2013-14.
- Member, Sustainable Communities Partnership Advisory Board, 2012-13; provided advice to the Vice-President, Development and External Relations, and Secretary-General.
- Member, Special Evaluation Committee for Director of Communications, Board of Governors, December 2009.
- Member, Special Evaluation Committee for Chief Financial Officer, Board of Governors, February 2010.
- Fellow, Loyola College for Diversity and Sustainability (formerly known as the Loyola International College), 2009-2017.
- Evaluator, Concordia University's PBEEE Quebec Merit Scholarship Competition for Foreign Students Committee, 2012-2014.
- Member, Senate Committee on Academic Planning and Priorities, 2008-2010.
- Member of University Senate, June 1st, 2006 to May 31, 2011.
- Elected to Senate Steering Committee, 2008-2010.
- Elected to Arts and Science Faculty Council Steering Committee, 2007-2010.
- Member of Arts and Science Faculty Council, 2005-2011.
- Member of Online Teaching Development Committee, Arts and Science, 2009-2010.
- Member, Learning Commons Working Group, 2009-2010: developed a plan for common working space/info kiosks on campus.
- Member, Sustainability Tracking and Rating System Committee, 2008-2009.
- Provided input for development of a Chair’s Handbook, May 2009.
- Primary development of the Minor in Human Rights Studies, 2007-2009; and the Minor in Sustainability Studies, 2008-2010.
- SSHRC Concordia Master’s and PhD students grant Evaluation Board, June 2003-December 2004.
- Chair, Department Personnel Committee, Department of Political Science, 2004-2011.
- Chair, Political Science Ph.D. Programme Development Committee, 2001-2003.
- Member of School of Graduate Studies Council, 2000-2003.
- Elected to Graduate Studies Council, Steering Committee, 2001-2003.
- Department Environmental Health and Safety Officer, 2001-2005, 2008-2010.
- Faculty Tribunal Pool Member, 2001-2005: reviews and adjudicates plagiarism and other academic misconduct charges and appeals.
- Departmental Representative, Urban Studies Program Committee, 2000-2005
- Department First Alternate Part-Time Hiring Committee, 2000-2001.
- Department Workload Committee (member and alternate), 1999-2000.
- Chair and member of several PhD Dissertation and MA Thesis Committees external to the Department of Political Science, 1998-2016.
Grants and Scholarly Awards
2016-2018: Co-applicant, SSHRC Community and College Social Innovation Fund, “Food justice and sustainability: mobilizing new technologies to transform cities and build communities of change” (P.I. Anna-Liisa Aunio, Dawson College),$166,406
2016-2020: Co-applicant, SSHRC Insight Grant, “Botanic Gardens as Actors in Global Environmental Governance” (P.I. Katja Neves, Concordia),$230,000
2014-2016: Co-applicant, Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la nature et les technologies,Regroupement stratégique:“Quebec Centre for Biodiversity Science” (P.I. Andrew Gonzalez, McGill University),$3,240,000
2016: Co-applicant, SSHRC Connections Grant, “Global Diplomacy in the Digital Age: Decoding How Technology is Transforming International Relations” (P.I. Elizabeth Bloodgood, Concordia), $45,000 (with $20,000 in matching funds)
2016: SSHRC Connections Grant, “Avoiding Catastrophe: Linking Armed Conflict, Harm to Ecosystems, and Public Health.” P.I. on grant with several collaborators; conference hosted by LSRC in early May 2016, $20,000 (with $20,000 in matching funds)
2016: Co-applicant, Fulbright Canada/U.S. State Department Community Leadership Grant, establishing a mentorship network for Syrian refugee teenagers placed in the Montreal region, $8000
2015:Aid to Research-Related Events Internal Concordia Grant, for May 2016 conference on violence, health, and ecology hosted by LSRC: $1000 (with $1000 in matching funds)
2014: With William Reimer, Principal Investigator, and others: “Rural Policy Learning Commons”, SSHRC Institution Partnership Grant. Total awarded: $2,500,000
2013: Principal researcher: “Exploring the Ecological, Policy and Cultural Implications of Climate Change for Conservation in Canada-U.S. Borderlands Regions.” Team seed grant from the Office of the Vice-President, Research and Graduate Studies, Concordia University. Total awarded: $13,500
2013: With E. Brunet-Jailly, Principal Investigator, and others: “Borders in Globalization: Cultures, Governance, Market Forces, History, Security, Sustainability”, SSHRC Institution Partnership Grant. Total awarded: $2,300,000
2013:Erasmus Mundus Visiting Scholarship: Mundus Master’s in Administration and Public Policy Consortium, held at the International Institute for Social Sciences, The Hague (University of Rotterdam), Netherlands. Total awarded: $18,000
2012: Fulbright Fellowship Award: Fulbright Visiting Research Chair on Canada-U.S. Relations, conducted at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Canada Institute, Washington, D.C., Jan-June 2012. Project title: “Transborder Bioinvasion: Canada-U.S. Policy Networks on Invasive Alien Species.” Total awarded: $25,000
2012: Team member, CISSC Interdisciplinary Working Group on Educating for Environmental Sustainability, Concordia University internal development grant. Total awarded: $3,000
2012: Team member: NSERC CREATE Opportunity Grant for funding to establish a Centre for Water, Energy, and Sustainability, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Concordia University, Montreal; this continued an earlier President’s Fund grant (with Catherine Mulligan, Associate Dean for Research, Faculty of Engineering) for exploratory work on the Centre. Total awarded: $10,000
2012-2013: Fulbright Canada-RBC Eco-Leadership Program Grant: The City Farm School at Concordia University (for tools for an urban agriculture project): Total awarded: $4,000
2008-2011: SSHRC Standard Research Grant, Principal researcher: “Bioinvasion and Global Environmental Governance: the Transnational Policy Network on Invasive Alien Species.” Total awarded: $58,234
2010-2011: Co-applicant (with Noel Burke, Dean of the School of Extended Learning), “Moving Forward”, a grant to establish community outreach events at Concordia University from the President’s Fund. Events held in 2011 and 2014. Total awarded: $24,000
2009-2011: Principal researcher: “The International Criminal Court and Child Soldiering: The Thomas Lubanga Dyilo Trial.” Internal Concordia Grant, Faculty of Arts and Science, Research Support for Academic Heads. Total awarded:$7,000
2008-2009: Principal researcher: “River Ecology, Policies, and Values: the St. Lawrence River.” Team seed grant from Office of the Vice President, Research and Graduate Studies, Concordia. Total awarded: $16,000
2007-2008: Principal researcher: “A Question of Indictment: The International Criminal Court’s Strategic Dilemma and the Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda.” Internal Concordia Research Award. Total awarded:$3,000
2002-2012: Team member, Centre de Études des Politiques Étrangères et de Securité (CEPES) Research Fellowship, UQUAM-Concordia, Department of National Defense, Canada. Total awardedto Dr. Stoett: $32,000
2004-2007: Team member, “La mise en oeuvre des conventions de Rio: conditions et perspectives d’un apprentissage collectif”, Principal investigator P. LePrestre, UQAM: Fondes de recherché sur la societe et la culture. Total awarded: $146,092. (Work on grant discontinued due to health issues of team member.)
2004: With Eric Abitbol: Peace and Conflict Resolution Series, Concordia University, Forum Series, “Globalized Conflict Transformation”, Feb-April, 2004. Total awarded: $7,750
2004: Special grant by Vice-Dean, Research and Graduate Studies, Concordia University, for research in Bosnia-Herzegovina on post-conflict environmental policy development and security, Fall of 2004. Total awarded: $2,700
2001-2002: Principal researcher, “Canadian Foreign Policy and Human Security in the Mekong River Basin”, General Research Fund Competition, SSHRCC/Concordia. Total awarded: $2,900
1999 - 2002: Principal researcher, “International Wildlife Conservation”, Faculty Development Research Program, Concordia University. Total awarded: $16,200
1999 - 2002: Principal researcher, “The Foreign Policy of Wildlife Conservation”, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Standard Research Grant. Total awarded: $36,374
August 2001:Academic Council for United Nations Studies/American Society for International Law Summer Workshop, University of Namibia: “Children’s Rights and Humanitarian Intervention”; grant included airfare, accommodation and expenses in Namibia, estimated at $6,000
1998-99: Principal researcher, “The International Politics of War Crimes Tribunals”, General Development Research Program, Concordia University. Total awarded: $3,200
1997-98:Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Post-Doctoral Fellowship. Total awarded: $28,000 (withdrawn in second year to assume tenure-track position at Concordia)
1995: Marvin Gelber Essay Prize (best essay by a young scholar in the field of international relations) International Journal. Total awarded: $1,000
1990-94:Queen’s University Dean’s Awards. Total awarded: $6,000
1992-93:McLaughlin Graduate Studies Fellowship, Queen’s University. Total awarded: $10,000
1991-92:Queen’s Graduate Scholarship. Total awarded: $5,000
1990: Award of Distinction, M.A. Thesis, University of Guelph
Various years: Canadian Political Science Association Travel Grants
Applications in progress:
Dr. Stoett is also involved in the application process for several grants related to the Loyola Sustainability Research Centre and its members at any given time.
SSHRC Insight Grant Application: Integrative Biosecurity Networking: Environmental Crime and Invasive Species Prevention
Books, Authored/Co-authored/Co-edited:
(Note: authors are listed in alphabetical order; in each case, the research and writing workloads were shared equally.)
P. Stoett and O. Temby, eds., Regional Transnational Networks and Governance: Towards North American Environmental Policy? Forthcoming: SUNY Press, 2017.
A. Sens and P. Stoett, Global Politics: Origins, Currents, Directions. Fifth Edition. Scarborough: ITP Nelson, 2013. (First Edition, 1998, Second Edition, 2001, Third Edition 2005, Fourth Edition 2010).
P. Stoett, Global Ecopolitics: Crisis, Governance, and Justice.Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2012.
C. Gore and P. Stoett, eds., Environmental Challenges and Opportunities: Local-Global Perspectives on Canadian Issues. Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 2009.
E. Laferrière and P. Stoett, eds., International Ecopolitical Theory: Critical Reflections. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2006.
P. LePrestre and P. Stoett, eds., Bilateral Ecopolitics: Continuity and Change in Canadian-American Environmental Relations. London: Ashgate, 2006.
O.P. Dwivedi, P. Kyba, P. Stoett, and R. Thiessen, Sustainable Development and Canada: National and International Perspectives. Toronto: Broadview Press, 2001.
P. Stoett, Human and Global Security: An Exploration of Terms. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2000.
E. Laferrière and P. Stoett, International Relations Theory and Ecological Thought: Towards Synthesis. London: Routledge, 1999.
P. Stoett, The International Politics of Whaling. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1997.
P. Stoett, Atoms, Whales, and Rivers: Global Environmental Security and International Organization. Commack, NY: Nova Science Publishers, 1995.
N. Basic and P. Stoett. Globalizacija I Sigurnost. Bihac, Bosnia: Pravni Fakultet, Univerzitet u Bihacu, 2006. In Serbo-Croatian, translated by N. Basic.
Forthcoming: “Murder Most Foul and Unnatural: Human Security and Transnational Environmental Crime.” Contract signed with Palgrave Macmillan; due date for first draft of manuscript is December 2017.
Chapters in Edited Volumes and Refereed Reports:
(Note: I have not included the introductions and conclusions to volumes I have edited here)
Forthcoming: P. Stoett, “Imperilled Majesty: North American Oceans and Coasts, Ecological Pressures, and the Policy Context.” In GustavoS. Sosa Núñez, ed.,
From Green to Blue: Widening the Scope of Environmental Policies in North America (London: Palgrave).
Coordinating lead section author, “Biota: Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services”; and contributing section author to “Regional Context and Priorities”, “Land”, “Coastal, Marine, Oceans”, and “Policy Response” in the UNEP Global Environmental Outlook-6 Regional Assessment for North America (United Nations Environmental Programme, Nairobi, Kenya, 2016).
Co-author of two chapters in the UN WHO-CBD Secretariat’s State of Knowledge Report: Connecting Global Priorities (New York, Geneva: 2015): “Infectious Disease”, and “Water.”
Forthcoming: “Transnational Environmental Crime”, in A. Swain, ed., The Routledge Handbook on the Environment and Peacebuilding (London: Routledge).
Forthcoming: D. Vannijnatten and P. Stoett, “Continental Biological Counter-invasion: Invasive Species Management in North America.” In O. Temby and P. Stoett, eds., North American Transnational Networks and Governance: Towards Continental Environmental Policy? (New York: SUNY Press, 2017).
C. Machalaba, C. Romanelli, P. Stoett, "Global Environmental Change and Emerging Infectious Diseases: Macrolevel Drivers and Policy Responses," Chapter Three inM. Bouzid, ed., Examining The Role of Environmental Change On Emerging Infectious Diseases and Pandemics (Hershy, PA: IGI Global, 2017), 24-67.